AMBULANCE ๐Ÿš‘ SERVICE COMPLAINT upheald - Lung Conditions C...

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Some might rember complaint i put in about attertude of ambulance man / women WHEN I thought I was dieing of heart attack.

Well person had issues with entering smokers home EVEN tho door was wide open and no one had smoked for few hours.

She had attertude I had brought it on my self AND was not interested in my condition AND sat in ambulance till I was ready to leave.

When I arrived at hospital she nearly trashed triage nurses ecg pulling me away befour I was detached from AE equipment.

Thatโ€™s how intrested she was.

Anyway EVEN though I thought I was dieing I Thought this know ways she is going to get away with her judgmental attertude.

As in my VIEW our NHS dose not judge and will be sorry Day when it dose.

So long and short of it IS my complaint WAS upheald as I had surport of other crew members and her employment record as been amended to reflect my upheld complaint.

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31 Replies
pergola profile image

With respect to jeffajaxsmith, I have read this message twice, and find it hard to follow. Reading it again, I think that one of the ambulance crew objected going into a smoker's home. Yes, I would have made a comment if I could smell smoke because it is unpleasant. BUT I am an exsmoker.

in reply to pergola

So is somebody who as been in house car fire

Where do you draw the line

mrsmummy profile image

Well done Jeff. Standing your corner is not always easy for us and in this instance the attitude of the worker seemed to be well out of line.

in reply to mrsmummy

Hi Mrsmummy your not wrong there DO sick people needed judging.

She knew nothing about my work history lung health and made it obvioues she did not want to know.

But the not all like that the other crew member and responce driver where great and made sure my complaint reflected that.

The was brilliant with my dad and reassuring with me.

mrsmummy profile image
mrsmummy in reply to

That's good to hear. Whatever the circumstances people should never be judged and must always be shown respect.

sassy59 profile image

You had every right to complain as ambulance workers have no right to judge. They go into all sorts of situations and need to do their job for everyone.

Take care JAS. xxx

in reply to sassy59

Fully agree and that was my motivation AS she should been interested as someone who is having heart attack might need her help not to stand there judgmental wile someone dies

newlands profile image

Good on you standing your corner , how dare she she new when taking the job she would meet up with patient s that did things she disagreed with ,Tuff I say

Take care


in reply to newlands

Defo agree and she did do stuff i disagreed with.

casper99 profile image

Sounds like she's in the wrong job.

You did right to complain, the last thing you need, when your sick, is people like that anywhere near. Well done xx

Pam1952 profile image

Well done Jeff. A big part of their job is to be non-judgmental and to make the patient feel at ease. Big fail on both counts! Hopefully, she may now change her attitude. XXX

in reply to Pam1952

Hi Pam we can only live in hope.

MSMichaela1966 profile image

Oh my... I'm so pleased I saw this post. Although it's now 6.40 am and not slept in 3 days. I have a story about a paramedic who attended my home and was still pondering on how to deal with it. I'm still dealing with a exacerbation episode.

in reply to MSMichaela1966

Hi Missy thanks for reply HOPE your over exacerbation and feeling better.

One I complained about sounds like one you might of had.

Caspiana profile image

That's not a good experience at all. I hope the lady in question will be reprimanded. Hope your dad is doing okay Hidden . xx ๐ŸŒน

in reply to Caspiana

Hi caspiana think she was well reprimanded ... dadโ€™s doing ok really IS eating crisp.

Hope alls well your end

Phil40 profile image

I am sorry to here of your experience there it is the last thing you need then.

Also sorry the paramedic must have been having such a bad day or something because I cannot imagine anyone behaving like that in that roll will be in that roll very long at all.

Mum went into hospital yesterday with pneumonia and ambulance crew were great as always; absolutely brilliant, cheerful, caring while doing 12 hour shifts!!!!

All the best



Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Phil40

Hello Phil.

So sorry your mum is poorly. I hope she is in the mend. Take care of yourself too. xx ๐ŸŒป

Phil40 profile image
Phil40 in reply to Caspiana

Thankyou for your kindness.

Saw her this evening and she is having a hard time of it; hopefully start getting better soon.

She was 81 years old today and I didnโ€™t think she would get here this time last year, every day is a miracle.

Be well and take care yourself


Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Phil40

Thank you Phil. ๐Ÿ€

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Jeff, nice to see your post and update. I am glad your complaint was upheld on their judgemental attitude, but its a two sides to the story type of thing. The worker is entitled to refuse, but having taken on a job of care should be prepared to put care before their own health, what about risks of attacks by unstable persons and many other things. Just like the risk when entering a terrorist situation. Your habit is a minor risk compared to a terrorist attack. :) take care hope your dad is well too

in reply to katieoxo60

Hi Katie I use to work doing removals and some of the houses was Rotten I never once said anything about how they lived but I did put gloves on.

She was just out of order really AS this worse things one can walk into.

Hope ya doing ok and staying clear of ladders steps worktops etc

Me dadโ€™s doing better than me I think IT though trying to be strong.

Iโ€™m glad you complained. People who enter caring professions which involve visiting someoneโ€™s home have no business picking and choosing who theyโ€™ll care for. Whatever next?!

in reply to

Do I agree AND where will it stop when they go on about cats dogs occupiers have.

Hi inamoment guess given her work and cross infection risk I donโ€™t think do any harm but am not sure she should be breathing in fabreeze

We all have bias AND some are professional enough to keep them private in public.

Am sure this very few angels in world

Mavary profile image

Sounds a bit like an ambulance lady my Husband had. Although it's about four years ago now. I won't go in to details but a couple of things she said were really scary. I told the Hospice nurse and she said we ought to report her. With what was going on at the time we didn't. I wish in a way I had because she shouldn't have got away with it.

I'm glad you followed through with your case and won.

in reply to Mavary

Hi Mavary Sorry to read about your experience when itโ€™s reassurace we need BUT she meet her match with me AS I don.t care who or how big are A wrong is a wrong in my book.

Could even go as far as saying she might of been sent for me to sort out GUESS can have days that feel like that.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

I wasnโ€™t in the right frame of mind at that time. I should have complained. I donโ€™t know where you live but I wonder if it was the same lady. Surely there canโ€™t be another. They are usually so lovely. She was quite a big lady and blonde. The Hospice lady said that a man who used to be an ambulance man and was then or had recently then been sick at the Hospice had complained. But as I say this was four years ago. I hope this one was struck off. She was obviously not fit for the job.

Toci profile image

Oh, well done! Not liking to breathe in cigarette smoke is perfectly understandable. Being rude and judgmental however is not acceptable under any circumstances. I am so pleased they upheld your complaint after investigating and speaking to other hospital staff who had witnessed what happened. Put it behind you now Daz. xx

in reply to Toci

Hi Cheers I already have ..... just hope I donโ€™t need her help one day

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