How can I add more calcium to my daughter’s Milk Free... - CMPA


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How can I add more calcium to my daughter’s Milk Free diet?

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What about the calcium? Is it not mostly in Milk? How can I substitute or get it from somewhere else?

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Hi Shara, I understand that it is very important to carefully plan a high-calcium diet, an important substance especially for the bone growth, and provides a list with some common foods that are good sources of dietary calcium and have little or not lactose.

Calcium and Lactose in Common Foods

Vegetables / Calcium Content (and 0% Lactose Content)

Soymilk, fortified, 1 cup / 200–300 mg

Sardines, with edible bones, 3 oz / 270 mg

Salmon, canned, with edible bones, 3 oz / 270 mg

Tofu, 1 cup / 258 mg

Sesame seeds, 1/10 cup / 220 mg

Broccoli, raw, 1 cup / 90 mg

Garbanzos, 1 cup / 80 mg

Almonds, 1/10 cup / 60 mg

Orange, 1 medium / 50 mg

Artichoke, 1/2 cup / 47 mg

Pinto beans, 1/2 cup / 40 mg

Tuna, canned, 3 oz / 10 mg

Lettuce greens, 1/2 cup / 10 mg

Dairy Products / Calcium Content and Lactose Content

Yogurt, plain, low-fat, 1 cup / 415 mg and 5 g

Milk, reduced fat, 1 cup / 295 mg and 11 g

Swiss cheese, 1 oz / 270 mg and 1 g

Ice cream, 1/2 cup / 85 mg and 6 g

Cottage cheese, 1/2 cup / 75 mg and 2–3 g



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