On the back of 'saturated fat does not cause heart disease' post we have today on BBC1's 'Breakfast' a piece on Donal O'neill's documentary 'Cerial Killers', which can be rented here:
Here we had Donal and Dr. Peter Brukner sitting there, both slim, both having lost lots of weight on LCHF. Perhaps more importantly to those of a sporting bent, Peter is the Australian Cricket Team's doctor who encouraged the boys to dump the carbs and embrace the fat (and we all know where that went this summer!). Now, leaving aside natural talent, one can't help but wonder how a national team was persuaded to go LCHF in the face of all the worldwide advice to do exactly the opposite.
Then we had the usual expert advice trotting out the usual response. That in the face of stellar blood sugar control (indeed some diabetics showing no signs of the disease after embracing the lifestyle), superb triglyceride/HDL ratio, weight control etc etc.
Dr. Kendrick's take has just dropped into my inbox:
In the face of a daily onslaught on the stupidity of all this one wonders when (and how) the powers that be are going to extricate themselves from the morass of a dead and decaying hypothesis. I include Heart UK here.