hi sorry I thought the title was the question basically I’ve been diagoned angina and atherosclerosis I’m 52 female smoked for 35 years heavily I deserve it really came as a shock I found my staled unavle to walk upstairs or bend down without pain and severe breathless since diagnosis I have lost two stone really healthy stopped alcohol I am struggling so so much with smoking I k ow it’s killing me I have contacted several nhs places for help nobody is helping I have a adhd max on the spectrum so fiddle and fidget which I think is linked to why I like smoking ! It’s was discovered during a CT scan . My mother died and vernight out of the blue and suddenly Christmas Eve of ishemic heart disease she never smoked and was completely well had healthy and nobody new so they done a ultra sound but I been waiting over 7 weeks now and going crazy needing results is this normally the amazing of waiting time please sorry for grammar long post also thanks for advice in advance x
hiya my first post I been diagnosed w... - British Heart Fou...
hiya my first post I been diagnosed with angina followed my Atherosclerosis in July I had a CT scan and is from heavy smoking for 32 years .

I think you are saying that you are having difficulty stopping smoking, and cannot get help. I assume you live in the UK and I think most local councils run anti-smoking classes. You can find out about these if you go to the website of your local council. Also, your doctor’s surgery might be able to guide you to services near you.
I do hope you manage to stop, you will be so much healthier without smoking (and richer!).
Hiya thank you so much for your response yes I on the UK Brighton. Yes the website is on the local council healthy living and the other lady also nhs has got back to me but only says I can see you today or i away every single time I I message I hate smoking I hate myself I can’t se to get in my head it’s driving me mad and hypnotherapy is so expensive I don’t k ow what to do! Sorry to moan
don`t go down that road of beating yourself up and self loathing, what is done, is done, giving up the fags is so hard, same with any addiction, well done with the booze as well. I smoked for nearly 40 years, roll ups. i had a HA nearly 3 years ago and now have AF. I came out of hospital and smoked even more because of what had happened, i was so scared of everything. It took me 9 months to give up and i was not even trying, i had a massive panic attack while rolling a fag, I then dumped my baccy, papers and filters in the bin and havent touched a fag since. We also have one other thing in common, my mother also passed away christmas eve 2013 out of the blue, i still dont think iv got over it, i have started to get aggy today as the clocks have gone back, christmas is coming.
Oh gosh same roll ups filters and smoking more since diagnosis max yes bearing myself up about it god this is so nice to share and chat I haven’t had a space like this to talk . Yes Christmas is tough but now I rember my mumma knee I loved Christmas so celebrate bit certain things tree balls and tinsel set me off sorry you lost yours too 😢is smoking making it a lot worse the atherosclerosis sorry if I sound stupid just clueless and new too this sorry to ask what’s at? I am learning also could I have a heart attack any time I am scared to sleep as that’s how mum passes she never even smiled hers was ischemic also sorry is it normal to wait for 7 weeks for result of ultrasound sorry questions non stop x
I was once a smoker, but I quit when pregnant. My partner also smoked and he smoked for 40 years. Eventually he stopped completely after 2 sessions of hypnotherapy.
Yes hypnotherapy is not cheap, about £200 and up to £1000 if you need several sessions. But cigarettes are even more expensive, a pack a day costs £5000 per year and rising
‘health you ‘ ( they are my local services) comes to mind. I was smoking for 53 years. 22 days in hospital and patches helped.
Nicotine is addictive but as long as you don't od on it its better than the other crap in tobacco..
spray, patches, gun. Mints.