Has anything or anyone inspired you t... - Bereavement Care ...

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Has anything or anyone inspired you to be strong and do something positive with your life, since your loss.

chloe40 profile imagechloe40Administrator17 Voters

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12 Replies
Nathalie99 profile image

I found passion for interior design helped me after my father died. I channeled the energy into doing a renovation of my then home and since then did another big project of where I live now, to create a beautiful home and a nice environment to feel safe.

chloe40 profile image

Wow, that's very inspiring for others Nathalie99 you must be very talented and creative too!


Leenie0811 profile image

My partner inspires me to be the best person I can be and I have now signed up to do an engineering degree. He's the only one whose encouraged me to do what my dad and grandad would want me to do with my life and actually live it!!

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Leenie0811

That's marvellous Leenie0811

I wish you every success.


Natsteveo profile image

My husband has been my rock since losing my mum he also was very close to her I met him through my mum as they worked together so you could say we were meant to be.he gives me hope and meaning to go on he also gives me courage and strength and tells me everyday I'm loved by him even more each day 😍😍

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Natsteveo

You were certainly meant for each other Natsteveo


sweetiepye profile image

My brother and I knew he was dying 6 weeks before he did. 6months before that we found out he had lung cancer and that time was spent fighting and being positive. We both believed he would make it. His body became so compromised toward the end that we both knew we had to accept it. So we spent our days making plans, keeping people away, and crying together. It really wasn't as sad as you might think. We had been through so much together there was never any doubt we would get through this too . His one regret was not being able to go Catfishing again. He had won many prizes for catching large cats, and had a web site under his fishing name Catman Jack. He also did wonderful paintings of catfish in their natural environment.Having anyone else tell me how to grieve for Jack or how to stay strong (he wouldn't have used those words) would have been ludicrous. People were quite upset with me because I didn't have a funeral or showing. I t will all come together when I die. Pam

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to sweetiepye

That's a really touching account sweetiepye

and something that will always be vivid in your memory. I envy the closeness you shared.


NFDK profile image

My elder adopted sister had my Mum put into a care home so that she could get the house. My poor Mum had been bullied by her daughter into signing away all her rights unfortunately. After I lost my Mum, I was extremely Ill for a long time. I adored my Mum and just about worshipped the ground she walked upon. When I was eventually able to work again, I decided that I wanted to work with elderly people. I got a job as Activities Co-ordinator in a Care Home and worked there for 3 years. Sadly, I developed CRPS and had to give up working. I still go back every Friday morning to see the residents there, taking a copy of the local newspaper with me so that I can read the news, at their request. We catch up with each others' lives and have a laugh and a hug. Sometimes, a resident says to me, "It's very good of you to visit us." I always reply, "I enjoy visiting you as much as you enjoy seeing me." If I didn't visit every Friday, I would miss these people so much. It was the best job I ever had - and all because I loved my Mum so much.

chloe40 profile image


That's so very sad but I think you are amazing to go into the Care Home and offer the residents some an uplifting time, thank you.


I have had no help of anyone since my loss & it's led to me feeling very depressed & isolated & alone with my grief with nobody to share this with.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Hi Hidden

I'm so sorry to hear this {{{hugs}}} Please keep in contact with our friendly members here, we're here for you!
