Hiya I'm a parent carer to 26 yo daughter, the local authority has increased her contributions by 194% for day centres she cannot go to, and a support worker who's brilliant, but can only come once a week, at best (covid permitting). My daughter K, has decided she doesn't want to pay for day centres that are not safe and do not meet her needs, any longer, shes says a year of it is enough. So she a wants us to go back to direct payments. During her financial assessment we didn't know was happening we weren't asked any questions at all, they based it upon the last one , which was done when she was still at school I think. They said it cost £3.84 to be disabled or at least the amount they discount. I think they have that figure from her boots, she needs supportive footwear. The expenses from the support worker haven't been taken into consideration at all. The letter stating her contributions had gone up arrived 10th Feb, but the charges increase 24th Jan, so each week with is causing us more and more stress, without any support at all, the letter said we can make a complaint to the local authority & WBADutyWorker, (who is this?), which of course we did, but so far there has been no useful information at all. Sorry for the long post, but I needed to get that off my chest. Any help or advice would be welcomed. Is anyone else going through the same sorts of things? Where do we start? Thank you.