Hi, Since the heart attack I've had terrible sleep. Tried various herbal remedies to no avail, some limited success with sleepeze, but would like any suggestions of any non pharmacetical remedies if anyone has 1? thanks
Sleep enhancers: Hi, Since the heart... - British Heart Fou...
Sleep enhancers

one large Macallans 12year old with on cube of ice. 😂😂
Have a look at the 4-7-8 breathing technique in this article. It sounds simple but it does take a little practice. Also it can be difficult to do when you are lying awake, stressed and anxious about not getting to sleep. But persevere, the results get better the more you practise.
I also like gilread1’s suggestion of a wee malt whisky 🥃. All the best.
Try gummies from Holland&barret
have you tried Night Nurse, Kalms, Nytol etc? They all zonked me out for 8 or 9 hours but unfortunately I was allergic to one of the ingredients that’s in all of them so had to stop. Now I take a Zopiclone every 3 or 4 nights but I haven’t had heart attacks. Hope you try something that works. Lavender sprays on your pillows can help as well.
There was a TV programme a good few years ago and the one thing they found that worked on the test subjects who suffered from insomnia was putting dried hops and lavender in a cotton pouch, then placing this inside pillow case.
always wanted to try this myself

I had a pillow with hops inside many years ago and it conked me out every night - they were the best nights of sleep I ever had. It also made my bedroom beautifully fragranced as well. The fragrance wore out eventually and I wish I could find another! I'd definitely recommend them👍
I'm definitely trying this now, excellent to hear it works

If you find one you can let me know where to get it! 😁 I loved it, I haven't read of anyone else's experience with them, but it definitely worked for me.
I'm going to buy these from amazon and make my own
or this ready made one

That's a great idea, Baly - I'll have a look online. Thank you.
1 25mg tablet of Nytol every few days helps 2 is the recommended dose or 1 50mg but for me 1 works just fine.I still do wake but also going through a very tough time as hubby is very poorly with cancer unfortunately. Good luck.
be careful with herbal remedies as some don’t mix well with any heart medication
I completely agree, Buddy - it's always best to check with your GP or pharmacist before taking any over the counter remedies while we're taking heart medication.
A big cup of Camomile tea an hour before bed has really helped me. It's not perfect but I no longer wake and stay awake staring at the ceiling. I still wake once or twice but have no trouble getting back to sleep.
If you sleep alone, something like "Space Deck" from Alexa can bore your mind into submission.
Hi I would check with the pharmacist before buying over the counter meds, I had a bad experience once, it must have reacted with my heart meds. I hope you find something to help it's horrible not being able to sleep. Take care char
Phenergan is quite good annd available from the likes of Boots.
I had the same problem and I found that 7.5mg of mirtazipine short term worked really well for me. It is an antidepressant and the normal dose is 30mg but I found just a tiny quarter of a tablet worked wonders. I know you did not want a pharma solution but it is probably much safer than herbal remedies for heart patients. Once I broke my insomnia I stopped with no issues.
Michael Mosley did some BBC podcasts that have some tips to help with sleep. These include breathing techniques that someone else mentioned, personally I find the getting out in the morning helps me, particularly on a bright sunny morning.
I hope you find something that helps, I am a poor sleeper like all my siblings and we have learnt to live with it and listen to our bodies and I will nap if I feel I need to top up after a particularly bad night.
Buy sleephones on Amazon and listen to Michael Seely meditation! Or look for a meditation / hypnosis for insomnia .
Best listen with sleep phones - you don’t feel the speakers - like a head band
Please let us know when you find your remedy
I take Phenergaen ( on prescription) from from my G P) .Works great for me.
2 tabs and a full 7/8 hrs sleep
Can also buy them over the counter fro. Pharmacist
Hope you get sorted x x