The same happened to me, three times in 2021, a few days after each you know what.
Can't be found? Then it has been remo... - British Heart Fou...
Can't be found? Then it has been removed. What decided that a person's post is inappropriate when heart palpitations are reported?

Posts can be pulled by the moderators for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes you get told why, sometimes you don't. I suggest you repost and try again. But for your info these are the Community Guidelines...
Did you mention the problem we all lived through from the start of 2020? Any mention of that or the pinprick medication we’re given to prevent it will automatically be deleted.
"Free speech" until you go against the narrative, as others have said you're better off using alternative words to describe the carrot
Consequences of Censorship
Some time ago I noticed postings that supposedly “could not be found” (with respect, a blatant lie). Sure enough, within the small amount of these posts that I could read, the forbidden word was written.
I became really angry to see this unnecessary censorship. There was no concern for these innocent posters. I wrote to admin asking them to give up their useless censorship. I received a reply which consisted of links to articles such as “how to protect the forum”, totally avoiding the real question.
I was ready to give up, but then i thought why not contact the posters myself in private chat. This I did telling them what was going on and that I thought if they left out the dreaded word their post would go through.
One of them did what I suggested. Her new post was allowed and she received several very supportive replies.
The one of most concern was a man who was posting for the first time. He was in shock as most of us were when it happened to us and needed support. He contacted the forum and was knocked back!! He probably does not understand why he did not get replies. And most likely does not understand what I was trying to tell him.
Is this what we want in our forum???
ps The kidney disease forum has no problem with the word.
I think it is allowed on the kidney forum because kidney disease is not a cause for concern with the you know what, but many problems with peoples hearts have been reported and more and more data is coming out to prove that safety of it was ignored.
Yes, it is disappointing and I too have contacted people when their post has appeared on the daily email, and I know they must have used the word that automatically gets a post deleted, although strangely not filtered from the email. To me it is a lazy way to keep the fanatics out of the forum.
There is evidence that the disease causes heart issues and by association what is done to minimise the risks of the disease. I was told the blood clots that caused my HA where "probably" related to having it but no one would commit at the time as it was early days, the HA and bypass occurred in July 2020, now it is dismissed if I mention it.
I still vividly remember one of the nurses during the attempted removal of the clots asking me was it ok if she took a picture of one they managed to get out because it was the biggest she had ever seen!
The very least they should do is tell posters why their post has been deleted. I try as often as I can to private message the poster to explain when it's obvious what word the message contained. I also developed heart arrhythmia after you know what. I didn't dare mention it even though my cardiologist gave me a definite cause for it .
Some very good replies to your comment here. Be assured that you are not alone in your thoughts. Thank you for raising your very legitimate concerns