Possible post brexit medication short... - Lung Conditions C...

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Possible post brexit medication shortages

O2Trees profile image
58 Replies

Hi all, dont want to get anyone in a sweat but I came across this list of medications which might (MIGHT) be in short supply if we have a no deal brexit.

Worth checking out, knowledge is power. Most of my regulars (not emergency) are on the list.


EDIT: this from the BMJ might have more credibility. I dont have log-in possibility but someone else might have. The bit you can see says that a majority of drugs, regardless of where they are produced, come into the UK via France and the Channel crossing so there could well be hold-ups.


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O2Trees profile image
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58 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Thanks for the heads up O2, all of my drugs could be affected and some of Petes too. No good. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Could - being the optimum word sassy. Many of my drugs have had manufacturing problems frequently over the years and that was nothing to do with Brexit. If anything, they are making more plans than usual to keep supplies going. Fingers crossed.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

That’s the thing Littlepom, we just don’t know. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Precisely. Every little problem that arises is going to be blamed on Brexit until the unholy mess is sorted one way or the other. I just hope we don't get into discussing it here.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

We won’t Don. Xxx

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to

Congratulations on the sanity littlepom , this is modern Britain not 19th century timbuktu

CDPO16 profile image

I hope it is might and not will be in short supply. Most of my husbands meds for coronary heart disease are on that list.

Ian1967 profile image

Two of my meds are on that list as well, Candesartan and Omeprazole, no mention of medical equipment though, I use BiPAP at night time and need to replace my Mask cushions once a month, if I can’t get them from my Respiratory clinic I have to buy them myself at £50 a time, which I can’t really afford!

skischool profile image

One positive though,if viagra is in short supply i won't need the Amlodipine for my slightly high blood pressure,you have to laugh even in adversity. :) xx

garshe profile image

This is nonsense. It was on Jeremy Vine last week. Most of our medication comes from India. Also we import 30 odd per cent and export over 40 odd per cent. It's all false reports


Inamoment profile image
Inamoment in reply to garshe

Now. Shall i take the word of jeremy vine or the royal college of physicians.

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to Inamoment

It wasn't Jeremy Vine that said this it was a member of Parliament on the panel

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to garshe

Hmm. Not sure I trust members of parliament at the moment and much of my medication is made on the EU not India.

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to garshe

Imports have to come to this country somehow.....by sea via the ports.....or air lifted in an emergency .

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to knitter

Maybe that will happen knitter.

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to garshe

I wonder who might know more about medicines and their supply chain. A talk show or the Royal College of Physicians ? Mmmmm

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to deejames

As I explained it was a member of Parliament actually that stated it and the figures. All this scaremongering is ridiculous especially on this site it's not what it's about

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to garshe

Being aware prepared and being prepared is always a good thing. It's not just about medicines but being able to eat a healthy diet and as a vegetarian I am concerned that supplies of fruit and vegetables etc will be compromised. No way to stockpile perishable goods like that.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to deejames

The best thing to do I imagine would probably be to speak to your pharmacist about your own personal drugs. They are more likely to know than your GP. Living in Kent I am very in touch with the effects Brexit will have. And hoping for a deal rather than no deal!

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to O2Trees

I think most people who have thought it through are hoping for a deal

Fionafish profile image

Thanks for this - let's hope reason prevails (though it does seem in short supply right now!)

We don’t get all of our meds from the EU. We also have to remember that the European manufacturers who supply us make billions out of the NHS. They are not going to stop supplying us. I do wish that websites such as that one would stop conjecturing and worrying people who have enough to contend with already.

Inamoment profile image
Inamoment in reply to

The point is no deal means they won't get through the very large traffic jam in the docks.

England being very parochial nobody bothers about the effect on the rest of the eu

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to

So true thanks for that.totally agree x


e-surgery.com are a private GP and pharmacy site. Maybe it is worth asking yourselves whether they may be seeking to frighten people into buying their meds from them now in the fear that there will be a shortage (if and when) we leave the EU

knitter profile image

Prednisolone and hydrocortisone .

Ok , it might be just a ‘ Might’...but my body is dependent on steroids now , I do worry .

O2Trees profile image

This is not the only time shortages of medications have been mentioned though I agree that this is a private site and I'm totally against privatisation of the NHS.

