also go to gym 3 times weekly and am vegetarian. dont smoke or drink. ?????????
does anyone know if coming of simvasta... - Cholesterol Support
does anyone know if coming of simvastatin 40 mg after 5 + years will cause high blood pressure. very active run approx 35 km/ week.
Is your blood pressure normal now?
Actually, my blood pressure increased gradually when I was on simvastatin, but then increased significantly when I was told to switch to artovastatin. I stopped using statins altogether, and my blood pressure has not changed.
There may be other factors involved, but I do not think that coming off statins will increase your blood pressure
hi ursa
thanks for reply. unfortunately the bp is still high. better explain. i exercise alot and resting heart rate is +- 49 bpm. i am type 2 diabetic. pretty well controlled by tablets. had a minor heart attack 3.5 years ago. since then bp was good. but about a week ago i stopped the simvastatin because of concerns over muscle and general body pains (after trolling the internet) on monday during a gym session my heart rate rocketed to 185/88 and i felt a fluttering in my chest (no pain) next thing i know i was picking myself of the gym floor. since then my heart rate is permanently up around 165/88 even though my pulse is staying around 50. everything else in life is just the same so thinking it is because i stopped the simvastating. hoping this high pressure will drop off as my body gets acclimatized to no statins.
Hi, Can you give us some more information. Why were you prescribed statins 5 years ago and why have you decided to stop taking them now? What were your BP readings then and now? Are you on any other meds and do you have a cardiovascular condition?
hi florence5 blood pressure was generally around 100/52. i am on other meds for diabetis (type 2). when diagnosed with type 2 doctor said that i would have to take simvastatin. although very gradual i have noticed a build up of pain in the body. initially put this down to the fact that i run allot and the body is getting older. but then spoke to a friend in america who had the same problem and since he stopped he has felt much better. i have had the usual run of tests on my heart and the specialist says the heart attack was very mild in fact he took me off simvastatin and gave me a fish oil capsule (sorry cant remember the name) but my gp tut tutted and said i had to start it again.

I had extremely high blood pressure (233/116 at rest) which started quite suddenly and has been controlled by beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers for the last ten years. Following an angioplasty last year I have tried every statin and was unable to tolerate any of them. None of them affected my BP in any way, either when I took them or when I stopped. I would be inclined to take my heart specialist's advice over my GPs. It could be due to over exertion, but I think it would be a good idea to get your BP checked out and investigate the fluttering and collapse during exercise, just to be on the safe side, although I could understand why you might be reluctant to approach your GP again. I hope it settles down again soon. Good luck.
Porridge in morning, wholemeal toast at lunch, and fish and steamed veg at dinner. Obviously not the same all the time but that's fairly typical. Drink about 3 litres of water daily plus unfortunately quite a bit of black coffee.
I've been on and off statins overt years. no blood pressure problems correlated with it AFAIK but it maybe happens
I stopped taking atorvastatin 40mg, two months ago. During the year I was taking it, at the same time, I tried many different types of blood pressure medications to try and reduce very high blood pressure. The end point was my evening blood pressure reading was 135/80, treated with doxazin, and a combination tablet lozartan/hydrochlorothiazide. As soon as I stopped taking the statin my blood pressure plumetted. I halved the quantity of both blood pressure tablets and waited till it stabilised. Now I have evening readings of 125/75 and morning 120/75. The atorvastatin was adding at least 10 points to my systolic reading, and this is a conservative estimate because I have halved the BP medication. I have blood pressure readings taken twice a day over this time period but I suspect that a doctor would not believe statins have this effect.
I was taking simvastin 40mg for around 10yrs and then stopped it due to muscle pain etc. My blood pressure never rose. It was always around 100/55 and still is the same