Am I boring?: I sign myself in as Gilly... - Lung Conditions C...

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Am I boring?

51 Replies

I sign myself in as Gilly as that is what I am called. I can understand people wanting to keep their privacy and that's fine, but some have such exotic and interesting names which are lovely. I can't help wondering how they came about, please tell if you are able to. :)

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51 Replies

I am ANNIE80. I have called myself annieseed on other sites. I think your name is fine, Gilly. It is the personality that makes the individual. A name is only a wrapping and we all have different personalities.

pollyjj profile image

My name is not polly it is what a friend used to call me and she set up a blind date for me with a friend of her husband. They told him my name was polly and because where he worked they were always pulling tricks on each other he suspected he would be meeting a parrot in a cage.

So here I am 26 years later and still polly.

My friend always says when she sees me , "It's ma pal!" (it's my pal/friend) so I just removed the space character to give Mapal :-)

y_not profile image

y_not - I'm just a bit backward (T_ony)

elian profile image
elian in reply to y_not

roflmao Tony :)

elian profile image

My name's a combination of mine and my fella's names :) Mine's elaine - his is Ian.

Gilly is a lovely name :)

Katlover profile image
Katlover in reply to elian

I think that is really sweet


elian profile image
elian in reply to Katlover

Thank you K :) The last time we were in North Wales we had a slate plaque etched with the name on it and now we're hoping to be able to put it on our new house (when we eventually find it and move ) in Wales

amagran profile image

I am amagran, because quite simply, I am a gran, and amagran is an anagram of anagram

Thanks people, come on the rest of you, what's your secret. :)

Lynne1955 profile image

My name is Lynne, Lnne was because the y got missed out and I can't correct it.

The picture is a Möbius strip or infinity.

Lynne xx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I wanted a username to do with breathing. A lot were taken so I chose this one, partly because of my sense of humour and partly because I'm a big kid at heart ! :)

Gordon57 profile image

erm... not sure, think it's something my parents called me as a child or something... :D

My picture is me as a computer generated 'chalk' image, taken from a real photo.

Pentreath profile image

My name is Pentreath, partly because a lady called Dolly Pentreath was the last recorded person to be a Cornish speaker and I am Cornish.


My name is Mary and I am an honorary aunt to several beautiful children - so in comparison to these lovely stories my name is probably extremely boring! Just as long as I am not..........

Auntymary x

fishtail profile image

Hi my name is sandra,my pen name is fishtail because I'm always fascinated with my beautiful tropical fish,their tails are like fairy's wings.x

CarrieMe was taken from the poem Footsteps which I read when I was going through a particularly difficult time in my life. I still feel as though I need carried sometimes.

in reply to

I love this poem and will now think of it everytime I see your name. Thank you. x

canalchris profile image

Hello Gillyj, your name ain't boring. Bloomin heck the best I could come up with was Canalchris, and I can't even remember why I chose it now, Tara abit,

zube-UK profile image

zube, who remembers the little round tin of zubes ?.. little round cough/throat sweets covered in white powder like icing sugar. they were cofdrops... and cofdrop was the first person to welcome me onto this wonderful forum, so homage to her.

hufferpuffer profile image
hufferpuffer in reply to zube-UK

Hi zube ,you can get them in packets in ''Home and Bargain''!! I remember the tins very well! Carol x

zube-UK profile image
zube-UK in reply to hufferpuffer

Oh thanx Carol, I didn't know we could still get them. I have never seen a Home and Bargain, Wells my nearest town and there isn't one there, maybe Taunton when I go to the lung clinic. su x

Kingston profile image

I am Georgina but I couldn't get a yes for that or variations so decided to use Kingston a name from a forum I belonged to.

I'm a UB40 fan and Kingston Town is my favourite so there ya go. I have several nicknames Jud.Kingy and of course Gina. Call me what you will but don't call me late for my dinner... :)

Gina x

Bastet profile image

G is for goal, your eye on the future,

I is for impress, for impress you will,

L is for listen, one of your best traits,

L is for laughter, you spread wherever you go,

Y is for yearn, your innermost desires.

Hmm, doesn't seem boring to me..

in reply to Bastet

oh wow! that's lovely, you have made my day. thank you.

Daxiemad profile image

I am Katina, means pure but difficult, just like my name sake totally awkward, but have a heart, and not an evil bone in my body. But I am Daxiemad because I adore my dachshund and every other one walking on this earth. Everyone outside of here apart from parents call me Kat. Parents call me Tina, which I hate!

medow profile image

Hi Gilly

My name is suzie, my 'blog' name is medow, however, I am crap at spelling and it should have read meadow, because I love meadows, lush green grass, prefer a stream running through it, once in ireland found a proper spring meadow, wild flowers everywhere, sheep/lambs, took the best photograth I've ever taken had it enlarged and its now hanging on my frontroom wall, everyone thinks its been done by a professional ! I really like the name Gilly xxx

libby7827 profile image

Hi Gilly, well i'm Libby and there is another use, Libbygood, who is also a Libby, but since my arrival to the site is very generously now signing her posts as "Lib". No, you're not boring! What with all the usernames and passwords you need these days I'd never know who I was meant to be on any given site! Libby

WestWalesPaul profile image

I'm Paul... you can guess where I live, I'm sure! A small village in Pembrokeshire to be exact!

