Easier to let all know: Just got back... - Lung Conditions C...

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Easier to let all know

91 Replies

Just got back from clinic feel like I have been through two marathon had me on treadmill and up down steps while being monitored BP is low sugar levels low oxygen levels were low and dropped off the scale when I had a coughing bout , had four seizures whilst having tests run .

Pulmonologist took me for CT scan of lungs and also found I have two cysts on my kidneys going to discuss that with another doctor . She's contacting one of her colleagues in Athens regarding the results today she was not impressed with the outcome plus she's waiting for results of blood works . Think about covers the day . Thanks for all your wishes and luck could have used a stunt double today feel so exhausted.

91 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Take it easy now Davey. The medical profession have your back now so let them look after you. Have a rest. Thinking of you. Xxx👍😍

in reply to sassy59

Cheers going to lay down with my water and chill today as been exhausting to the max

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to


Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to

They've been v thorough.its gd that they observed seizures too.Please do rest.we r all here 4u xxx

in reply to Patk1

Thank you the pulmonologist said today I really need some form of support group but she said it would be difficult for me because the nearest is Athens and they don't cater for English language 😂😂 told her I've got a fantastic support group and shown her the site here she nodded and said bravo she was impressed . Told her I've had more support from you guys on here than any doctor .

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to

It is a great support group.i luv it.You take care xx

in reply to Patk1

Will do 😉😉

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to


in reply to Patk1

Definitely sounds like a plan 😊😊

CDPO16 profile image

Well that was a very thorough MOT Dave, not surprised that you are worn out. That said it's good that the Pulmonologist is being so thorough and also liaising with her colleague about the results. Perhaps all this is not before time after all the health issues you have. Do keep us posted.

in reply to CDPO16

Will do , feel very drained obviously and yes worth the punishment to get sorted

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to

Rest up now Davey. 🍺🍇🍀💤💤💤

in reply to Gladwyn

Had a good siesta this afternoon and feel pretty refreshed cooked my dad's sausage and chips he asked for I've had some pasta with pesto and a little salad obviously with some olives and feta 👍👍👍

Damon1864 profile image

Please relax and take things easy please, hope your bloods come back ok, thinking of you have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx

in reply to Damon1864

Thanks I've got my water had a slice of garlic butter on toast and going to lay down well half lay down 😂😂

B0xermad profile image

Oh davey what a lot to deal with,good luck with all of your results thinking of you at this awful time you are having with your health and the fires situation.

crashdoll profile image

Oh blimey, what a day. Sounds like you need a cuppa, some cake and a long rest.

in reply to crashdoll

Ooh yes had some rest but still feeling exhausted but it's time for my Meds so getting all set up for that 😉

RoadRunner44 profile image

Hi Davey, I know you are exhausted but at least they are getting to grips with your health problems now. This will at least be reassuring but take things easy and don't drink too many of those luscious coffees you like so much.I'm glad things are in hand.

Cheers. RR

in reply to RoadRunner44

I'm literally just got up sat down and drinking an icepresso getting set up for my Meds

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

🍷🍵☕🍺🍻🥂☕🫖🥤 Take your pick!

in reply to RoadRunner44

Normally I would say the lot but right now I would settle for a dog bowl of water 😂😂 must have drank about 14 ltrs of water today so far 😂😂 the firemen could use me to put fires out 😂😂

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to


cofdrop-UK profile image

Sending you love and lots of healing vibesCx

in reply to cofdrop-UK

I thank you 💕 just sorted my stepfather out had my Meds and trying to decide what to do my dad for dinner 😂😂 knowing him either egg and chips or sausage and chips 😂😂

in reply to

When I got home I was greeted by the neighbors landlord he kept his distance but wanted to warn me that our neighbor as covid the beta variant she works at a restaurant in ixia and as been in contact with tourists one of which was a Brit who as since been tested positive . Not good

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

Be careful .Anybody can carry it now and it s very difficult for you to avoid all your neighbours, Do take care.

in reply to Jaybird19

I know others who live opposite were saying it is getting worse here when it was all undercontrol

in reply to Jaybird19

I e been thinking which is always dangerous 🤣🤣 it's pretty ironic really we went from a safe island but kept to rules to the point of being worried about even going out again because of all the new cases like today yet another 128 cases 24 of them are tourists and stopped at the airport , makes you wonder how the hell they get through the checks at the airport's in the country their from that includes the UK

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

your governmwnt wanted the tourists for the income so opened your borders after we had already done that . Is all down to the economists on both sides I 'm afraid.

in reply to Jaybird19

Yes but how are they getting through checks or arnt they being checked because at.the airport here thee pulling people that are positive and putting them into quarantine for safety of others and others are testing positive half way through the holidays it's all gone to hell .

