Hi there wondering if I can get some advice... was at my yearly checkup yesterday,because of the really bad flushes I’ve been put on clonodine,gabapentin,fluxotine... none of them worked. Been on tamoxifen 3yrs and yesterday they have put me on leprozole to see if that will maybe calm the flushes down, please wish me luck as theses horrible things are really depressing me and it’s totally embarrassing with the sweat running of my face literally 😩😩😩
Yeah : Hi there wondering if I can get... - My Breast Cancer ...

Was on leprosol myself and now on aromasin. Both have had same effect on me. Severe hot flushes, bone pain, weight gain and fatigue. Good luck I hope it’s better for you xx
Hi I had bad flushes whilst on tamoxifen for five years I have now switched to letriozole I have less frequent flushes though I still have them, but they are less.
At night I found a towel on the pillow can help as it draws the sweat away from your.
All the best hNg on in there I am 7 years in now on the tamoxifen and letriozole, I know it’s not easy but I just keep thinking it is helping in the long run.
Hi 1735, I’m on letrozole, and sorry to say I still get the flushes, but they aren’t as bad as they were.good luck.
I am on letrozole also,the flushes were really bad but i now have accupuncture and take vitimin e it does help.
I have been on tamoxifen for over*5 years tried letrozol couldn’t even Get out of bed with that medicine so I went back on tamoxifen. I take three Effexor and that helps with the hot flashes it doesn’t completely cure them but it helps. I have so much joint pain I even already need my knee replaced and my toes are bad and I’m probably going to have to have a pin in one of them to keep it straight. I don’t know if the chemo or tamoxifen had anything to do with arthritis taking all my joints away but I guess the reality is I’m six years since cancer and it is nice to be alive.
Hi, I am on Tamoxifen and found changing the brand reduced the side effects. That might work with other medication too. Worth talking to your pharmacist about it? X
Sorry to hear that, I know how you feel it is embarrassing I hate those flushes xx
Clonodine didnt work for me either my GP gave me citalopram ,its an anti depressant only a low dose and it worked quite well. Stopped the dripping wet moments. I've read that there are other anti depressants that can help with the flushes. I was on aromasin. Keep pushing until you get something that helps

Hi Kathrynf... cilitropran didn’t work then I was put on gapapenton now I’m on velexotrin😂😂😂
Sorry guys these flushes don’t want me to be here anymore they are so severe I cannot stand it anymore nobody seems to understand the embarrassment I am feeling 😢