What was your "win" this week? - Bone Health and O...
What was your "win" this week?
As we head into the (rather chillier than we hoped for) weekend, let’s take a moment to celebrate our wins of the week. What’s been a positive moment for you?
Please select all that apply:
where is the no wins box.
Hi agingfeminist ,
Thank you so much for your feedback—you’re absolutely right, not every week comes with a win, so we've just added an option that we hope acknowledges that.
Wishing you the very best,
ROS Moderator
Thanks. sorry if I seemed like a killjoy but there is for many of us the lived experience of no wins and we should also have a voice.
Couldn't agree more! Thank you again for highlighting that very valid point and helping to give others a voice
Take care,
ROS Moderator
Moved to a new flat, got a new bed, thought it was new mattress unfortunately it's my left hip which will have to be inspected by my doctor
Two things for me this week....I went to a talk about osteoporosis being given at a local physio practice where the main physio who I've seen before was also diagnosed 2 years ago. And, just had injections in both hips which is hopefully going to make the vital exercises easier, fingers crossed.
Went on a long walk, cleaned out the garage, and ate leafy-green calcium-rich veg three times (which is three times more than I care to do, hah). Courage to all us older ones working hard on this!
just been diagnosed with proteinuria with my osteoporosis and prostate cancer, but just keep going. thanks.
I read that swollen legs can be the cause of Proteinuria, I have swollen legs that are a problem even first thing in the morning and although I put them up during the day they don’t go down. Physio thinks I don’t move enough!
I find it challenging about the one with healthy eating as I am mainly PEG fed & the feed that I am on has fat in. My exercise this week was really gentle.
Getting out of bed to go to the loo, I slipped on the rug, lost my balance, ending in me falling, hitting a wooden door with my right shoulder and hip and no way of getting up. Fortunately Hubby had heard the crash and came into bedroom to lift me up. Best bit: NO BONES BROKEN. What a relief.
Not easy to win when you have to inject yourself and feel pain in your bones. Really need a win. Couldn't even go out for my birthday on Friday.