A stent for Christmas!: All set for pre... - British Heart Fou...

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A stent for Christmas!

Maisywhippet profile image
19 Replies

All set for pre-op on the 16th Dec and stent in LAD on 18th Dec...much sooner than I anticipated ,as I was told I would be put on the list and it wouldn’t happen until at least Jan/Feb! Now feeling really scared , I know I shouldn’t as it’s minor compared to most of the things other people on here have been through. Also, have read posts about twinges and breathlessness after the procedure which worry me, especially as it’s the week before Christmas and trying to get advice if I do experience anything odd will be difficult 😨

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Maisywhippet profile image
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19 Replies
Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

That’s good it’s going ahead so soon...isn’t it? You might have worried about it all through Christmas.You should be given, or could ask for the name of a liaison person or Hospital ward you can ring if you have any worries over Christmas.

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to Kristin1812

Yes it is good in one respect. I wasn’t too worried whilst waiting as I have no symptoms at present and have only ever experienced ache between elbow and wrist when walking..no chest pain or shortness of breath.Now reading some posts,I get the impression I may experience more discomfort after stent than I did before!

Perhaps I shouldn’t read too much at the mo and just accept that it’s being done and be positive...hard though when you know they are going to be rummaging around in your heart😱I am a coward at the best of times with health matters!

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star in reply to Maisywhippet

It’s v natural to worry, seems almost Impossible what they can do these days. I loved watching the pics, of my heart! but you may not...tho’ it’s remarkable technology. I was one of those patients who had pretty mild symptoms before a heart attack, and I wish I’d taken more notice.

I found it very reassuring in the theatre, how everyday routine we are to these skilful people,

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to Kristin1812

Yes, I do think It was lucky that I followed it up, went for ECG at docs when arm was particularly “nagging “after a dog walk ..she said all was fine. Got home and she rang to say she had re-thought and would like me to have a routine cardiac consultation just in case.So positive thinking... I could have left it and then gone “ping” with a heart attack.

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star in reply to Maisywhippet

Please....no Pinging!

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to Kristin1812

😂😂No definitely not,especially this near to Christmas!!

Ageingfast profile image

Of course you are feeling scared. But you would have had weeks to be scared if you had to wait to February. Much better to proceed now. When your heart gives you twinges then it is worrying. However, i didn't get concerned about the post op aches and pains as they are just the muscles etc settling down.

And it might not be the biggest op, but its big for you.

I got wound up about ten days before op. But the three days pre op were fine.

Best wishes Colin

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to Ageingfast

Thanks for your reply, it doesn’t help that I knew someone who went for a stent and they didn’t return..also my Dad had lots of heart issues including a stent which led to an infection in his leg for 6 weeks, there was talk of amputation at the time! So I guess this also is making me much more nervous than necessary... as obviously things have improved over the years. I have also read that there is an increased risk of heart attack for a couple of months after stenting ...so wonder if I’ll be too frightened do do anything just in Case!Can’t shake the feeling of impending doom, but keep telling myself that 2weeks today I shall be sitting here and it will all be done😃

Badger1955 profile image

I think you will find that your hospital will be fully functioning and totally supportive during your recovery period. That was certainly my experience after both of my stent procedures

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to Badger1955

Thanks for your reassurance, it has helped.

pjw17 profile image

Hello Maisywhippet,I had HA in May and stent fitted the actual procedure was about 30 mins and everything can be seen on big screen!!

It seems routine and straightforward to the medical team in my case Broad Green Liverpool.

I experienced twinges etc afterwards and still get occasional ones, my GP said your heart has been reconstructed so will take a good while to settle.

Good luck I'm sure it will be fine, post on here after your procedure.

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to pjw17

Hi, thanks for your reply and yes I will definitely update when it’s done.

thekeys46 profile image

Hi,I had a stent fitted as an emergency 3 weeks ago. I had unstable angina with pain on any slight exertion. It’s great to now be pain free. The procedure was quick and relatively pain free. I have had no twinges or anything since. Apparently I had had a mild heart attack.

Good luck. You will get through it ok. Xx

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to thekeys46

Thank you for your reply, always good to hear from someone who hasn’t had any further after effects, that’s encouraging 😊

petetop profile image

HiI had stent fitted 6 weeks ago, not had any pains or symptoms since getting it done.

I now use excercise bike and do10 miles a day which I wouldn't have done before.

My symptoms before was a pain in the kneck , and like you pain from elbow to wrist.

I was lucky , had symptoms on a Tuesday, stent fitted Friday and home on Saturday.

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to petetop

Well that’s great news and well done for getting on you’re exercise bike!....sometimes situations give us the nudge we need to become more active, so not all bad😊

It’s natural to worry about it, if it helps your local hospital will have a cardiac nurse available, talk to them before you go and they will support you. Be prepared, have pain relief in the house, senna incase of constipation from pain relief like codeine, have your shopping already done or make a delivery order for when you come out, shops like asda book 2 weeks ahead. Any questions feel free to ask, we are all here to help each other xx

Maisywhippet profile image
Maisywhippet in reply to Smudgebuttonjessie

Thanks for your reply, I am spending this week and next getting everything done for Christmas, so it will just be the last minute fresh bits and my hubby can drive me to the shops and then I have an excellent excuse to put my feet up over Christmas and chill 😁I shall ask on the day who I should contact if there are any problems, as I am having the procedure about 20 miles away and not at my local hospital, although my consultant works for both.

Smudgebuttonjessie profile image
Smudgebuttonjessie in reply to Maisywhippet

Wishing you all the best for your procedure xx

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