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

Dont know the answer to that. The quick tests aren't 'reliable. It is possible to get false poss, the children here found that out so maybe there are ways of ensuring a neg ? . You say some are positive after 5 days? Some are infectious but don't have any symptoms and the same applies here so that is why i am still shielding and still sanitizing all my deliveries . . We need a vaccine t hat prevents the virus being spread a round and they are working on that.

Are those put into quarantine there being monitored to make sure they stay in?

in reply to Jaybird19

In all honesty it's one big nightmare , putting money before lives is all wrong just totally selfish . My neighbor who as covid let's her kids out and her husband goes out so breaking all the rules mind you your going to get people thinking that it's ok to do , the woman said covid was a lie and all propaganda mmm like this German nurse giving saline to 70year olds so sad

I'm relieved that you are getting such care and attention. You really must rest and your step father is going to have to accept outside help. I'm thinking about you.

in reply to

Your right about my stepfather , for five years I've put his needs first while my health as deteriorated now it's my turn I'm putting myself first for once .👍👍

So glad you are being well looked after Dave, take things easy now period.

Hope things stabilise for you soon.

Take good care of you.

in reply to

Sometimes all we want is some piece 🤣 we don't usually get it 🤣🤣 sounds like my dad ringing his dinner bell

Bluenotes profile image

Feeling for you 😣😥😥

in reply to Bluenotes

Well onwards and upwards I suppose just another hurdle to cross 👍😊

Bluenotes profile image
Bluenotes in reply to


in reply to Bluenotes

Keep safe 👍😷

Oshgosh profile image

You need to put your feet up now.Theywouldnt put me on the treadmill.

They did something called a stress test.

It k ocked me sideways.

When they inected Ijust wanted to sleep and be sick all at once.

When I got out of the chat,I asked if I could lie on the floor.

They put me in a bed for half an hour.If I go again I’ll take my chances on the treadmill

Luckiest my heart was ok.

Hav aneasy tea and REST.take it easy,you aren’t well and hav had a bad day.

I hop you get some info soon. X

in reply to Oshgosh

Feel sorry for poor hamsters stuck in them balls for hours on end cos I know how they feel , everything that could ache dies ache 👍👍👍

Maggie_Mae profile image

Oh wow you really have had a full MOT , and obviously your shattered. But in long run that intervention by your friend has been a god send.. once your sorted medically , and the recognition of some help with regards your dads care,

You will feel lot better .

You guys there obviously very aware of Covid situation, try not to let it over burden you, you got enough going on.

Get a good rest tonight , chill , get some tunes on , catch a few stars

in reply to Maggie_Mae

🤣🤣 well I'm stumped for going up on roof the other family who live above my friendly neighbou have covid

in reply to Maggie_Mae

The one who lets me up on the roof said it's best not to go up because she's worried about safety from covid

Maggie_Mae profile image

Ahhh she is quite right , shame though you seem to enjoy that time. But safety first!After day you have had , a wee drink and you will probably sleep

in reply to Maggie_Mae

I've had a good siesta this afternoon and feel pretty good at the moment 🤣👍

Maggie_Mae profile image

Siesta ... there is a word I haven’t heard for a long time...Think it will be a long time before I’ll get abroad again and have a Siesta 😔

in reply to Maggie_Mae

It's a long time before I go abroad on holiday too oh I'm already abroad 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Alberta56 profile image

It will be good if you can get someone to help look after your dad. You shouldn't be doing it in your state of health. Hope you really are taking it easy today and that it won't be long before you're up to a gentle stroll to the taverna. Glad the consultant is being so thorough, as long as they don't kill you with kindness. xxxx

in reply to Alberta56

🤣🤣🤣 kindness I called her miss whiplash Today thankfully she didn't understand

leo60 profile image

You must be cream crackered Davey! As others have said, try and take it as easy as you can. The ball has started rolling, hopefully soon you will have answers and help with your stepdad, it is all positive :) Hang on in there, "Miss Whiplash" has got your back!!😂😂 xx

in reply to leo60

Definitely 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

in reply to

Just waiting until Monday when the welfare worker comes to assess the situation with my stepfather , once that's taken care of I can actually relax mentally and physically that was one thing that the pulmonologist said today I'm doing way way too much and instead of my condition going at a steady pace it's jumping on which means cutting my time limit down so it's important

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to

At least things are starting to sort themselves out a bit for you. Hoping all your efforts yesterday lead to better treatments that work for you.

in reply to Ergendl

So do I so do I

watergazer profile image

Sounds like you had a thorough check up and will get the appropriate support. Take care. Rest x

in reply to watergazer

Will do 👍👍👍

HungryHufflepuff profile image

That sounds like a huge amount to go through, but it seems like it’s been worthwhile, and you’re starting to get the care and support you need. Sending you lots of good wishes ✨

in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Thank you , sometimes you have to go through alot to gain a little 👍

