Hi, I'm 'Jedi Queen'
I don't want to repeat every thing I've already written about my Tumor experience (see my profile) but wanted to list some of the social problems I'm facing due to the side effects : Deafness, Epilepsy, Fatigue, Memory and Co-ordination problems to name but a few!
* I always found myself more mature then my piers and so have been rejected by them from high school onwards.
*I never acted like them : I don't drink, smoke or experimented with drugs, I didn't like the music or clothes they did etc
*I don't want to be out late at noisy places and am usually in bed by 8.00pm reading.
* I have been a vegetarian ( nearly Vegan) since 11 years old and wouldn't set foot in McDonalds etc. lol
I think, in general, if you have experienced a life changing condition as a child you realise what really matters in life Alot Earlier than most kids and have more sympathy for people.