Supermarket took my breath away? - Lung Conditions C...

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Supermarket took my breath away?

Offcut profile image
35 Replies

Went to a supermarket yesterday with the wife (we have to go more often, dodgy fridge) Which would normally make no difference week in and out we go here.

But as soon as I walked in I was SOB I did not notice any different smells etc. I really struggled all around the store and was keen to get out and home. Once loaded looked for the smallest queue and loaded the shopping on the conveyor. SOB got worse, the lovely checkout girl asked if I was okay? I said not really must of been putting shopping on belt? It was not until I was in the car I improved? My chest this morning is a little gooey but we have fog here at the moment.

The Only thing I can think is at the entrance is where their fresh flowers are! The till we went to was near the entrance and fresh flowers? my SOB did not improve the whole time I was there and a long way off from the flowers.

I have had this with chemical cleaners at home but they have all had a smell?

Any ideas?

Be Well

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Offcut profile image
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35 Replies

Maybe the flowers had been re arranged and topped up with more blooms etc just before you entered and you got a blast of the disturbed pollen ?

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to

It was the fact I pick up no smell at al that got me. I would normally smell them but did not?

pergola1 profile image

I wonder if the cleaning agents section can affect you - they can be quite smelly. Wearing a mask can be a help, but I wouldn't be keen to wear one!!!!

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to pergola1

I often think of them but with what is happening in Africa they might think I have something else.

I think it was the sudden SOB that got me.

pollyjj profile image

Hi Offcut, I try to remember to use my Bricanyl before going in. It is usually the cold in the supermarkets that gets to me I hate it when I have to get anything out of the freezers, then I don't get my breath back until I am in the car.

polly xx

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to pollyjj

They will not give me that because of my other conditions and drugs.

Hi offcut, I might be wrong but now it's getting colder maybe the heating in the shop is on and it is so dry it took ur breathe, I find heating a problem and air con takes my breathe too, and pollen and chemicals and perfume/ deodorant lol just about everything really, don't like it hot don't like it cold fussy bugger ain't I. Hope u feel better now. Take care x Sonia x

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to

I am with you there. I am the same to hot or to cold I am rubbish. Short haired dogs and cats hit me. Rape seed fields just make me feel ill. It is the fact I got no smell to put it to that has confused me.

in reply to Offcut

That's why I thought maybe the heating as it dry air heat , no smell but causes havoc with chest problems. Be alright if we could go out in a bubble lol x Sonia x

rockett777 profile image

Hi offcut,

lm really ignorant and dont no wot Sob stands for?

What l do no is as a carer, l had to spend alot of money on complete natural cleaning products,

and had to clean every day. When hubby and l went out he was made to were a mask, (stuff what peeps think)!!!! He was the priority and l wanted him out with me as long as it was possible.

Hope you well now and sending hugs to you both.xxxxx

in reply to rockett777

Hi rocket, SOB, short of breath, it's hard for us and carers to deal with this illness, but we couldn't do it without ya. Hope ur ok take care x Sonia x

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to

when i first saw SOB i thought it was "son of a b****"!! actually that was in context in the post!

in reply to Daisy77

Hi daisy my SOB is defo SOB lol. Xx

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to

Mine too...especially since i am midway through an exacerbation!!!

in reply to Daisy77

Oh daisy sorry to hear that , hope u feel better soon, I've got a chest infection at the mo bloody weather don't help sob lol. X Sonia x

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to

i am having my very first non infectious exacerbation. I didn't know there was such a thing until grey goose said so. I have looked it up and no one seems to know why they happen other than perhaps the cold. The weather has changed of late. And to top things off they arrived to put my new heating system in today and remove the old was scheduled ages ago. So i am lounging about at my boyfriends house letting him do the cooking and cleaning up for a change. carpe diem eh???

in reply to Daisy77

Definitely, I agree with u, I'm sitting on my bed while my hubby and daughter make lasagne yum , makes a change been waited on lol. x Sonia x

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to

we are having that tonight too

in reply to Offcut

Hi offcut, love homemade lasagne loads of mature cheddar cheese grated on top, chips and garlic bread. Hope u enjoys urs. X Sonia x

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Daisy77

It is very common for completive rowers to get chest problems also diabetes when they get older?

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Daisy77


Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to rockett777

I Second that. My Wife does a lot more than we think she does.

rockett777 profile image

Oh, thanks Sonia for letting me no.

Hubby and l used shopping channel QVC. Cant believe they have just sent me a letter asking me for hubby's death certificate and the £19 owed from 4 month ago!!!

How are you today lovely and the family?

in reply to rockett777

Where good thank u, are QVC that hard up for £19 nice they are showing u compassion, I have used QVC might not bother again if they treat customers like that. don't let it upset u, ur too good for that. Take care x Sonia x

longlungs profile image

Oooer Offcut I wonder what is was? With me its the cold fridge isles before I had Gertie I had to stop going as the cold was just too much.Now with gertie Im better cos im lively up and down those isles but i do always wear my buff especially if im in Waitrose tis like the Antartic even young healthy people moan about it.Do hope it was a one off happening never to be repeated. Keepwell now :) Janexx

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to longlungs

me too

ermintrudexxx profile image

Hi offcut, I have the same problems with certain flowers, i.e. pink lillies, (white ok) geraniums both

indoor and outdoor and more besides, also have to stay away from oils, candles and Boots at Christmas when everyone sampling perfumes and like you certain chemicals. I would say it was the

flowers that set you off,

take care


Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to ermintrudexxx

The smell of geraniums makes me feel sick. Since my time in ICU in 2008 I have had a hypersensitivity to BO for some strange reason.

in reply to Offcut

B O has always made me feel sick there's just no need, but like you any smells are now heightened , least with perfumes they take ur breath but they smell nice, b o just makes me gag, repulsive. I have to use roll deodorant now cuz of the fumes , so there's no excuse for anyone , if u use deodorant u can still sweat but no smell, but the one smell I do love is fresh cut grass, and a curry cooking lol. X Sonia

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to

But I seem to smell it when no one else does? :(

jankhan profile image

I have noticed that they are using something in the air conditioning system, it maybe to keep it bug and germ free. I can smell it and have noticed it in several other locations, lifts for example.. it's the same smell..

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to jankhan

They should clean Air con etc regularly as it is a breeding ground for bugs. I have found that the airline I used when I got a severe infection does not purge their air circulation system at all. BA do a complete purge on a set number of flights and most long haul do after each flight. It is like the air con in the car it will start to give a weird smell when it needs the filters changing. We had our water unit cleaned with ozone to kill any bugs in the filter an that was not a pleasant smell.

onamission profile image

I'm the same when I have to dodge my way through Debenhams they always shove the perfume counter at the front I just can't breath I'm the same with candles.

Suzy6 profile image
Suzy6 in reply to onamission

Me too perfume is a killer for me, not just Debenhams but anyone sitting near me.

Suzy6 profile image

Can't help offcut, mine is the cold counters, flowers or perfume, matches, perfumed fabric softener, the kind that clings to clothes.

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