Multiple sneezing episodes: I suffer... - Lung Conditions C...

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Multiple sneezing episodes

mauschen profile image
25 Replies

I suffer from bouts of multiple sneezing episodes. My husband says the average is ten in a row. Sometimes the episodes can be quite violent and painful. For me there are no apparent triggers. I have mentioned this to my local doctor and pulmonologist but no one appears the slightest bit interested.

In a recent post related to CPAP, I mentioned this sneezing phenomena coupled with my nose running like someone has turned the tap on, and others confirmed this symptom.

My question is:

Have you ever experienced multiple sneezing episodes?


If so, did you seek advice ... from whom?

What advice if any, did you receive?

How does this experience affect you (for those affected)?

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mauschen profile image
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25 Replies
O2Trees profile image

I have this mauschen. Usually around 10 like you but Ive been known to get to 15. I find it annoying but have never bothered to ask about it. It seems small compared with the rest of what I deal with but it doesnt give me any pain and it sounds like yours affect you more than mine do me. Mostly it happens at home and I find that letting rip with a loud one stops any pain developing which can happen if you hold yourself tense trying not to make a noise.

If you want advice just be firm with your GP - its obviously upsetting you so they should take it seriously.

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to O2Trees

Thank you O2Trees , no I am not upset by this odd phenomenon, like you, I have bigger fish to fry, I am simply curious. Actually, I quite enjoy a good sneeze and never hold back on the vocals. My husband is more embarrassed than anything else. After the 3rd sneeze, he begins the litany „ that’s enough, stop it now ...“ The problem is I have no control, it cannot be stopped.

The pain comes from the pressure inside my ribcage. I suffer from recurrent costochondritis which is inflammation of the chest wall, which is why I describe my episodes as sometimes violent.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to mauschen

Oh Ive heard of that, nasty. That must also make laughing, coughing etc painful too. I have a little insight into it as I've broken my ribs coughing in the past, then 6 weeks of hellish pain while it heals, but I guess you don't get to heal? Anyway Im glad you can let rip too. :D

Caspiana profile image

Hello mauschen .

I sometimes get sneezing fits. But mine are from pollen allergies and if there is dust about it happens too.

During the spring and autumn this happens a lot. During these times I take antihistamines and decongestants. My pulmonologist recommended me to. I have long since had pollen allergies so we know what the cause is. It may be good for you to seek the advice of a otolaryngologist.

You mentioned the CPAP machine. I don't use one myself, but a thought occurred to me. If you think these sneezing episodes have something to do with the machine, I am wondering if it could be caused by the chemicals you use to clean the mask and tubing. If indeed you use some kind of sterilisation chemical.

I would definitely try and see an ENT specialist who would more likely take your concerns seriously.

Warm wishes,

Cas xx 🍀

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Caspiana

Good point about the cleaning chemicals Cas - and an ENT referral. :)

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Caspiana

Thank you Caspiana . The phenomenon started a few years before CPAP was introduced. I have had allergy tests done in an attempt to find out why I have allergic asthma. Nothing was positive, not even my long haired shaggy cat.

Incidentally, I wash my CPAP mask and tubing in a mild non detergent hand wash as recommended by the manufacturer so that doesn’t seem a likely trigger. Although, I see where you’re coming from.

An ENT dr would probably find the obvious, hypersensitive nasal tissue, however, I have enough doctors to visit at the moment.

2greys profile image

You are not alone, I get bouts of dry sneezing, for no apparent reason. It is not pollen, not in the middle of winter. Talking of which the tree pollen season has started now in the UK.

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to 2greys

Thank you 2greys . My recent bout started during the heavy snow and minus temperatures. My friends’s husband who is coincidentally the same age as me, also has this problem. He is very embarrassed because it strikes without warning...even in the snow.

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to mauschen

Incidentally, I live in a forest but do not have hayfever

Kerrieblue profile image

I believe this is caused by post nasal drip and is common with some diseases like Bronchiectasis. A steroid nasal spray can be used which reduces/stops this.

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Kerrieblue

Possible, I’ll look into this however, if it’s dripping, it must be heading backwards as I don’t have a runny nose out with these episodes of sneezing. It usually happens afterwards. Thank you Kerrieblue

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to mauschen

My grandchildren love it too, however, the first one always takes them (and me) by surprise😂😤🤧

whit profile image

I have sneezed multiple times for years, it's annoying if your'e in a shop or restraunt, but it is a great source of amusement to my grand ,and great grand kids. i must say tough id 's not painful .

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to whit

Sorry whit , I replied to myself intead of your post. Check out under Kerrieblue🤗

CELAT06 profile image

Hi , I also have this although it doesn’t really trouble me. My usual is about 7 but yesterday I broke my record with 9 ! I’ve never thought to ask anyone about it, and just put up with it. As 02 trees says it’s jut a small nuisance compared to other things. It does cause some funny looks and comments if it happens when I’m out and the family do find it quite funny. X

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to CELAT06


mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to CELAT06

Totally agree

soulsaver profile image

Sneezing is normal reaction to nasal contamination, in your case likely to be runny sinuses.

I have a theory the runny sinuses could often be a reaction to inhalers.

Neti pots saline nasal rinse - available on Amazon - godsend! Not a cure...but steroid nasal sprays may not work.. and makes it worse for some.

Best wishes.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to soulsaver

Great reminder re neti pots sousaver, thanks for that. Off onto Amazon now :)

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to soulsaver

I take a compressed powder steroid inhaler every morning and very rarely need my Salbutamol inhaler. My sneezing episodes are not every day. However, your runny sinus theory is worth having a look at.

I understand that the function of the nasal hair is to trap unwanted visitors and expel them by sneezing however, it’s the 10 in a row that makes me curious.

Thank you

whinniethepooh profile image

Hi Mauschen

Yes common occurence with dad and I dad has stage 5 kidney failure plus many other probs but we both have these sneezing episodes every day. Sometimes it starts with a catch in the throat. Dad makes me laugh always sees a funny side. He thinks they put fibres in the tissues he buys to make him sneeze more so he has to buy more. Lol. Keep going up and down with the waves. We have to have a bad day to appreciate a good

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to whinniethepooh

whinniethepooh , you have made me laugh. You sound as though you and your dad have a wonderful relationship. It’s lovely to hear that he can still laugh and sneeze despite his troubles.

Have a lovely day

Annie31 profile image

I love a good sneeze! My nose could run for England at times! I usually have a sneezing fit with 7-10 sneezes after a little tickle in my throat. I also suffer with post nasal drip. This happened long before quitting smoking so it's nothing to do with quitting as far as it affects me, in fact it doesn't happen so often as when I was smoking. Usually that was most days and I now put it down to just a trigger that aggravates my throat. I've mentioned it and no one seems to be worried or interested so I just enjoy a good sneeze because very often I feel better for it!

Have you considered rhinitis for the clear runny nose - when it's particularly annoying I just take an antihistamine, seems to help so I don't worry about it

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Annie31

Thank you Annie31 , like others you mention nasal drip, interesting 🤔

I am a non smoker .. never smoked but gre up in a houshold where regular visitors would smoke ... it was the done thing in those days.

I did suffer with Rhinitis but after my tonsils were removed 45 years ago this disappeared . As a child I had regular throat infections, certainly sounds like an ENT problem. Apart from my finger, I don’t want anything being poked up my nose🤗

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to mauschen


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