I'm waiting on ICD implant would like some feedback.
ICD implant: I'm waiting on ICD implant... - British Heart Fou...
ICD implant

I had one 3 weeks ago and was up and about feeling fine the next day. Continuing to feel great. Procedure took less than 60 minutes. I have Medtronics ICD.
My partner had an S-ICD implanted 11 months ago, following a SCA. Life is back to normal for us.
The Heart Failure Nurse at the Clinic I attend is extremely knowledgeable about devices that can help with Heart problems. If your having one fitted it's because you need one, to Improve your symptoms or even to prevent a Cardiac Arrest. I have really only read Positive Feedback.
Best Wishes
Well I was Mr walking advert for health and fitnes...62 years old.. never drank..never smoked..regular at the gym for 35 years..healthy food and had a bodybuilding photoshoot done on my 60th birthday... then out one day with friends on my second day on holiday in Egypt and bang.. the lights just went out as we were walking in the street and I had an instant death cradiac arrest.. That was me done.. the lads managed to get me in to the car and drive me to the nearest hospital which fortunately was 7minutes away as this was 7 minutes already dead.
Straight away they strarted CPR and electric defiibrillator and over 2 hours mu heart started and stopped 7 times..My organs started to go in to shut down as they were about to pronounce me dead..The cardiologist.. exhausted decided one last attempt with electric rods down my throat to my heart and BOOM we were off.. 3 days in a coma to bring my organs back to stable.. 2 weeks and then transferred 6 hours to Cairo for my ICD insertion..The day before my operation I had another cardiac arrest.. was rushed straight to theatre and the ICD was fitted.
Its now been 4 month.. I am not aware that it is even there.. the only problem I have is in my head.. carrying the thought that if i go through what I just went through.. this little wonder machine is supposed to save my life.. now I can not have a practise run with this ICD..I just have to believe what they tell me will in fact happen..I read all the books that came with it and it reall is an amazing piece of kit.. but I do not want to be one of those kids on Christmas morning who opens his battery pack toy and finds it does not work because the battery connections are faulty.
At six months I will go back for a follow up so they can check everything is working.
But so far..so good but remember..icd is a prevention.. not a cure..