Asbestos desease: I was diagnosed three... - Lung Conditions C...

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Asbestos desease

SodoffBaldrick profile image
25 Replies

I was diagnosed three years ago with Pleural Plaque, Pleural Thickening and Fibrosis after working with asbestos sheets as a 17 yr old apprentice and I'm 59 yrs old so it took all those yrs to surface, so at 17 yrs old starting off as an apprentice with the world at my feet little did I realize that my death sentence was already mapped out.

The company no longer exists and I'm fighting like crazy to get some form of compensation and what ppl don't know is that as soon as you are diagnosed you only have 3 yrs to claim,after that then you are on you own.

It's disgusting how the working man always seem to get stiffed.

I'm ex Army, ex marathon runner and now I have a disabled sticker on my car,can't do stairs,can't do yard work , can't play with my dogs etc

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SodoffBaldrick profile image
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25 Replies
SecondLife profile image

we've been through all of this and you are right as a 17 year old you are signing your death warrant, in some ways we were lucky as our company does still exist. If there is no company I thought there was a Government payout of a certain amount. Whatever you get does not really compensate for the loss of your 'normal' life though however with the right medicines, right diet and exercise you can make your life more comfortable. Good luck

Maureenclayton profile image
Maureenclayton in reply to SecondLife

That's a very encouraging reply.

SodoffBaldrick profile image
SodoffBaldrick in reply to SecondLife

Thank you for your kind words, all companies had an insurance so that is what my lawyer is going after although nothing is guaranteed, I walk an average of 11 km per day during my daily work as I work in a building which is about 3 million sq feet on six floors

moocow66 profile image

We know how you feel my hubby has advanced asbestosis, he was 56 when the problem first started so it's been 15 years dealing with the disease. Asbestosis is a slow disease so against some of the other appalling lung diseases on here that people have we have had years to digest the disease and come to terms with it. We wish you all the best in your quest for compensation we started off trying but found it was causing to much stress so gave up we wanted to just try and enjoy life and that is what we have done with our 3 dogs and 6 cats, one very big hedge hog and a badger that comes for the feral cat food. wishing you all the best and hope you get your compensation.

Maureenclayton profile image
Maureenclayton in reply to moocow66

So sorry your husband has had had all those years of bad health Wishing you well for your future.

SodoffBaldrick profile image
SodoffBaldrick in reply to moocow66

Yes it is frustrating especially because I am doing my claim with lawyers over the phone and internet and with a 7 hr time difference it can be a pain and very stressful but this is not really about the financial side of it , someone has to be held accountable for their actions,it's time the working man had a voice and if it means a nine hr flight to meet these ppl face to face then I will, I'm very angry that they have taken my life from a young age and money will not get my health back.

Sounds like you have a great retirement considering the health issues.

All the best

moocow66 profile image
moocow66 in reply to SodoffBaldrick

Thank you and all the best to you.

cofdrop-UK profile image

A very warm welcome to you.

I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. There has been legal cases going on for years here in Leeds, as there used to be a company based in Armley where kids would play in piles of asbestos outside the factory and many, along with staff developed mesothelioma. The company no longer exists. It is a disgrace.

I wish you well with your health issues and also your fight for justice.


Roessner541 profile image

Sorry about your diagnosis. That stuff is bad news.

tamariki profile image

I was diagnosed with plaques 25 years ago. I used to have a biannual xray and spirometry test. My only problem is COPD from smoking. I go to a pulmonary rehab class twice3 a week, which helps me lead a semi normal life. They pay compensation in Australia. Perhaps your condition is not considered badly enough for you to qualify.

Maureenclayton profile image

This is just horrible for you to have such a change of lifestyle, I hope that you have a good specialist and are getting looked after every way they possibly can. I have a friend who's husband had a fall last year while taking someone's dog out for them, he ended up going for a scan when he hurt himself and they realised he had lung cancer, this too was caused through working with asbestos when he was in his early twenties, they said the cancer was between the lining of the lungs and had been there all this time, so they operated, however when they put a drain on him for the fluid it went up over instead of down and his whole upper torso was swollen. They then had to operate again to put things right. Eventually the selling went down but he has been in tremendous pain since the second operation which was three months ago now. He has recently had another scan and been told that it has spread. He is 73 years old which makes me wonder if he hadn't been operated on in the first place would it have just stayed dormant like it had for all those years without any pain or bother. He doesn't know what the next step is but the prognosis doesn't sound very good. They are going to get compensation what the government sort out for you, I don't think it's much but you are entitled to get this too. I wish you good luck for your future. Take care. X

SodoffBaldrick profile image
SodoffBaldrick in reply to Maureenclayton

My Specialist wants to do a biopsy on my lungs and I have flatly refused and when he asked why I told him my personal belief is once you are opened up and air gets to it the cancer inevitably comes, so as my lungs get less air due to the restriction and the 24 hr pain I will take my family Doctors advice and "suck it up buttercup" lmao love my Doctors bluntness

