Does your child/young person receive ... - Children's Liver ...
Does your child/young person receive extra support to access education or with care needs.
Please select all that apply:
We’ve applied for DLA for the child who is ill. Her brother was already on Autistic Pathway, however we were able to access additional resources for him, using her illness as a catalyst. Neither get access support to education as she is still in nursery and he is home educated. However, I do know that support to education is available though not widely publicized, where it should be, imho. Same goes for help with care needs. When a parent becomes a carer, they are entitled to respite and other supports that are usually not widely known.
I don't know what EHC assessment plan is! However our young lad started getting home out reach teaching, but only after being off school for 5months, and only 1/4 time for the 5months before that. Don't know if he would be elegible for DLA. Not been given any info about that side of things.
EHC is an Education and Health Care Plan for children who may need additional support in accessing education. if you would like more information on this please give me a call at the office - Jacquie