Hi , I’ve had palpitations (eptopic beats ) for almost 32 years had numerous egc’s and blood taken and a few trips to a and e. They normally just come and go but every few years I have palpitations all day everyday missing beats every 2-3 beat, this now has been going on for 11 weeks , have had bloods done , all normal , 1 ecg showed eptopic but normal rhythm so GP wasn’t concerned and put it down to anxiety. They are now affecting my life , im on sick leave , halfway through CBT but nothing stops them , carnt take beta blockers as asthmatic and waiting for a 24 hr monitor but told today waiting list is 4 months , any advice would be greatly appreciated im so scared 🥹
Papatations: Hi , I’ve had palpitations... - British Heart Fou...

My Husband suffered from these every single night it was like miss a beat then two quick ones and so on
He had all tests done his heart and was 100 % fine in fact when he went on the treadmill the Consultant said no one had ever got his score
He went on to tell him the fittest people can suffer with these even sportsmen and in lot's of cases they were not harmful
He gave him the option if he lived with them or went on a Beta Blocker as they kept him awake at night he went on a beta blocker and it has done the trick
I understand that you cannot take Beta Blockers as you have asthma and I know there are different degrees with asthma which I get to but I am on a beta blocker maybe yours is worse than I get it though and they have your medical records and know the reasons they will not be suitable
You could see if you could speak with your Doctor and ask if there is an alternative to the Beta Blocker you could take as well as letting the Hospital know you can be available at short notice if they get a cancellation for the monitor and if they have a list could they put you on that one as well and of course but it could be expensive you could go private for one
I know anxiety can cause them or feeling anxious because you are worried about them can make them worse but tell yourself if there was anything serious they would be doing more and quicker all the other tests seem fine which is positive
I hope you get the answers soon to what the cause is and will let us know x

Thank you so much for your reply , I will try and speak to my GP next week . 😊
Try not to worry easier said than done I know but hope you get to talk with them and if you do let us know how you get on x

Fingers crossed, I’m trying lots of things to take my mind off them but sometimes it’s not easy, thanks for listening, and of course I will let you know how I get on 😊
Aw shellyclay I feel for you so much and I can honestly say I know how you feel. I had and still have alot of palpitations was literally affecting my life so I was put on a calcium channel blocker called verapamil I also have asthma but they suggested this tablet because I was asthmatic. Hope your cardiologist can put your on something for these beats so annoying in it! 💔
I am in a similar position to you having had ectopics on and off for five days. My GP dismissed them with the usual ectopics are nothing to worry about. Try having them was my thought!
It is easy to get into conspiracy theory here but the amount of external electro magnetic activity increases all the time. There is increasing thoughts that we may need to start protecting ourselves from it especially if we have an existing tendency to react.
The European commission for example urged caution and more research with the rollout of 5G because the density of the signal means many more transmitters/relay stations are needed. A report last week expressed some concern over Electric Vehicles with focus not just on the battery but charging it. Servers placed too near sleeping spaces are also receiving attention.
I dont know if you have had any changes in the ways you interact with electricity but having said that, stress is often fingered, so changes in jobs, relationships, moving house etc can have considerable impact. The vagus nerve is at the bottom of many ectopic beat episodes as are stomach related disorders. It is easy to get from the realm of science to speculation but Doctors often seem dismissive of ectopics and related episodes which only makes things worse, increases anxiety and stress, which causes the problems to flare up.
Have you tried tonal stimulation-google for details-as these impact directly on the vagus nerve?
It would be good to identify what causes these flare ups. Do you keep a food/drink diary that might identify problems.?
I totally identify with your fear and wish I could offer an easy solution. I am 73 and have had ectopics and now occasional tachycardia for over 35 years. I can cope with getting a lot of 'single' ectopics but hate the long runs. I had 48 hour monitor recently but wouldn't you know my heart behaved much better on those days and no long runs. I can get thousands a day and they make me very nervous. I finally have given in and take 1.25mg dose of bisoprolol which reduces the number I get considerably. As someone else has said there are other medications and if its stopping you having a life they will be worth trying. Have you looked at the videos of Dr Sanjay Gupta of York Cardiology. He is very good and reassuring... if I could have his voice constantly in my ear I would be ok! Good luck and keep in touch.
The more you worry the more you get. Ask the gp or cardiologist to refer you to a private specialist as the NHS can't deliver on time. They have to do this and the NHS will pay. Look up ,choose and book on the NHS website. In the meantime try stretching your arms up when you get them - in my case they stop immediately. Also deep "box"breathing helps. Anxiety and stress can irritate the ❤️.
Hi Shelly I'm Steve 49 and had 3 surgery's to correct irregular heart beats AF and SVT but also I have extra beats as you do unfortunately like you all my docs say to me these extra beats are although uncomfortable are harmless and the fact I suffer from anxiety helps these pesky beats to carry on with there pointless existence I've learnt to live with them now I've found the more I ignore them the less they happen I really do sympathise with everyone battling these just wanted you to know your not alone
Hello Shelly. I totally understand you and i get them almost daily. Have done since my 25s but they have been so worse since diagnosed with heart failure and have lower ef rate.But lately this last year or so i get them with every breath at times. Sometimes with aniexity and some without. Sure, aniexity causes them but also it is the heart too. So you are right to get it investigated. Great news they are pretty much safe.
Anyhow for some tips... Tip 1 and being the best of all for me, is deep breathing techniques. There is two i use.
1. Youtube video of 'OHM' meditation music. When they bad i lay down, listen to this and do the OHM when you breath out. The vibration created by your vocal cords rattle through your body. Helps with chakra energys and actually really helps settle ectopics.
2. Take 5 deep steady breaths. No stress. No pressure. Just 5 nice normal big and deep breaths. Try make sure your out breath is slightly longer than your in breath. Then the one after the 5th take a deep breath in... Then hold! Hold as long as you comfortable can. Youll notice you can hold for quite some time after those 5 breaths. Amazing. You will also feel ectopics and heart maybe settling. If it hasnt worked fully first time, then try it all again.
Rest is usual tips such as cutting caffeine out. Decaf green teas. Regular exercise. Go for a walk when they bad. Exercise routine can actually get rid of them completely. Did for me for many years when i used to do daily gym sessions.
I do all this and still get them but it does help especially the breathing techniques. Just know we all get them and we all still standing after years of having them. Its just one of those things. Good luck.

