Looking for someone who understands how it feels to have SAH I had my coiling done 23 days ago, I was operated on within less than 48 hours so it’s all been a bit of a shock to say The least!
Looking for someone who understands how it feels to have SAH I had my coiling done 23 days ago, I was operated on within less than 48 hours so it’s all been a bit of a shock to say The least!
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Hello love
I’m so sorry you had to go through this
It sucks
Mine was a freak accident in surgery the guide wire broke while the coils and stent were being place
The stent shot through my brain to my right frontal lobe
Caused a lot of cognitive damage I had to learn to talk walk even swallow again
My savior was Cleveland Clinic
I spent three months there in rehab
Give yourself time
And believe in yourself ❤️
Hi Brain girl!
Goodness me!
That’s horrendous!
I’m in the UK and I have escaped pretty much unscathed in comparison to other stories that I have read.
I’m one of the luckier ones!
I do hope you’re feeling stronger and brighter And the days you’re not
I’m here if u want to chat