Hi, a bit of advice for my bf. He works continental shift pattern and suffers really bad with the tiredness and it has got worse over the years. He works on heavy machines and we wonder if this condition would be better if he changed his job or if it is a classed as a disability would be be able to claim benefits.
Atrial Fibiltration: Hi, a bit of... - British Heart Fou...
Atrial Fibiltration

There is a HU Forum for Atrial Fibrillation which Id encourage you to join because it is the community for people coping with AF and Arrhythmias and you should get more replies , information and advice suitable for your friends needs there.You could also encourage your BF to join , as it can help to talk to others with AF whom understand what you are experiencing,
Continental shifts are certainly bad for your health in in general and that includes the heart. It affects sleep and poor sleep correlates with more frequent episodes of afib. Personally I would see a Cardiologist re the efficacy of changing to day work. I would then present the letter to the employer. Good luck.
His chances of claiming disability are very low. The criteria are not because you are ill but how badly teh condition affects him.My husband did continental shifts for years and yes it did affect him badly. I would advise him to change jobs or talk to HR and see if hey can help
Just write Atrial Fibrillation Support into the search bar .It will pop up in the communities list or a post from there will pop up .
Click on one of those you will be on the homepage , click to join the forum then you can post.
Try get on day shift citing medical problems because of continental shift pattern.Get a doctors note to back this up.Goodluck
I have SVT which is also a heart rhythm problem and tiredness is a recognised trigger for episodes. I’m sure it must be the same for AFib. After an unsuccessful ablation I am now taking Flecainide which has massively decreased my episodes and I can cope with late nights again. I’m not sure I would fancy doing shift work with the condition though. Perhaps get advice and some recommendations in writing from the cardiologist treating your bf. Good luck!