Following my syncope at the wheel on 28 Dec last year I have not been driving. Having had numerous tests and a more recent ecg, i am still awaiting further advice and a way forward. More recently my ectopic beats and pauses appear to becoming more frequent and I have developed mild angina (so I am told). My Cardiologist has suggested that the cause of my syncope my have a genetic link which is deeply worrying for my two very healthy and active sons who are both in their 20s. I am now considering a second opinion as I feel my life is on hold! All very frustrating and worrying!
Awaiting Diagnosis : Following my... - British Heart Fou...
Awaiting Diagnosis

I can understand why you are worried. Perhaps you could talk to the BHS nurses. The main website also has a lot of useful information.
Have you been tested for sleep apnoea or narcolepsy? Dropping asleep in the car, for instance waiting for traffic lights to change? This is one of the causes.
Dear Chelston
I see that even after some tests that there is no real answer to your problem appearing.
This of course is a worry to you and your family and it sounds as if you are still in shock at the original happing at the wheel.
There is nothing that we can do to help your diagnosis except to tell you that you are not alone and now the fight { and a fight it can be } to find out more information begins.
You must contact your Dr and get him to chase up more appointments for you.
To leave you hanging on, it maybe genetic or heredity, is appalling and can only add to your worry over your sons health.
Once you have a clear diagnosis it will make it easy to pinpoint any problems { if any } that your sons may or may not have inherited.
My thoughts are with you please keep us informed about your journey

Thanks Blue1958. Still awaiting the outcome of further tests from the Cardiologist. Frustrating and trying to get on with life the meantime. Thanks again.
hi Chelston - what a worrying time for you. I had my first blackout (termed a syncope initially) 2 years ago (and was knocked out)and had all the tests after being taken to A&E. ecg, echo, bloods etc all being clear. I then had a Holter monitor with no result. Sent home as a “one off”.
11 months later it happened again and I was taken to a different A&E where I had all the same tests and a longer Holter monitor, all inconclusive again. After 4 months of those tests - including stress ecg and heart scan all showing my heart “plumbing” was in good shape - my cardio then put in a Loop recorder and a month later I blacked out again (4 times in 2 days)and this time the Loop recorder showed that I was having 20 second pauses and, finally, a 29 second complete heart block.
I was taken to A&E and had a pacemaker installed that day - so no “plumbing” issues (arteries etc all good) but an “electrical” problem (AV third degree block). Without the Loop recorder, this would only have been picked up if I had been attached to an ecg or Holter at the time the blocks occurred. Now 8 months and no more blackouts (and my apple watch shows my heartbeats are never below 50, in line with the pacemaker setting). It’s a great relief not have to worry about blacking out without warning (and I can drive again without fear).
Your issue may be completely different to mine but I would strongly recommend an implantable loop recorder - if your cardio agrees, of course.
Good luck to you and the family. 👍
Thanks Beejaysee. I had an EP test in March which also proved inconclusive and was then fitted with a loop recorder but have since discovered that I have bradycardia symptoms and pauses where my heart catches up. Under stress my heart and plumbing appear ok; my symptoms are more noticeable when I relax. So far nothing notable has been recorded but you know when things don’t feel right! Thanks again!