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to

This is true! Hopefully you’ll gain a lot from this 🤞

in reply to HungryHufflepuff

I'm hoping so , I've had a rough five years and today my stepfather just before saying goodnight said something that kinda bit me , he said hey your birthday in a week or so make sure you enjoy it don't think you will see the 60th one . That hurt

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to

Well I hope you have a great birthday next week, and many more to come 🎂

in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Thank you I will do my best

Annie31 profile image

Ouch!! 😮 sometimes elderly people make these gaffes even if it's uncalled for! My mum had to put up with some nasty remarks from my gran (she lived with us for the last seven years of her life) and she was always extolling the virtues of my mum's sister, when she was the one who made her homeless! - long story! My dad used to get so angry he wouldn't speak to my gran but the funny thing is she thanked them both for looking after her when she eason her deathbed. Nowt as strange as folk as they say. Nevermind him, you have a good birthday!

in reply to Annie31

I take it with a pinch of salt but at the time he said it it pinched

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to

I bet it did!

in reply to Annie31

It's not easy accepting the inevitable but I had I just don't like getting my nose rubbed in it 👍

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to

I know Davey, I'm in the same boat as you with my illness. I was given a prognosis of 5-6 months, two and a half years ago, but I'm still here just about! So there's always hope! We ve done a load of joking about in my family during that time and that's our way of dealing with it.😀.

in reply to Annie31

Best way to deal with it 🤗🤗🤗

in reply to Annie31

This is why I think pip needs to sort themselves out they say they have to know that you have six months to live to get claims fast tracked doctors aren't god's and can't give accurate time limits

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to

No, and neither should they. Different horses for different courses, but that bit of misinformation has blighted my life during this 'extra' bit of life. As for PIP, this is done on purpose as nobody can guarantee they are only going to live for six months. It's a disgrace!

in reply to Annie31

My pulmonologist sent a supporting email directly to them because they commented in a call to me , she said if you want an exact time limit please direct your question to God because only he as the answer doctors are human beings not god's . didn't go down to well but accurate

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to

That's the only answer any sane person could give! You never know it might work even if they've only got half a brain!

in reply to Annie31

Don't give them that much credit they do share it 😂😂

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to


Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to

Maybe he was annoyed at you for getting help for him that he wasn’t keen on. Don’t take it to heart. You’ll have many more birthdays 🥳🦋🍀

in reply to Gladwyn

The welfare worker didn't hold any prisoners today and told him he was being very selfish and that if I'm not around who would care for him he said someone would help so he then stated that if that's the case there's no problems getting help no so I can get on with dealing with my health he said it didn't matter about my health I'm about done so keeping me busy is good . Definitely not with it but they got to see him for what I face every day

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to

I'm glad they've seen exactly what yr coping with.perhaps u need to tell dad consultants said u have to rest.so,make a plan with him of how/ when yr going to attend to him,and timeout to ensure you do xxx

in reply to Patk1

I told my dad earlier I'm having a seista and I will not be disturbed I looked right at him and told him to stop acting like a spoilt child and stop being selfish , I also told him I could have done it a different way and just walked out without looking back . He said ok enjoy your nap

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to

Well done Davey.xxx

in reply to Patk1

Well the welfare worker said that he has to realise I'm a human being that as cared for him for all this time and I'm now taking my own health issues seriously before it's too late , he said my dad's just acting out like a child and now it's time someone else took the rains . I've not got to back down.

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to

I'd tell him u actually have pneumonia etc etc.remind him how u bled the other night,and that u have to go in hospital.make him realise how ill u are 😘I hope the airs clear enough to see the stars tonight xxx

in reply to Patk1

The air quality as improved alot , I was watching on Greek news lunchtime what I can work out anyway we are looking at another major lockdown far too many cases coming in from tourists apparently this testing business just isn't accurate enough and it's too easy to get false papers

johnderby profile image

Hi Davey. Wow you have certainly been through it. But, it is good to know that your Consultant is apparently pulling out all the stops to help you. Hang on in there it looks as if she is determined to get to the bottom of your problems and give you the help you deserve. Please keep us updated and go and relax on the roof tonight and gaze at some stars. Thinking of you. John 🤞

in reply to johnderby

Cheers 👍👍

Izb1 profile image

No wonder you were tired, the tests and seizures is enough to knock you off your feet for a day, just take it easy and look after yourself x

in reply to Izb1

Trying to chill difficult with stepfather constant calling just because welfare worker came . Told him to leave me alone I'm having a seista

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to

The sooner you get some help the better x

in reply to Izb1

That's one thing I won't disagree with , I have been here and give everything I got for my stepdad but it as got too much now that my health condition as deteriorated so much.

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