. So tomorrow I have a GP appointment in person I’m from the UK so this is rare😂.
So I’m 22, man, quite overweight, don’t smoke, don’t drink. Known disease hypothyroidism which I know does increase Lp(a) level’s especially how high mines been. But anyhow I sufffer with symptoms that seem heart related but have been pegged to other things by 4 cardiologists and multiple testing.
However I want to be preventative for myself because you know we all want to live a long life and want to start a form of statin even just ezetimibe which has very little side effects to just push my LDL/ApoB down while I then start the Pauling method. But how do I convince my GP like, I don’t know what to say, the best studies to show. Because honestly I’m worried already I have heart disease (I know this is probably anxiety speaking.)
2 Heart Echos
1 stress test
1 7 day heart monitor
Probably over 50 ECGs
Lots of bloods taken
A dozen X-rays
1 CTPA for lung clot (very similar to an actual CTCA which showed no calcifications on my conarary arteries! Woo) I’m not a big fan of getting an actual CTCA as they share near enough the exact same MACE as stress tests. Plus even more radiation
Here are my most recent lipids like from a couple days ago.
LDL: 84
HDL:38 (always low ffs, trying with exercise)
Trigs: 97
Metabolic markers
A1c: 5
Fasting Blood sugar: 79
Insulin: 8 (tested a while ago)
BP: 115/75
Hs-crp: 3.2 (I assume due to my autoimmune stuff)
Lp-Pla2: 162 (so pretty ok)
Sorry this has gone on long, like I just want to be preventive about things and if my symptoms are pegged to other things due to testing I still want my heart to be healthy. So any suggestions in what to the GP to start something as I won’t get a referral. Also any more supplements to recommend that have helped lower your Lp(a) a bit. I’m starting my regimen next week.
I’m just so worried I have heart disease now, so much mixed information online.