Got the all clear: As some of you know... - Lung Conditions C...

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Got the all clear

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
54 Replies

As some of you know, I had another cancer scare. Well I got my scan done today, and got the all clear. :)

The new lump was just scarring from the last cancer they operated on.

Thanks to the group of people who sent me good wishes and support. I appreciated it.

Just need to shift this chest infection, on my third lot of antibiotics now. If my lungs still crackling after these the doc is sending me to specialist, to rule out fibrosis. Something I know nothing about.

Nin xx

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i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
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54 Replies
huggs profile image

Hi Nin,

What fantastic news to hear!! See Az was right all along lol That is so good and can imagine the great sense of relief you must have felt. Brilliant. xxx So happy for you.

Hope your chest infection clears up soon so that you don't have to worry about any other condition. Cross that bridge if you come to it, and for now concentrate on getting well, and wallowing in your fantastic results today.

Feel better soon,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to huggs

Thank you Huggs :)

I was so relieved that I nearly cried, lol then I walked out of hospital with a big grin on my face xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to i_am_iamnins_nin

Hi Nin,

I am surprised you didn't cry in relief and happiness! Years ago I had a scare, and when I had a biopsy and scan was given the good news that there was nothing to worry about. I promptly burst into tears, sooooooo embarrassing! lol The doctor then said something about my breasts which I didn't take in at the time, as I had this stupid big grin on my face too. It wasn't until we were on the ferry home, that I remembered the doc had made a comment. I asked my friend what it was. She laughed, and said she was wondering when I would get round to asking or remembering what he had said. Turns out he said, " nothing to worry about, as you just have odd breasts, but come back if you are worried!! Apparently I was effusive in my thanks for his comments. lol cheeky sod. ha ha ha.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xx :)

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to huggs

Lol huggs. My first scare was in my 30's and the doc said straight to biopsy for you as you are far to small for the mammogram. One good thing about steroid weight gain, i'm now big enough to fit, else they probably wouldn't have found the cancer when I was 50. :)

Mariehope profile image
Mariehope in reply to huggs

You must be so relieved. Good lass.

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to Mariehope

Thanks Marie, I really am relieved. x

Jolyn profile image

Smashing news ... congratulations!

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to Jolyn

:) Thanks Jolyn xx

Best news ever Nin ! So happy for you.

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to

Thanks Argana. It really is the best news, I thought I would be making the 500 mile round trip back to Essex to tell my Mum and four sons bad nrws. Now my next trip back home will be happy. :)

kimmy59 profile image

That's fantastic news, I bet you feel brilliant.

Kim xxxx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to kimmy59

Thanks kimmy :) yes I really do feel brilliant. It's a huge weight lifted for me and for Az.

Riverbank profile image

So pleased you got the all clear Anna, that must have been so scary for you.

Hope your not coming down this way just yet the weather is awful, be better in the spring, mind you you must be a hardened Northerner now, lol.

You take care of yourself.


i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to Riverbank

Thank you :)

Lol living at the bottom of the Pennine Hills certainly does harden you to cold weather, it's freezing here too! No not traveling down yet, but hoping before spring, can't wait to see my grandson. :)

Hope you are keeping well and warm. Xx

casper99 profile image

Great news !!! Well pleased for you. xx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to casper99

Thank you casper :) xx

butter-fly profile image

That's great news Nin. Now the sun can shine again for you and you can get on with the rest of your life!

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to butter-fly

Thanks Butterfly. Thats just what we are going to do. Planning on moving this year, so its going to be busy. :) xx

Oh Nin that's fantastic. I told you it would be all right. I am so pleased for you :) xx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to

Thanks cough :) you were right thank goodness. Xxx

in reply to i_am_iamnins_nin

I'm always right Nin :d xxx

Great news nin, I'm so pleased u got good news, hope u shift that infection now too.... Take care x Sonia xx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to

Thank you Sonia, looks like the antibiotics are working this time, so good news all round :) xx

Suz01 profile image

Hi Nin,

Perfect news I'm so happy for you and know the relief you are feeling. Hope this round of anti biotics does the trick with moving the infection. Hugs Suz xx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to Suz01

Thanks Suz, yes looks like the AB's are working. :) xx

bulpit profile image

Morning Jamnins, Great news, so wonderful to have good news on this site, It is so nerve racking waiting for results, Very best wishes Bulpit

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to bulpit

Thank you Bulpit. You are right my nerves were fraught, now I can relax :) xx

peege profile image

That's great news A. Very very pleased for you.

