Hi has any one bought a home testing kit?i just wondered if they were any good?and which are the best?thanks
Warfarin INR home testing kits - British Heart Fou...
Warfarin INR home testing kits

My dad has used one for years. Every now and again he goes to the hospital to check that the reading is the same and it always is. Much easier .
I have a coagucheck which is very good available from Roche, as far as I’m aware it’s the only one you can get in the UK, costs about £300
The testing strips are expensive, in some areas you can get them on prescription or from the warfarin clinic. It would be wise to check what happens in your area, some clinics don’t like self testing others are fine with it.
Hope that helps
Yes, and it’s great! The CoaguCheck INRange uses the same system as my GP and it’s the system recommended by NICE. When I first got it I checked the readings with my GP’s readings and they were the same. I had to pay for the device myself but I now get the testing strips on NHS prescription.
Link to CoaguCheck: coaguchek.co.uk/coaguchek_p... . Link to NICE guidance on self-management of warfarin: nice.org.uk/guidance/qs93/c...
There is self testing, as well explained above, and there is self dosing. Some people self test only, and have an arrangement with someone who advises the dose. Others do self-testing and self-dosing as I do, perhaps with some kind of annual review. In pre-covid days the nurse at my surgery also very nicely said that if I had any problems at all, perhaps running out of test strips, or had an unusual result and I wanted a second test, or I needed advice, then I should just come and speak to a nurse. This was very reassuring.
In theory there should be some kind of training. Some people find it hard to get the right amount of blood and put it in the right place. Roche have a helpline for advice. If you go over to the AF forum, people there can advise on this.
I self-test with the Coaguchek machine. My clinic fully supports it and although I had to buy the machine myself and buy the testing strips myself, it is worth it for the convenience. When I got the machine the nurse showed me how to use it and I have to go twice a year to have the result checked against their machine. I do my test, ring it through to the clinic and leave the details and a nurse rings me back. Really easy. They are also there if you have any questions. My readings have been within range since my surgery nearly three years ago and I am now down to testing every eight weeks, but I sometimes do a test in between dates if I have been eating lots of anything that might effect it or if I’m feeling off.