I suffer with Valvular heart disease, Angina and a lot of chronic pain from fibromyalgia. I have a large haitus hernia and umbilical hernia, I have just found out that I have an enlarged liver, blocked bile duct, Cyst on the pancreas and gallstones. I also have diverticulitis and I.B.S.,also rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis. Doctors call me very complex, and don't know how I'm keeping on going. I took my 60 mg monomii tablet this morning and I just took another one by mistake, i am beginning to feel like my head is swimming and I'm getting worried about it. Can anyone give me any advice please. Thankyou gjkas
My medication for fibromyalgia doesn'... - British Heart Fou...
My medication for fibromyalgia doesn't seem to help much. I think the pain i am in is making my heart problem worse, gives me palpitations.

Phone your Gp immediately for advice.I`m sure you`ll be OK but it would put your mind at rest.I don`t think stress,coupled with all you other ailments,is good for you.There are also the BHF nurses you could consult.Best Wishes Jen
Thankyou Jen,my Husband rang my G.P for advice and the receptionist said the Doctor was going to ring me back, but they didn't. So he then rang the N.H.S Helpline and they told him to take me straight to A.E. They kept me there for a few hours because my blood pressure had dropped so low. After taking my B.P. several times they let me go home. You were right, i think stress and the pain that I was already in made things worse..Thanks .gjkas
Oh my! That is a lot to contend with! I have Fibromyalgia, Pericarditis (seems to be ongoing) a non-malignant brain tumour, endometriosis, migraine with strange auras. I am wondering if the Fibromyalgia is making my own heart pain worse too. I get brain fog with makes things difficult sometimes. I hope you get the medical treatment you need today x
Hi Maya 23.Fibromyalgia is what i call,THE DEVILS DISEASE. People can't see it, yet we can be in agony. I have so many health problems the Doctors say i am complex.When i go in hospital they call me their Nightmare, or, here comes trouble and several other nicknames, depending on what ward I am on. But everyone of them are just brilliant with me. I told my Cardiologist about my Fibromyalgia pain,,and i said that I think it's making my chest pain worse. He said it's quite possible because of the stress it's causing me. The only problem i have with Doctors is with my G.Ps. All our good ones ave left .When my Husband rang the Surgery for a Doctor callback just for Advice yesterday, the receptionist told him she'd do it straight away. NO DOCTOR RANG BACK AFTER OVER AN HOUR. So my Husband rang the NHS Helpline .He had to take, me straight to A&E .Good job he did, my blood pressure had plummeted .This isn't the first time I have been let down by them .Anyway i am going to change my Doctors as soon as my M.R.C.P results come through. 2 month's ago I went to my G.P.about cramping pains in my stomach. He just poo ..pood it and told me that if he was my permanent G.P. i wouldn't be on half the medication that I am on now .So,i said to him, NO,WELL IT'S A GOOD JOB YOU'RE NOT BECAUSE I'D BE DEAD BY NOW. He didn't answer me. The pain that he wasn't interested in turned out to be an enlarged liver, blocked bile ducts, gallstones, cysts on the pancreas
I am just waiting now for my appointment with the Gastrointerologist, & Onocologist and then i will be able to change Doctors. Anyway Maya .hope your fibromyalgia isn't too bad for you today. Take care. Gjkas
Yikes! Just as well someone took your tummy pains seriously! Do you know what has caused all that to happen? I hope you get good treatment.
I’m feeling slightly better today after a week of chest pains - turns out all the meds I’m on has given me acid reflux at night which was adding to the chest pains.
Take care and I hope you have a good weekend x