Have you made any friends here on Ber... - Bereavement Care ...

Bereavement Care & Share

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Have you made any friends here on Bereavement Care & Share that you stay in contact with?

chloe40 profile imagechloe40Administrator11 Voters

Please select all that apply:

11 Replies
Buzzytruk profile image

It would be nice to make friends with someone from Lincolnshire..Someone like me who has lost their other half and has only a small family ........But in this day and age one has to be so careful.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Buzzytruk

Yes, it would be good Buzzytruk and as you say, you do have to be very careful. You've given me an idea, you could keep in contact via the private 'chat' here BC&Share and I will post to that effect soon.

Thank you for replying x


kenster1 profile image

ive messaged dozens of people about our forum and commented on lots of posts but I don't keep in regular contact with anyone in particular.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to kenster1

Thanks Kenny kenster1

I hope to post about this soon.

Chloe x

WeeNanny profile image

I live in Edinburgh and at present struggling to come to terms with the lose of my husband. I don't have many friends and I would love to make friends with people in a similar position

kenster1 profile image
kenster1Volunteer in reply to WeeNanny

just down the motorway from you in Glasgow.and im sorry to hear of your loss.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to WeeNanny

Let's hope you can find a friend here @WeeNanny, checkout my post on the Forum and the reply underneath mine, from kenster1

Chloe x

Lezneed2ruth profile image

You don't have to meet in person to become friends 🙏💪

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Lezneed2ruth

Absolutely Lezneed2ruth and I think it works very well having online friends provided you take precautions as suggested <3


photobeats profile image

Hi all, I am still new here. I answered this quiz because, why not? I am still trying to come out of my shell here and taking my time with browsing this forum. Some days are tougher than others. My depression is it's own beast and I do what I can.

Irrelevant stuff aside,

I have not made friends via HealthUnlocked because I have not taken the steps to get to know people just yet. I live in the boondocks in Georgia and it is kind of unnerving sometimes being here. I did move away to Seattle for about a year and had to come back to Georgia due to unforeseen circumstances. Hello All!

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to photobeats

Hello there photobeats a very warm welcome to Bereavement Care & Share.

You'll find us all a very friendly, supportive group who are always there for anyone that posts, so please don't feel nervous about us.

Try posting in the forum <3

Chloe x