The university of Exeter Child and Adolescent Neuropsychology research group are inviting children and young people who had a brain injury before the age of 12 years, and parents/guardians of children/young people who have a had a brain injury before the age of 12 years, to participate in our study.
They are asking participants to watch a short video showing our online intervention. The study will then involve meeting with our researcher, Beth Turnbull, via video-call (e.g., zoom) for about 45-60minutes. The meetings will either be in a group (one group for children/young people, and one group for parents/guardians) or individually, if participants prefer. During the video call, Beth will ask some questions to find out what participants think of the materials and how we can improve them.
As a token of our appreciation, each parent and each child/young person who participates will be given a £10 gift voucher.
If you are interested in taking part in this study, or if you have any questions, then please email Beth via