Have many stents now due for bypass operation
Looking for comments on bypass recovery - British Heart Fou...
Looking for comments on bypass recovery
I had a triple bypass in June 2024.
I felt much better after about three months and recently I have fully recovered from the physical after effects of the operation (chest pain, general discomfort, weakness, breathlessness etc).
You have to take it very easy. Little walks to begin with, breathing exercises, no lifting anything heavier than a can of beans - your cardiologist will explain the routine.
The support I received from my cardiac rehab nurses was very important. I would have struggled without it.
Mentally, it took a while to get anywhere near back to where I was pre-op and maybe I never will. Be prepared and tell your loved ones to be ready for you to feel tearful and generally 'emotional'. It will pass though.
Talk about how you feel, don't bottle it up.
Good luck and enjoy the many extra years of good health that the operation will give you!
I had quadruple CABG July 2023. Documented my journey and rehab on this forum and asked loads of questions . Do a search on my posts , should come up with previous posts and photos. Rehabbed very well but it wasn’t all linear . Thrilled with my rebirth . Wishing you all the best on your journey .
I had quad bypass early Aug24
Echo the above comment s fully
We are all on a different journey to recovery
Physically the 3 months often mentioned is not set in stone . Recover at your own pace and expect a few issues en route - that’s normal - I’ve had oedema in left leg post op - still issue today I expected too much of myself - too soon - don’t
I was tired, very tired and was like a zombie , , slept for hours when I first got home .
Getting off the sofa even was problem , lifting a cup etc the simple day to day you take for granted . It does get better but listen to your body and rest , rest and more rest .
Mentally was a huge shock , I was not prepared for it . - at all - my brain trying to compute what was happening to rest of my body
That’s why I joined this forum - learned I’m not the only one who has issues post op - you are not alone
The heart nurses are excellent , any slight issue raise it with them
Hello, cmacpump. I had a Triple Coronary Artery Bypass Op, 21 months ago. Some advice for your comfort after the op: Practice Hugging yourself with your hands or wrists under your armpits. If your body does not allow you to reach that far then practice hugging a pillow or a rolled up towel. That helps reduce pressure on your sternum (breast bone) if you cough or sneeze. During the op they have to cut your breast bone in half to be able to open out your chest. Find out how you, yourself, can be helped to lie on your back, for a number of weeks. You have to imagine being in a vertical tube that you keep arm movements in, whilst your breast bone knits back together.