Did any of you continue to work after ... - British Liver Trust

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Did any of you continue to work after you found out you have cirrhosis? I filed for disability but being in the house is driving crazy.

Torrielynn1976 profile image
18 Replies

Work or not after Cirrhosis

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Torrielynn1976 profile image
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18 Replies
Torrielynn1976 profile image

i’m only 41 and have 3 kids. 2 teenagers and one young adult still in college. Just trying to figure out how to provide for them. I’m living in Louisiana.

Paulwil profile image

I would do what ever you feel able to do. If it is necessary to have a transplant in the future they will assess your general fitness.

i know everyone's situation is different, I carried on working until my transplant last October.

I think a positive mind is good for your general wellbeing.

Best wishes for the future.


Nyork10 profile image

Hi - I agree you need to do whatever you are physically and mentally able to do. I was lucky as my employer has allowed me to cut my hours down to 25 per week and build them up to full timr as and when i'm ready. I have been working since the start of the year and i'm in no position to increase the hours at the present moment.

I don't know if thats of any help/use?

Chelle_ profile image

I am still strong enough to work for the moment. But there are others in my situation that are unable to. Being in the house all day would drive me bonkers. Good luck xx

jojokarak profile image

It all depends on how your condition is ... I would of loved to have carried on working, but I was too poorly for 3/4 years ... So if you can do it I was never so bored of my own company I hated every second of it

Millie09 profile image

Ive had cirrhosis 10ys in june.. i was working until 2011 when i became full time carer for my dad with cancer.. he sadly passed in 2012 to metastatic cancer of the brain.

I went downhill from there, i have mobility issues now so i cant work.. i dont get bored at home as unusually either at hospital appts or physio or therapy.. see how you feel.. i get too tied.

Torrielynn1976 profile image

i was only told by CT that i have cirrhosis. I just had a liver biopsy through my neck this Saturday. I don’t know yet why i have it or how bad it is. I had blood test and its not hep b,c or wilsons. Only had biopsy because i had bleeding from varices in my esophagus since i’ve had since 2001. I was put on pradaxa after a bypass surgery in my artery in my leg. One day was feeling so good ... Physical Therapy was doing good after bypass was just starting to feel better... Get home Easter Sunday had varices bleed(out of nowhere...wasn’t feeling ill). I had to take airmed to a hospital in Baton Rouge, La my town only has a small hospital and er. I had 2 units replaced. So im in limbo waiting to hear about biopsy results. So just thinking about my options. I haven’t worked since November with blockage in my leg artery and Surgery in Jan, then varices bleed in April, then i had two bandings of varices with more to come ... now biopsy... Don’t feel too bad just how can i stay employed with all these appointments. Hoping disability gets approved but still would have liked to go back to work to stay busy. Thanks for all the comments. I feel so alone sometimes because family members and friends don’t actually get what I’m going through. Great information here and advice and just messaging someone going through this is sooo helpful and appreciated. Thanks!

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Torrielynn1976

Bless you.. i dont mind my own company to be honest. I do have 3 cats and a kitten that keep me going. 🤪. I don't consider myself anti social as i do get out and about. Off to see dereck accorah in june.. besides more vip meet and greet concerts and my grandkids birthdays.. so it really is nice to escape to my own home at times lol.

bluemoon2 profile image

Yeh you do become introverted and socially inept and kinda crazy,all good fun I look on it as the price we pay,its not all doom and gloom though I quite enjoy being an observer of life than actually participating that and youtube,lol,good luck.

MalcolmCClark profile image

Hi I have Cirrhosis plus other medical conditions both physical and mental. I work in a contact centre taking household emergency phone calls for social housing associations. I am Lucky that the company I work for value me and support me 100%. They spent a fortune to make my workstation fit my needs. I get the time off paid to attend appointments and recovery after surgery. I am lucky yes but it means in return I continue to work full time hours and I am now volunteering to be a work place mentor to help new apprentice's to give something back. Work will depend on your trade and skills, a supportive boss and company and people in the work place who understand what you are going through. Work is also a therapy for me which takes my mind off of my problems. If you feel up to it and you have the support then yes work. Discuss your options with your specialist and they will give advice. Hope that helps


Torrielynn1976 profile image

i worked a part tine turnaroun job that eneded last November before by surgery in January and the Varices espisode which has lead me to get a liver biopsy. I’m hoping I can go back to work guess depends on my biopsy result. Between my fiancé and I we have six kids between the ages of 13 and 21. So would love to still work to provide for the things they need. I have one graduating from college in a year then two graduating from high school in 2 more years. Not a good time to not being able to work.

1football profile image


Am very lucky as my employers exact words were don’t over do it if it gets to much go home and return when you can, so some weeks I can do full time and others around 25hours or less I get paid hourly so they adjust pay accordingly .for me sitting at home would drive me nuts


Smyally profile image

I would have loved to have carried on working. I found out I had cirrhosis in Nov 2015 and had to give up work in July 2016. I worked with children and loved my job, but I had already had time off for Major surgery the year before and was finding it more and more tiring. What with bleeding varacies And picking up infection I was spending more time in hospital than at work. Since giving up work I have had better spells of feeling well and less time in hospital. I do miss working , but make the best of what I’ve got.

davebax profile image

Ahhh yes the work issue. I haven’t worked since last June.im really having a hard time coming to terms with it.ive worked all my life.applied for disability.it just seems like everyday it’s something I have a lot of pain in side nausea bad night sweats mild he need new knees can hardly get around some days bad anxiety and depression. Ok that’s enough ranting!!! Gotta just take it one day at a time and try to enjoy life as much as u can. God bless

Angelann69 profile image
Angelann69 in reply to davebax

You've got a healthy outlook. I wish I had the same. I'd love to go back to work but from when I was treated for Hep C. the treatment took a lot out of me, made me sicker and now have cirrhosis and am too tired and my brain is too foggy to work. I miss it like crazy. After I retired from my full time job, I used to teach painting to seniors and was a caregiver which I never considered work. I loved doing both. Now I am too tired and have more than a liver problem. I would love to go back to work and quit worrying about myself.

Dotyy profile image

Hi again, I posted about your varies the other day. My concern is that you are pressuring yourself whilst not knowing fully of your recent tests. In the last year of my pbc there was no way I could have functioned. I had many hospital admissions for bleed outs and banding. My platelets were so low I had nilche energy. It must be incredibly hard for you with dependents as I don’t have the extra burden. I’m sure though you want to get through all this and be the best you can for them. I do hope you have some support near by to understand. I wish you well and I hope you ease up on yourself a little.

Torrielynn1976 profile image

Found out i have Fatty Liver Stage 3 and porttal vein hypertension. Had only 5 bandings this time and felt better the next day. The onlt trouble i have been having is severe headaches more than once a day. Not sure if it’s dur to high blood pressure or the new meds they put me on for high blood pressure. Next edg with possible banding is at the end of Julys so i have a break. Need a job to support my kids and myself. Tried for disability but never heard a thing back unfortunately.

Angelann69 profile image

Where do you live, Torrielynn? It took me 5 years to get disability. I finally hired a lawyer who also failed on his first try, but we persisted, got a good judge and I got it plus back pay for the time that they had denied me. The attorney got 1/4 of my back pay but I was glad to have some sort of monthly income again. If you're in the US and you want to know more and what finally worked, please message me.

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