Hi, I was told I had COPD when i went to see a dr about my sleep apnea. Dr asked me to blow into a pipe thing that that was attached to electric machine. Gave it a week and went to my Dr. She gave me a puffer and meds to take if I get a chest infection and I’m to order more if use them. A nurse came took some bloods and said it’s ok. She said she was COPD nurse. This was last year I also got checked out at my Drs nurse. I was told I have lugs of a 73 year old. I thanked her for that. I’m 68. This as I said a year ago. Is that it as I don’t know anything really about COPD. Or what help is out there.
What treatment or care do I expect. - Care Community
What treatment or care do I expect.

Good evening and thank you for becoming a member on this supportive and caring community. It can be quite scary when you are first diagnosed with an illness, but there is help at hand. There is a lot of information available and Health Unlocked also has a community with members who suffer with COPD. More of that in a minute, I don't know if you are aware of what the letters stand for but it is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. that is a mouth full which is why so many health professionals just use the abbreviations. Basically it is a group of lung conditions that make it difficult to empty the air out of the lungs because of narrowing of the air passages.
I have included below several website addresses and helpline that can assist you with full information. Also ask your GP about your particular symptoms as he/she will have your full medical history.
Are there any sufferers amongst our members please that can give a patients prespective on the condition?
blf.org.uk The British Lung Foundation also has helpline Mon - Fri 9am until 5pm. on 03000 030 555.
Good luck and take care.
MAS Nurse
Thank you for your reply. I shake a lot. Mostly my right hand. I spill my drinks down myself a lot. My head Shake to. Sometimes it so bad it comes all over me. I aske my husband to help me to test my blood as I’m diabetic, but it’s ok. Is this to do with COPD or is it something different. Thank you for your time.
Hi ! I am a COPD patient, classified as very severe. You will get a lot of information and support if you go over to the British Lung Foundation threads on HealthUnlocked. They are a lovely bunch. Also if you are on Facebook there is a site there backed up by very knowledgeable people where you can get an instant answer to all the questions you may need to ask. Welcome to the buffers and puffers club!
Hi you sound as tho' you haven't had much info from your GP practice.
Try contacting BLF direct & they will advise you what you shoud expect in the way of services, some may come thro' the GP some maybe NHS direct.
There is a lot of support out there just find what areas affect you.