But my philosophophy is to hope for the best and plan for the worst and Ive been ordering my repeats for some time and now have about 3 months in hand. Just seems sensible.

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to O2Trees

Trouble is O2 Trees, I use my repeat prescriptions every month so I can't stockpile pred ....I only have my one emergency pack.

I must admit it keeps me awake at night.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to knitter

Hmmm - that's a nuisance. I can get a bit more but they dont seem to have clocked that Im ordering mine before I need them.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to O2Trees

Naughty girl.so it's not the fear of Brexit that's creating shortages it's jean,wait until i tell newsnight lol :) xx

hypercat54 profile image

Oh dear some of mine are too. x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to hypercat54

I honestly dont know Bev - and I guess no-one really does - how far delays may affect us. Ive edited in a BMJ article in to my original post so bit more there.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to O2Trees

Expect the worse and hope for the best Jean. x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to hypercat54

Exactly Bev xx

powderpuff profile image

I think this is the abstract 02Trees?bmj.com/content/366/bmj.l5226

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to powderpuff

It is - strange, I had just realised that Id left the link off. Good you've put it here too :)

James48 profile image

Thanks O2. Johnson is refusing to publish papers about how bad it will really be if we crash out including shortages of certain medicines.

Tetrazzini profile image

99% of things you worry about never happen.

Gingerapple profile image

Good morning, well if that happens, all my meds are on this list😏 Pehaps I should move back to Europe ......but we shall have to wait and see....there's lots of speculation. Thank you for sharing😊🌼

Izb1 profile image

Project fear jumps to mind and we have had 3 years to organise, I give up with this country.

All this reminds me of a happening 15 years ago.


pjwy profile image

They obviously contemplate delays at ports...especially the Chanel ports.....

One would think though that many of these drugs could be arrange by air freight even though the cost could be higher.

For example...a freight version of a Boeing 747 has a payload of about 140 tons ....whereas a sea/road container only 26 tons ( legal limit).

Thanks for that O2. One or two of mine are on there. But I think we all use Pred and possibly lanzoprazole. But none of my RA or Vasculitis meds are on, yet!

Chestyblocked profile image

Doxycycline and Steroids have kept me alive Quite scary as they are on the list

Pwkav1 profile image

My bp meds antihistamines and ppis are all on the list. . Doxy helped me for couple yrs also and other types of antibiotics and steroids. So scary.

bobbyfloyd profile image

they will not be in short supply it is scaremongering,

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to bobbyfloyd

I really hope you're right.

in reply to bobbyfloyd

How do you know that, bobbyfloyd? One of my drugs is already in short supply! This could be because some pharmaceutical suppliers are stockpiling (as advised by the government) so others are unable to obtain supplies. It’s not scaremongering at all.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

Now that a bill has been forced through parliament forcing the government to reveal what actions amongst others they have taken to avoid shortages of medical supplies in the event of a no deal we may finally get some answers to our questions,though i don't anticipate a flood of information. :)

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to skischool

The government will resist revealing the full contents of Yellowhammer with all their will Skis. Who knows if we actually will get to know the facts.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to O2Trees


As of june 2019 but whether the implementation is going to plan only the government can advise? x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to skischool

And I wouldnt trust them to advise anything Skis! But there you go, some may differ.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to O2Trees

Maybe if they are forced to reopen Parliament after today's court ruling and subject to their appeal our elected members can get back in there and start asking the questions?

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to skischool

Here's hoping!

The government has now published its no-deal Brexit preparation document dated aug 2019 , known as Yellowhammer, which is titled “reasonable worst case planning assumptions”. It predicts the supply of medicines & fresh food could be reduced to

40% on day 1, with significant disruption lasting up to 6 months.

Don’t shoot the messenger, this is the government’s own, previously secret, document. You can see all the other potential implications eg fuel price rises, civil disruption, here


So Jean’s post is NOT scaremongering

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Thank you Hanne62 x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Wonder what the redacted No. 15 is, apparently too dangerous to show us.

in reply to O2Trees

I take the Sunday Times & it was leaked to one of their journos about a month ago. I think the redacted bit refers to the closure of two oil refineries & resulting fuel shortages.

Of course some people are dismissing the document as part of “project fear”, ignoring the fact it’s a government doc dated 2 Aug 2019 ie since Boris Johnson became PM 🙄

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