has anybody got any advice about t... - Lung Conditions C...

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has anybody got any advice about thin skin, mine is getting thinner every year due to steroid sprays.any help will be welcome

massey55 profile image
23 Replies
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massey55 profile image
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23 Replies
whit profile image

i hope they have ,i have the same problem ,doc says i just have to accept it because of the steroids

Granmum123 profile image

I have the same problem and the same reply from Doctor and Nurses. It would be nice to have a solution then could stop worrying about cuts and grazes.

canalchris profile image

Hello, I do sympathize , I have got two jack russells , one of which is always demanding attention by jumping up , he catches me on my lower arms and the next thing you know you have a bruise and it takes ages to stop bleeding, when a scab does appear it stays there for weeks.

evo1510 profile image

i would also like some help or advice,i didnt realise it was because of the steroid inhalers ,i too have a dog who dose catch my arms causeing bleeding etc.in the summer is worst when i want to wear short sleeve's if any body knows of any good cream or any think else to help ..would they pass on any imformation to me also.xx

Mocarey profile image

If anyone has a solution I would love to hear it!

libby7827 profile image

I've always had thin skin on my arms and hands,my mum did too, but is paper thin now after years of steroids, Horrible and very aging, the slightest scrape produces massive blue blisters. So far as I know, and I have looked, there's no cure I'm afraid. It's about time manufacturers of summer tops/dresses did a few more with longer sleeves! Rest of my body there's no problem, why does it have to be somewhere it shows!!! Libby x

massey55 profile image
massey55 in reply to libby7827

thanks everyone we all seem to have the same problem.never mind at least we can all breath.

massey55 profile image

same here only my arms. thanks for your help

Tried everything.The best I came up with is paw paw ointment, quite effective,and great for any cuts and scratches etc.

Cheers Wendells x

caroleoctober profile image

I have Doublebase gel, it is a cream in a pump action container, I get it on prescription and it bulks up the skin so makes less prone to tearing from the effects of steroids, my problem was my legs I was forever knocking it on the bottom corner of the car door. You can use this cream wherever, I get an itchy forehead and it is excellent as a moisturiser. My COPD nurse prescribes it for me.

Carole x

in reply to caroleoctober

It can be bought in Boots. Kept in the pharmacy section, not on the shelves. It costs around £4. It is good. ANNIE80 x

Sylvsmum profile image

Thanks for that tip, Carole. I also have this problem, the slightest knock gives me a big red bruise. Can you buy this stuff without prescription? If so I might get some - hey just had a thought, the wonderful INTERNET!! Will get some and report back. After all people are always offering me viagra (as if I - a woman - want a bigger erection.....) so this should be a piece of cake.

in reply to Sylvsmum

sylvsmum - see note written above Love Annie80

Sylvsmum profile image
Sylvsmum in reply to

Too late, ordered from Amazon, £9 something - hopefully it is a bigger size!!

pollyjj profile image

Hi Carole I would also like to know about this cream just yesterday I cut my arm on my own fingernail, it is very sore and will take ages to go. I am covered in scars my skin just peels back if I scrape or knock it on anthing, especially my arms.


in reply to pollyjj

See above - love Annie80 Boots. kept in pharmacy not on the selves.

It's a nightmare isn't it, I've been on both oral and inhaled steroids for about 40yrs & always have to go to surgery cos if I catch my leg or arm on anything (even a cereal box!) it tears. The nurse repositions the skin flap with tweezers, steri-strips & dresses it, then I'm back to the surgery for new dressings every few days til it heals.

I've tried diprobase and various other creams but have decided that vitamin-E cream is the best. I don't bother getting it on prescription, even though I don't pay for mine, cos it's so cheap to buy from superdrug, £2.99 for a massive tub & often I get it on 3-for-2 so even cheaper.

Also I always wear trousers, preferably with long socks underneath unless it's very warm, and long sleeves, that gives some protection to the most vulnerable bits

ff x

Jemma profile image


My GP gave me DoubleBase Cream too - she said the nurses used it however, my ridiculous sense of smell hated it so I am back to using Aqueous Cream which can also be used as a soap.

Jemma xx

massey55 profile image
massey55 in reply to Jemma

does it smell strong ? i suffer with strong smells

Jemma profile image
Jemma in reply to massey55

I too suffer from strong smells massey but Aqueous Cream is OK in that respect. 100 ml costs £1 from ChemistDirect.co.uk.

I can't say it's the best for the problem but I don't have too much choice.

Jemma xx

massey55 profile image

thank you will try that

valj profile image

I just wanted to warn you to take care with your skin. After being on injected steroids for about 9 months in July 2011 I caught my shin on the dishwasher, thought ouch that will be a big bruise and was completely shocked to see that an area of skin about 2" square had peeled back (called a pretibial laceration) I had to go to A&E, they couldn't stitch it as the skin was too thin so they put about 20 steri strips on it. It took about 6 weeks to heal and I still have a big scar which is just where my socks finish so I have to fold that one down so it doesn't irritate. It wasn't massively painful, more stinging and sore, but it was an awful shock and I have since heard of people needing to have skin graft after this sort of injury. I don't mean to scare you, but no one told me that this could happen and I would like to stop it happening to other people. Just take sensible precautions - like covering your legs - and hopefully this will never happen.

massey55 profile image

i have had this problem with my arms,it leaves awful scars my arms look like i have been self harming.

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