Panic attacks: I would like to ask... - Lung Conditions C...

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Panic attacks

mistymim profile image
31 Replies

I would like to ask everyone if they suffer from panic attacks and if they do how do you cope with them? I suffer these now and again and I don't know hope to stop them from happening, it's so scary and I feel helpless. Any advice would be appreciated.

I have COPD and on oxygen 24/7 this happens when I am on the oxygen.


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mistymim profile image
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31 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Hi mistymim, I suffer with panic attacks but thankfully not very often. It's an awful feeling and very frightening sometimes, I usually sit down and do breathing exercises until it passes. I don't know if it will work for you but it's worth a try, good luck and take care. Please let us know how you get on . 😊 Bernadette xx

mistymim profile image
mistymim in reply to Damon1864

Thank you Damon,it is very scary, I try to relax and focus on something nice, but it still gets the better of me to the point I feel I am going to pass out through lack of air, it passes after about ten minutes and then it takes another 30 minutes to recover, it's not happening all the time thank goodness as I don't think i could cope, I realise there are so many more worse off than I am, and I am grateful for what I health is good in every other way, except for arthritis and my lungs, wish we could all grow some new ones..:)

Roessner541 profile image

I use to take lorasapham until doctor took me off now I try control breathing and meditation. You are right it is awful I was hospitalized many times for it. Seem to control it better now.

Canadian3 profile image
Canadian3 in reply to Roessner541

Hello..why did doc take you off lorazepam?

Roessner541 profile image
Roessner541 in reply to Canadian3

She thought it could cause altimezers early onset I was on a low dose it was hard at first but I'm ok now.

Canadian3 profile image
Canadian3 in reply to Roessner541

Good to know.

I'm on a low dose and would like to stop but its difficult.

Panic attacks are so frightening..I feel like 8m going to die.

How did you stop taking them?

Roessner541 profile image
Roessner541 in reply to Canadian3

She took me off cold turkey which frightened me so I had tubing in my mouth for awhile because I felt I could get more oxygen my lung doctor assured me I was getting enough through my nose so I just started doing pursed lip breathing and that seemed to do the trick. I must have looked pretty silly but had terrible anxeity

Canadian3 profile image
Canadian3 in reply to Roessner541

Thanks for replying. That is terrific and inspiring.

I suffered from them when I was younger, and yes they can be scary, how I was able to over come them was through breathing exercises and relaxation exercises both of which were conducted by medical personnel and took me several months of classes to overcome the attacks. Best of luck to you!

KC1313 profile image

I have panic attacks quite a lot actually and I use Rivotril - Clonazepam - 2.5mg. It really helps me. When I first started on it, I was worried as I have an addict I've nature... I started taking it before I needed it. So I had to be real with myself and use it when I needed it, not when I thought I would... Does that make sense? It is - to me a godsend... I use it properly.. when I need it. And it works for me

johnboy_10 profile image

I used to have panic attacks, I overcame them by controlled breathing together with telling myself that these were only thoughts and could do me no harm I concentrated on floating the thoughts away, This sounds weird I know, I suppose it is a type of meditation, It worked for me. I still tell myself that thoughts can do me no harm, Haven't had a panic attack for a long time. Hope this helps.

Whitch profile image

I used to have these a lot and always felt better if I actually passed out - if I fought it it would make me feel dizzy for ages - it never happened when I was out always at home and I would sometimes overcome it with deep breathing and I was told to make myself cough - which helped sometimes -I would sometimes call for help and was given injection which stopped it but also Proprochlerine tablets to take for a few days

Izb1 profile image

Hi mistymim, have you tried breathing into a paper bag, I believe this is a good way to control panic attacks. Hope this helps x

mistymim profile image
mistymim in reply to Izb1

These happen with the oxygen going, I can only describe these attacks as anxiety, they may not be, but if I get a fright or hurry too much it all happens, I just cannot breathe, I have tried to breathe as you are supposed to but can't get enough air to my lungs, sometimes I get incontinent with it, so I don't like going out in case it happens...

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to mistymim

Hi, I understand exactly how you feel at these times as I have the same episodes often out of the blue, although I am not on oxygen. I have never managed to control it with breathing techniques but I take extra ventolin (not always helpful as it doesn't control the underlying anxiety) and try and find some distraction, i.e TV. When that doesn't help, I just ride it out and am usually OK after about half an hour which can feel like forever.

As Spacecat1 says below, I too sometimes get the same panic attacks when getting ready to go out. At these times I wait until it eases before going out. It's too easy to take the safe option of staying in, but I wear a pad in case of incontinence while out.

Many years ago, I studied Claire Weekes' books, including 'Self help for your nerves'. She emphasised acceptance of how you feel as 'fighting' it makes it worse. That was much easier to do before lung disease kicked in!

I hope that you find some technique that helps you. Best wishes.

syntax profile image

I can only tell you having HAD Anxiety,Depression & Panic attacks,that

l was told by the assessor that it was all in my mind.And were I to keep telling

myself this,l would wake up one morning and it would not be there.You can

only but try this method if you wish.Mine was TOTALLY gone in 7 mths.This

was 6 yrs ago,and have not had a return of anything. LUCK.

Spacecat1 profile image

Mine always come on as we are getting ready to g out. I find it sit down and take slow breathes it helps to calm me down. Plus gp and consultant put me on lorazepam which I take half an hour before e go out and they seem to calm me down.

UHelga profile image

Oh they are horrible! I did suffer from them years ago, during a very stressful period in my life. They stopped once I focused regularly on my breathing and get used to recognising when it changed. It seems we have a tendency to hyperventilate when we feel anxious! I found breathing into a paper bag useful as a first aid, or using cupped hands.

