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severe copd and exercise

unified profile image
24 Replies


I have been following your posts for a while and have decided I would like to join you. I have severe copd and have deteriated a lot recently to the extent I struggle to walk more than a few feet and am on oxygen 16 hours a day. I have been told there is nothing else they can do. I went to a pulmonary rehab class a couple of years ago and have been going to follow up classes up to about six weeks ago when it all became too much. I was on steroids on and off for about six weeks and since then cannot seem to get back to how I was. Will forcing myself to exercise help me at all or do I just give up

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unified profile image
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24 Replies
2greys profile image

Yes it will help, a lot. It will not happen overnight and take a lot of self discipline. If you just give up then you will quickly decondition and get worse and able to do even less.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Exercise definitely helps, I know it helps me anyway. Sometimes I can't motivate myself and don't do any exercise at all and I feel worse, then it's self perpetuating. Sometimes I do exercise and feel so much better. Exercise isn't necessarily jogging round the park (thank goodness!) There are gentle armchair exercises you can start with. The BLF has a great DVD and online videos. Oh and hello and welcome, thank you for joining us, I'm sure you'll get lots more helpful replies than mine!

Karenblue profile image
Karenblue in reply to HungryHufflepuff

I can’t even exercise wit out getting out of breath so how do u exercise

Corin1950 profile image
Corin1950 in reply to Karenblue

Just a couple of minutes on each exercise. Try the Stay active Stay well dvd from the BLF.


whit profile image
whit in reply to Karenblue

me too

whit profile image
whit in reply to Karenblue

m e too.

RoadRunner44 profile image

Hello. Just to say hi and welcome, I am a fairly new member of the group and am so pleased I found it. I suffer with bronchiectasis so unable to give you any advice. What you will find on the forum is there's a lot of friendly advice and a lot of knowledge. Together with these is a lot of understanding. You probably know that whatever amount or kind of exercise you do will only be good for you. I hope you get some answers here if not contact your doctor for advice.


Looking at your photo on the camel I was going to say it's all down hill for you there. (Where was that taken?) I think you already know the answer to your question. Of course it will help, more than that it will save you from yourself. Doing stuff is good for you mentally as well, achieving something no matter how small is good. It's so easy to convince yourself that you are too ill to bother, I know that from experience. Don't 'force yourself' just do it gently and come back and tell us how much better you feel. 😊

BreatheasyBe profile image
BreatheasyBe in reply to

What great advice.

Hacienda profile image

Hi Hun & Welcome at last...DON'T ever Give up. Yes Stay focused on Exercise and Planning "Tomorrow" or Next Week and aim to Do it. I am just getting over a Bad Chest Infection (Quite Rare these days), On a Course of Prednisolone, Devils Tic Tacs. But they work short Term, and like you 16 hours 02, plus my Life saving Steroid Inhalers. I have for Years gone to Rehab & Breathe Easy Exercise Classes , twice weekly, left my Mobility Scooter in the Shed and Walk with a stick (to the car)& when needed my Inogen Mobility Oxygen. The Lungs don't repair themselves so we have to help keep them working for us as long as we can, Exercise has got to be the answer, with Positivity, & Self Worth. My left Lung does not work and I have FEV 1 @ 19% in the Right, Had the Procedures ie: "Valves" They Can't do a LVRS which I would love. So I do what I can,. apart from Running a Marathon Ha ha, that would be Wonderful. Stay Happy & Strong. OOPS, Sorry Got carried away, Hic, it may have been that Vino after shopping in the Pub.. Love n Hugs. Carolina XXXX

Karenblue profile image

I’m also the same can’t get dressed can’t shower walk etc went dr today give me more abt n steroids wen will it end I keep crying just think I should end it

Njhd23 profile image
Njhd23 in reply to Karenblue

Please don't think like that: it self perpetuates and just gets worse (I speak from experience) Have you mentioned these feelings to your doctor and have you been offered treatment for depression? Meanwhile gentle exercise can lift your mood. And I mean gentle. Search YouTube for chair exercises for seniors. Feel better soon.

skischool profile image

If you don't exercise and give up as others have said you will deteriorate rapidly and it will shorten both your life and the quality of it so take advice and start of slowly and gently at your own pace and gradually you will start to feel better both physically and mentally.

Welcome to the dodgy lung site where anything is achievable with the minimum amount of effort. :)

Karenblue profile image
Karenblue in reply to skischool

U just got no confidence any more

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Karenblue

I have plenty of confidence and so will both you and the poster have if you just put your mind towards making small improvements in your life.:)

cofdrop-UK profile image

A very warm welcome to you unified.


Daisy55 profile image

My husband has Aspergillosis and Emphysema , he goes to a chair yoga class at our local hospice , once a week . There are many there with their oxygen and in wheelchairs . They both enjoy it and all find it beneficial . Perhaps if your local hospice do similar , your Gp or consultant could refer you , as they do so many things to help .

Spacecat1 profile image

I go to a group called fab.its helped me lots of advice friendly group. I was worried to begin with but now on my 3rd week of gentle exercise we d tai chi and learn different way to do things to help us .

James48 profile image

I think it helps psychologically and you feel better for being proactive. Plenty of good advice on here.

Gentle slow exercise is good and build up. The exercises in this video might be ok for you :)

hallentine47 profile image

I attend a "Get fit with Gentle Moves" once a week and this entrails sitting on a chaitr for an hour doing arm and leg exercises. The time is broken up with us playing various 'games' to utilise hand and eye co-ordination. And includes bisciuts cake and tea! We also get together for lunch especially near Xmas. Those without transport we make arrangements for and its a real community. I really struggle sometimes but its the interaction with like minded folk all trying to stay as well as we can. And we always have a laugh which is the greatest medicine of all.

Poppy2525 profile image

Hi I am quite new here and agree with all the other comments, I haven't told my storey but I have what everyone else has here and probably a bit more. but apart from the exercises I love to go out in the garden just to potter around and do a bit of pruning and gardening is a wonderful healer and you can loose yourself for a time forget your problems, also try to keep your mind active, crosswords, puzzles even just reading a book because you do need to exercise the mind as well and try to stay positive. my mother always said there is always someone worse for than you (doesn't help at the time) but she is was right. if you are having an off day come on here there are plenty of people here that can cheer you up.

lKeith profile image


Unfortunately I too have severe COPD and have just come off a course that indicates there has been no change to my condition. It is important we all exercise,otherwise we will decline quicker, as COPD is a progressive disease not to exercise at all would be a backward step and not give your wellbeing any help. Keep it up. The BLF have a video of exercises (which is free) try to do what you can it will help.


Ergendl profile image

Also try singing. If you can't get to one of the singing for lung health groups listed on the British Lung Foundation website, check out singing lessons on You Tube. All the best.

Smoggy1990Boggy profile image

Pulmonary rehab is one of the best things you can do. There is a detailed assessment before you start and always found whatever group I've been in supportive

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