Is anyone familiar with epileptic vertigo, more specifically of it called Reflex Epilepsy. It causes 'half-spins' (equivalent to seziures) rather than true rotational vertigo. Out of all the things that set off, the seizures, I get all of them:
(Xue et al, 2006).
These are epileptic seizures precpiated by general sensory stimuli - -such as light, thinking, decision making. The "focal" reflex epilepsies may be provoked by reading, writing, startle, somatosensory stimulation, proprioception, auditory stimuli, immersion in hot water, eating, and vestibular stimulation. Thus, certain sounds or types of movement can provoke cortical seizures.
Unfortunately, in daily life, how many of theses things triggers do we encounter? Hence the amount of disequilibrium for some (my two-penneth). If you DID have this, surely an anti-convulsant would be the answer, rather than the antidpressenets I've been palmed offf with? Thanks.