Rosie701947 profile image

Hello mistymim

I get panic attacks too, I am not on oxygen. I have APBA (aspergillosis problem) I start by controlling my breathing, I have an app on my phone for timing. I also go to bed and listen to my self hypnosis and healing CDs. If I cannot get through the panic attack I resort to a diazepam. I am very respectful of this drug, it is addictive so is a last resort. But honestly, when you cannot breathe, in a total panic attack and starting to lose it, you will do anything to make it go away. It is the most frightening thing anyone can imagine, I feel for you. My symptoms are breathlessness and feeling very unwell on a daily basis, different diagnosis from you but similar symptons.

I hope I have helped.


Tosh1960 profile image

Hi mistymim! I suffered from shocking panic attacks in the 80s when in my late 20s! Even calling a doctor out once(that’s when we had doctors that left their surgery) How I beat them was I was walking down a busy main road in hull with my wife when one started to come on ,and mine made me panic and run around like a headless chicken,so I just thought enough now I’ll just die then ! But I really meant it ,and with that the attack subsided and to this day I’ve never had another!

Maximonkey profile image

Hi mistymim, Oh poor you, get a bag (without holes) hold the neck of the bag against your lips and slow your breathing down by breathing into the bag, it will take a minute or two but will work. Your are obviously hyperventilating when you get these attacks and breathing in

and out of a bag will sort it. I suffered badly from these attacks when I was pregnant, it is horrible, but the bag definitely works. I believe paper bags work better than plastic but any bag will do. Good luck and take care. Maximonkey

bradshead profile image

I sympathise with any one who suffers from panic attacks, I have had them for years, strangely enough only in the evenings, it’s no good saying to someone, who is having one to breathe slowly, pursed lip etc, as it completely takes over. When I had mine ,my knees would shake,I would be freezing cold, need the loo and couldn’t get any air. ,and have a headache. They completely took over my life, I wouldn’t go away or stop over at friends. After several years, finally, I seem to have them under control, I am on 150 mg sertraline daily and have an emergency pack of diazepam, they are my safety net, if I feel one coming on I take a diazepam and it just calms me down,as I know that our minds can go into overdrive and make things worse. I really hope you can get some help, as they actually were destroying my life at one time.

cofdrop-UK profile image

Hi, Very reputable site

Good luck


bernardette profile image

Hi Mistymim

My reply to you may be lost among all the other replies BUT I know exactly what you are saying. I am on oxygen 24/7 and since December I have had some issues when changing the cylinder when I've been out - theatre, restaurant, etc. Also had cylinders that had emptied when I thought they were full. I find it hard to keep calm under these circumstances whether alone or with friends and family and have a panic attack. I know the cause but it is still scary. To minimise mishaps and the resulting panic, I now carry two spare cylinders in the car, never let the oxygen drop into red zone (so I can get home/help reverting to the original cylinder) and carry a torch in the car for cylinder changes at night). Hope this might helop but I'm assuming your panic attacks are connected to oxygen mishaps.

mistymim profile image
mistymim in reply to bernardette

Hi Bernardette, my problem isn't anything to do with the oxygen, I don't know how I would cope if I never had it on when I get these attacks. Thanks for sharing with me..

bobbyfloyd profile image

I have panic attacks nightly, they are awful but am on mirpazatine 15mll every night, still have them but not so bad side effects not to good but lesser of two evils

sueedw profile image

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for 30 years, ive tried everything believe me. 8 years ago my Dr suggested Diazapam, before anyone shouts im only allowed 14 per month, but those 14 days I feel great and im able to go out, its changed my life im so happy now. Sue

saramic profile image

I had panic attacks sometimes years ago, and then suddenly had a full blown one this morning while struggling to breathe getting out of bed. It was dreadful but later I recognized it for what it was. It then took me about 45 mins to get to switch on the kettle. I find hot tea helps (opens the airways?) so tonight I will sleep with a thermos flask beside me. And I have a few Diazepam, so will take one on waking. Fingers crossed as I've started to live in fear of the mornings.

So helpful and supportive to read all your comments.

Pinky29m profile image

U are not alone. So your doctor if u can take anxiety medicine and help me good after 4 years in the house and hardly ever going out it's very difficult to go out and it's a agoraphobia I don't know what else to say exempt you got to push yourself a have somebody push you and my children down here in Florida for a week and the littlest laying them from eight months to 12 years olds and I don't see them till later on like for dinner because I can't get myself out of bed or out of the house but today I got out early and I'm not going to join them for dinner I have no energy so you're not alone and I feel really badly for you cuz I know how hard it is so difficult to be stuck in here for you to go just I don't even go get my own mail B will he stay strong. PINKY

mistymim profile image

Thank you everyone for your comments, I find this page so helpful in so many ways, everyone has such good advice.xxxxx

Michele-Cat profile image

Sorry to hear you're suffering panic attacks. They can be quite scary and often leave you feel exhausted afterwards because of the adrenaline built-up in preparation for an imagined 'fight or flight' scenario.

My nose often feels blocked, so I don't find that focusing on my breathing always works for me. Instead I try to distract myself by reading the first thing to hand, watching TV, focusing on an object and scrutinising it in minute, detail etc. I've found that concentrating my thoughts on anything but my breathing, helps bring it under control. Finding what works for me, has helped me become less fearful of panic attacks than I used to be, as I now feel more in control when they happen and their duration is much shorter.

Hope you find a technique that works for you too.

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