what is the significance of grading in cancer .. does grade 3 means its too aggressive and more probable to come back in future.
what is the significance of grading in... - Breast Cancer India
what is the significance of grading in cancer .. does grade 3 means its too aggressive and more probable to come back in future.

You are correct, the higher the grade, more aggressive is the tumour. But to tell you, more than 80 percent of patients have grade 3 tumours. There are very few who are grade 2. As for grade 1, I do not even remember, when was the last time, I saw someone with IDC Grade 1.
Grade 3 may be aggressive, but they also respond better to chemo. So let that point not bother you.
The grading is mainly for Oncologists, to help them decide upon line of management.
I really liked the way Dr. Sumit reply the question of someone. They will assure you, tell you the truth, give you examples, make you feel better and positive, hats off to you Sir! I have talk to many doctors and felt lot of difference between the way they put the things forward and the way Sumit Sir explain. I am not their and never met them before but always feel that I have strong support. Thank you sir
thnks doc .. .. but whether is it related to recurrence also ..?

Sausriva...I dont think its related to recurrence. ..if there is no evidence of disease after completion of the treatment. ..it means we are like other people. ..so there is no point in thinking about recurrence, better to enjoy the life with positive energy. ..keep smiling.

Sausriva - Now the treatement is over - we have to be cautious to get our routine tests done. Pl don't take tensions of recurrence - enjoy the life, have good diets. Take care
And how do grade 2 people respond to the chemo...doctor...its a Pandora's box isn't it...try n calm one person and immediately the other one pops up with a question
Regards n hugs
Thanks Dr for putting many of us at ease. I had Grade 3 TNBC. I say "had" and I want it to remain so.

Grading may not co relate with recurrence.
Cancer is a very unpredictable illness! There can be early stage cancers which can come back soon, and there can be really advanced stage, which get cured. We just can't predict. So just don't bother about those averages and incidences and recurrences.
We do what is in our hands, that is, a correct and proper treatment. Once a properly planned treatment is done, try to not let these thoughts of recurrence bother you. Just try to concentrate on life and make the best of every single day. Easier said than done, I know. But it is very much possible
Read this. My experience. It may help:
I still cannot forget those scenes, those children. They taught me more than anything else in my life. How to conquer pain, fear, and come out of it.

Dr. Shah, very well explained....