Now you can concentrate on getting rid of the infection. Bet you're over the moon, just a little

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to peege

Thanks peege over the moon seems like an understatement, I just couldn't stop grinning :)

Am feeling a lot better today so i think the chest infection maybe under control. Xxx

jenss profile image

Great news nin you must all be so relieved. Best wishesxxx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to jenss

Thanks jenss. Yes we are relieved

:) xx

Wow,what splendid news,so happy for you! What a way to start the New Year,looks like it will be a good one for you! xxxxx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to

Thank you Wendells, hope the new year is good for you too :) xx

Offcut profile image

Fantastic news on the Big C . Maybe a blood/sputum test to see what treats the bug might be the first step? I have had a stupid cough for near on 3 weeks and it will not go away.

Be Well

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to Offcut

Thanks offcut :) yes had a sputum test, Doc chasing results, had an x-ray and three different lots of AB's. Still got crackling in lung. Due to see him again next week, he says it's possibly another bout of pneumonia but he would expect the crackling to be gone when he sees me next, if not its hospital for a CAT scan to rule out fibrosis. Seems strange to say that I'm hoping I have pneumonia!

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to i_am_iamnins_nin

Better of 2 evils. I have fibrosis from a severe infection in 2008 at least pneumonia pain goes away. Keep fighting and do not let it beat you down.

Be Well

pollyjj profile image

How great to hear some fantastic good news for a change, hope that infection clears very soon and you can celebrate in style.

Take care.

polly xx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to pollyjj

Thanks Polly :) I hope so too, think we are due some celebrating, its my birthday in 6 days. Xx

DozyDormouse profile image

Oh my dear Anna what fantastic news. I am so pleased for you even if I had missed you telling us about the scare. That's what comes from being asleep most of the time!

Sending you my special fantastic news, get rid of infection, all enveloping, super soft mummy hug

love Dozy x

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to DozyDormouse

Lovely hug Dozy, just what I needed, thank you :) Don't worry you didn't really miss me telling about it, I only briefly mentioned it on someone's post, in my reply to them. I had decided in my head it would be bad news, and made all the decisions that go along with that. I cried a bit, and also laughed at the things Az said to cheer me up. So I can't think of a better birthday gift of the all clear. Even though I do feel a little silly for having worries and wobbles for no reason.

Hope you getting a good start to the New Year

Love and hugs back to you. Xx

pegbl profile image

What great news to hear I'm so pleased for you, all being well lets hope your soon fighting fit and enjoy a great birthday.


i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to pegbl

Thank you Peg, :) Xx

TEDTHEBEAR profile image

Anna, thank goodness the news was good. You have been through so much, and you do it all without complaining, you are a star. Bet you cannot wait to see your little grandson. Please take care both of you.


i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to TEDTHEBEAR

Hello TedtheBear, hope you and yours are well, and keeping warm. There are a lot more people worse off than me, so I don't like to complain really, I'm one of the lucky ones, second chance at love and life, even if we huff and puff through the days, I love every one I wake up to. I am really looking forward to seeing my grandson. Can you believe he starts infants school this year !! I bet he has grown since I last saw him.

Love to you and your family and thank you Xxxxxx

sassy59 profile image

Great news Nin and so pleased for you. Take care xxxx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to sassy59

:) :) Thanks Sassy, you take care too. xx

holly17 profile image

So pleased for you, I have just got my third dose of lung cancer, had a second scan yesterday and see my oncologist on Wednesday to see how its grown and what treatment I will have this time, but beat it twice in the last eight years so will do it again, but just in case a few fingers crossed will help folks. I am still smiling.

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image

Thank you Holly17 , I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Like you say you have beaten it before, I do believe smiling is a very good medicine. Very best of luck to you. xx

helingmic profile image

i_am_iamnins_nin This is absolutely brilliant. I am SO very pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaased for you.

No I don't know either about fibrosis. Hope you don't have it. Enjoy this time with a good laughter. Hope you are not in the gale force wind.

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to helingmic

Thanks helingmic, yes the winds been howling here, it's been freezing cold. Xx

onamission profile image

Fantastic news so pleased for you

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to onamission

Thankyou :) xx

jimmyw123 profile image

hi Nin,, i've just seen this fantastic news, so pleased for you,

love jimmy xx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image
i_am_iamnins_nin in reply to jimmyw123

Thanks jimmy :) xx

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