I have AF(paramoxal) and have recently hsd a bout of AF after contracting a virus. Now it has settled my heart rate is between 52 and 57 bpm. Is this anything to be concerned about? Resting HR is usually 65bpm. I take bisoprolol snd flecanaide
low heart rate: I have AF(paramoxal... - British Heart Fou...
low heart rate

Hi, my HR was always low, in the 50s. After my heart attack I was put on metoprolol and my resting HR is now around 44-50. That's my new normal now and I'm used to it & feel ok, so I wouldn't be concerned. In fact these days if my HR goes above 80 I don't feel well at all.If you don't feel well discuss with your dr, but beta blockers are meant to lower HR.
I’d say nothing to worry about , mine was pretty low prior to my nstemi heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery in July 2023, resting at 50-55. Now it’s 42-48. If you feel worried about it have a chat with the BHF online nurses, they will advise and give you peace of mind regarding a course of action .👍🏻
Mines between 42 and 48 with no issues. But if yours has changed then talk to your doctor as there must be a reason.
That should read "paroxysmal" 🙂 You might find this helpful bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...
everyone is different. Before my aortic surgeries and having a pacemaker my testing was between 52-58 though I was running 20 miles a week. Now in week 11 after my procedures and it’s running about 10bpm more. They lowered the rate on my pacemaker from 70 to 60 on Tuesday and I feel I have more energy.
In summary I would keep a little bit of a diary of how you feel and what your heart rate is snd have a chat with the heart nurses - I found they were far more informative / experienced than my GP. What they couldn’t answer they’d speak to one of the consultants about,