Thank you for your reply, it really means a lot , it’s nice to know that I’m not alone , and thanks for the tips too. Anytime you need to talk I’m here 😊xx
Shelly, they are a mystery and a bloody nuisance, my history mimicks yours. Pretty sure last years intense phase was triggered by C19,about 10 weeks prior. All I can say is they will pass,do stuff that makes you forget about them,try Mg and CoQ10, hydrate and limit caffeine,seems to work for me. On bisoprolol 2.5 as cardio says it helps depress ectopic frequency.
Hi I had lots of ectopics and couldn't take any beta blockers so gp put me on verapimil which did help as it is cardio reactive in that it helps with rate control and they definitely felt less forceful.Good luck.
hi Shelly, they can be very frustrating and frightening but don’t worry too much about them.! I get the odd few daily and have for decades but recently Iv had 4 days worth and they we’re starting to get to me.!!!
I am taking bisoprolol 10mg and I still get them.😡 Iv had three ablations for afib too. I hope you can get something sorted because I know how much they can affect you.! But don’t be scared because they won’t kill you. They are a total pain in the —- .
I’d like to know how for 4 days I’m plagued by them then all of a sudden they’re gone.! I was getting a ectopic on average every 3 minutes, I don’t know what burden percentage that it is really but I know they were starting to annoy me. Trying to talk to customers at work and having missed beats isn’t easy.?😂
That’s just like me , I’m really trying to take my mind off them but just sometimes they win and I get really anxious, you would think that having them on and off for 30 years they wouldn’t bother me but every few years they knock me off my feet ☹️ thanks for the reply and the reassurance 😊x
Hi ShellyClay
Panic not! There is no need for it, you have no need to be scared.
I have been having 40,000 ventricular ectopic beats per day (Bigeminy)now for the past 2-years and I’m still here to tell the tale. All the medics that I have been seeing all give the same story, “They won’t kill you.”
I am prescribed with all the available medication available to keep my heart rate down and my arrhythmia stable so I simply ‘keep calm and carry on.’
Please be rid of your fear, it is totally unnecessary; anxiety will not assist you.
Whilst ectopics were fearful in the beginning, the many tests and scans that I have had, the medical advice that I have been given, and the research that I have done, all produce the same answer, ‘These ectopics are quite benign!
I monitor my heart rhythm daily; yep, still in Bigeminy this morning, but I don’t see it as a problem any more and I am at peace with life once again, and will now be getting on with enjoying my daily living with absolutely no anxiety whatsoever; I trust that you should be doing the same.
Thanks to all you lovely kind people who have took time to reply to me , I feel lot better now 🥰
hi Shelly did you get a resolve to this as I’m in a similar position currently