I have only been diagnosed with COPD for a few months and my illness does not seem to be as severe as most everyone on this site. I have been reasonably well within the confines of the illness but this last few days I have developed a pain in my left side just at the base of my ribs and around to my back. Is this something I should see my Dr about? I don’t want to seem like a hypochondriac and running to him for no good reason. Please advise.
Advice needed: I have only been... - Lung Conditions C...
Advice needed
Hi exblonde - I would go to the Docs and just check it. Don't mess around with pain! My husband was very bad at going to the Docs in the early days and I do believe that is one of the reasons it progressed as it did. Take good care of yourself - if you don't who will? TAD x
Yes go to Doc COPD is bad enough without other painfull infections .
Pain is a warning - please don't ignore it.
I was going to say what aunty mary has said. Pain is the way our bodies tell us there is a problem.
Don't ever be concerned about bothering your Dr, that will only cause you problems if you ignore something that needs attention
Hope it all goes well for you
Thanks for all your advice I will take and see the doc tomorrow.
hi ex-blonde if you cough alot that can give you some pain although not a medical expert if you cough a fair bit you can pull a muscle however i would go get it checked you can pop to your nearest urgent care center to get it checked they can prescribe some pain relief as well
Hi loads of great advice here, you can also check with the BLF helpline nurses if you are unsure of the questions or explanation to give to the GP - or take some notes as if you have a memory like mine some important information can be forgotten until you are on the wrong side of the door. Good luck and look forward to an update.
Thanks for all the help, went to docs today lungs pretty clear but guess what ? I have shingles
I couldn't see the rash but she did. Happy Days.