Maureenclayton profile image
Maureenclayton in reply to SodoffBaldrick

Well I think he sounds arrogant if I'm reading this right, but I do get where your coming from about not wanting the biopsy but that's totally different to being opened up, what I mentioned to you about my friends husband was totally different as he did already have the cancer, so the circumstances are very different. Im not sure of the procedure, a while ago I got a camera down into my stomach to take a sample cos I was having liver problems, it was to see if I had cancer cos liver problems can cause cancer of the stomach but it was fine, I think they took a sample, just a tiny sample, it was ok and the results didn't take long either. So maybe if you have another think about it and discuss this with your doctor what the procedure is to reassure you it might be ok. Good luck and let me know if you change your mind. X

SodoffBaldrick profile image
SodoffBaldrick in reply to Maureenclayton

Hi , no my Doctor is the opposite of arrogance, we joke around and have a laugh and when he said that to me I almost peed laughing 😂. He is very compassionate and knowledgeable and knows that laughter is the best medicine for me after dealing with my British humour and jokes for 15 yrs .

Maureenclayton profile image
Maureenclayton in reply to SodoffBaldrick

Oh that's alright then, yes laughter is the best way to go. I hope it all goes well for you, take care. X

Offcut profile image

I was cutting it on a circular saw without any masks or filters of any sort. It was because we were told it was not the "Dangerous blue asbestos!" It was in fact as I found out years later the Brown Asbestos the second most deadly !

Good luck with the claim do not give up on it.

BE Well

SecondLife profile image

meant to say also do not forget to apply for Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

Plumbob profile image


I feel your pain as I'm in the same boat and done a lot of research on the issues - I was always fit with martial arts and rugby which I played until I was 50 put my breathless down to getting older and competing with youngsters

I'm now on oxygen 24/7 -I was diagnosed in 2013 and it was doubtful that I would see my 60th birthday but I celebrated it last month and aiming for Xmas 😁

With regards your claim you have to log a claim within 3 years ( not settle it) ! Mine has been going on for 4 years and have a provisional court date of Dec 2017 -but looking at the evidence I've got I honestly think it will be settled out of court !

If the company you worked for where you suffered asbestos exposure doesn't exist ,don't worry as its their insurers you after . If you search for ELTO (employers liability tracing office) you can do a free search on line to find out who the insurers were !!

If you were in a union they should fund your legal issues ?

Hope this helps ? Please feel free to contact me ( or pm me) should you want any further info

Stay positive and take care


Maureenclayton profile image
Maureenclayton in reply to Plumbob

Great advise

SodoffBaldrick profile image
SodoffBaldrick in reply to Plumbob

Hi Buddy

Thanks for the info. My British lawyer is dealing with all this and I have to get all my records (work and Health) and send it to her, luckily I work for my local Health Region so my health records are easier to access plus I know a lot of the specialists and drs and my employer is very helpful and compassionate.

I am in a Union but they can't help due to it being a different country.

I was lucky as when I put my claim in I had just three weeks left, nobody tells us we can claim, no doctor or specialist tells us when we get diagnosed that we can claim and the gov. Sure as hell ain't gonna let the working man find out he can receive money.

Here's hoping you get your compensation that you deserve.

All the best and take care


Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to SodoffBaldrick

Hi Dave

As soon as my consultant suspected asbestosis he told me to go and speak to a solicitor ? So I was lucky and its cost £10k just to submit my claim to the Royal Courts Of Justice !!! It's been a long hard fight but I don't give in ,once my teeth get hold they don't let go .

I wish you well in your quest but try not to worry about things as its a wasted energy which doesn't achieve anything ( but as ex military you'll probably take that view anyway)

Stay strong and keep sucking it I. !!!

Take Care


SodoffBaldrick profile image
SodoffBaldrick in reply to Plumbob

Lmao thanks will do , I even have The Canadian Veteran Affairs looking out for me , so this Buttercup feels special lol might change my Facebook name from SodoffBaldrick to Buttercup lol ummmm no

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to SodoffBaldrick

I think your Baldrick pic is great and you sound like a man 'That has a cunning plan' and it doesn't involve turnips !!!! LOL

SodoffBaldrick profile image
SodoffBaldrick in reply to Plumbob

Oh I have cunning plans but my Canadian wife usually puts her foot lol she is getting used to my warped humour but a lot of it goes over her head and we have no turnips in the house, still trying to get her to drink English tea but to no avail and she thinks dunking biscuits and toast in tea is barbaric, oh these poor colonials when will they ever learn lol 😂

Plumbob profile image

Sodo meant to say contact the DWP as you will probably be able to claim industrial injuries benefit and a lump sum of £30,000 to help you out - but be warned these benefits have to be returned should you have a successful legal claim ??

Not what you're looking for?

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