Is it OK to go through an airport scanner with a pacemaker?
Travelling with a pacemaker - British Heart Fou...
Travelling with a pacemaker

The pacemaker clinic is the best place to ask, as they know what you have fitted.
My understanding is that you take the document with the device details to the airport, and they can do a hand scan, but my device is several years old and that advice may be out of date!
Hi, It depends which airport you're flying from and the scanning equipment that they have in operation.
Until recently at my local airport, I would make them aware that I had a PM, I'd be taken through a gate at the side of the Main Scanner, produce my documentation and go into a Secondary Scanner.
That airport is now one of a few number of UK airports that have upgraded their scanners with new equipment, so, I'm now treat the same as anyone else, and didnt need to produce my PM card.
I'll be flying from Palma next week, where I'll tell them I have a PM. Normally its a case of being taken through, have a pat down and off I go.
Basically, just do as directed and there wont be a problem.
current advice is to tell security that you have a pace maker.
Scanners are fine but not the xray machinesTell them or show them your ICD passport and they'll direct you accordingly
My husband has had several lung & chest x-rays and he has an ICD. Can I ask why they're not ok?.
Some scanners are fine ,some are not always check ,before ,entering them,have travelled
extensively ,with a pcemaker,and have always followed those rules.
Thank you, I think you might have replied to me by mistake. When we used to travel my husband always had the pat down & wand security search. I know some scanners are now heart device friendly but unfortunately our travelling days are over. I was just wondering why driver said you can't have x-rays as my husband has had lots of x-rays since he had his 1st device fitted in 2012.
I have a mechanical valve and I never go through a scanner. I just tell the staff and they are fine about it.
Just show them the card they gave you when you had the pacemaker inlant and they will run a hand scanner over you.
If you don’t have to go through an unknown scanner then I would suggest that they are best avoided - even if the risk to your device is small. Even if you asked your cardiologist he/she is unlikely to know what sort of scanner they use in, say, Turkey and the Turkish security staff are unlikely to know what type of implanted device you have.
This link offers some further guidance:
Some airports have scaners that are OK,with pacemakers ,ALWAYS check when passing through,there is normally an official near,have done this ,after thirty years, of travelling with a pacemaker.