Fusion8d profile image

Last year I was involved in a project at work called Fusion, the last 6 months of which I was in agony with a spinal problem. I ended up having to have an emergency lumbar laminectomy and fusion, so all in all I felt Fusion8ed summed me up at the time I joined.

I think Gilly is a lovely, friendly name!


caroleoctober profile image

My user name speaks for itself really, I am Carole and I was born in October. My best cousin is Gillian so name is dear to me.

Carole x

libbygood profile image

I am Libbygood (now Lib because there is another Libby on this site) my real name is Elizabeth usually called Liz but sometimes Lib, the good comes from my maiden name of Goodson, there I've just 'Come Out' and I feel better for it.

Lib x

Fantastic and very interesting that there are so many reasons for our names. When I was at school my nickname was Willy as my surname then was Wilson, I hated it as you can imagine the teasing I got. xx

drifter profile image

Hi, I'm Arn, drifter came from the fact that I used to race a stockcar, And you had to drift it to get round the tracks. I was also a CB enthusiast in the 80's. There you have it, two explanations in one.


Dors profile image

My nic was dorall..a combination of my hubby`s name and my own...had to change it to Dors recently as i lost my p/word.

O2Trees profile image

Hi Gilly, I have great associations with your name as I have a close friend called Gilly. O2Trees came from a campaign against Network Rail cutting trees down along railway embankment in my town when i signed on to the forum. Three of us over-60s stopped them by chaining ourselves to a large tree but it was a great coming together of the whole community. I wore a notice saying:

Trees = oxygen = breath = life.


zube-UK profile image
zube-UK in reply to O2Trees

Well done jean, I would have joined you if I lived there. su

xboxwidow profile image

Hi, mine is xboxwidow because as I looked around trying to think of a name I saw my other half on his xbox and thought thats what I am, an xbox widow!


hufferpuffer profile image

Hi Gilly, your name is very special because its yours and my bessie mates back in my childhood. I am hufferpuffer because thats what I do best these days! huff and puff! I have enjoyed reading about everyones names,my picture is me walking along the beach with Rex our dog,I love looking out for meteorites or Ambergrease, found lots of junk so far!

Hecter profile image

My name is just one that I was given at school.I wanted Hector but that was already taken.My maiden name was Heathcote and there used to be a cartoon character on TV called Hector Heathcote.

lavender1 profile image

I've loved the smell and colour of lavender since childhood and even the look of the word has a calming effect on me. When I joined in on this forum last August I was feeling very far from calm and on thinking of a name remembered a place in France which I once visited called Grasse. There was a perfume shop with every shelf full of lavender crystals etc. Maybe not boring but "eccentric" might better describe me. My name incidentally is Marie and anyone wanting to take over my identity should be prepared to pay off a small overdraft from time to time - joking there were two other Marie's posting around that time. Now see what you've started Gilly - no you are not boring.

tyran57 profile image

My name is sandra, tyran was the name of a big ginger tomcat that i adopted from a cat rescue he already had the name when i got him. Years ago long long before i used a computer my son was doing something on the computer for me and i needed an email address , i couldnt think of anything when the cat walked by so i said `oh tyran ` and my son thought that was the name i wanted he added the 57 and so lets everyone know when i was born!!! It didnt bother me at the time because i`m such a techno phobe i never thought i`d use it again -- now i keep having to explain!! That was a bit long winded !!

sassy59 profile image

Hi, I call myself sassy59 because I am the exact opposite! Also, I am 60 now but who cares! I am really Carole because I was born two days before Christmas and mum and dad thought they would have a boy! You are not boring at all but I also love some of the names on here. Take care. xxxxxx

I am Marie. The WF relates to my maiden and married name.

Ozzygirl64 profile image

Nothing wrong with your name hun, I love it. But mine Ozzygirl64 came about as I am a huge Ozzy Osbourne fan, I am female and I was born 64, so it all fit lol xxxxx

tanyamarie profile image

Can't get any more plainer than mine hunny!

blackbird profile image

Hi Gilly - Nothing wrong with your name sounds friendly full of fun. And what an interesting question you asked.

For me I was just filling in my BLF form late at night listening to the beatles 'Blackbird singing in the dead of night' I thought that fits!xx

Hi Gilly I think it is a lovely name (isn't there a gillyflower?) I was christened Kathleen , called Kaye by my parents, yak b y my brother as a child Yuk. Now anything from Kaye, Kate Katie seems to go (never been called Kathleen). I put my initials at the end because of other Katies in the BLF. I found it this really interesting as the poeple behind the nicknames have come out. I don' think I should have used last phrase. Not PC. KatieJJ

toonamp profile image

My initials are AMP first name being Anthony, shortened to Tony and coming from the North Initially, I was called Toon


I take wild life photographs and the Robin shot is one of my garden visitors.

teddyd profile image

My grandson is called Teddy and my surname starts with a D

Sylvsmum profile image

Simple, the love of my life (as my husband knows) was a black and white cat called Sylvester and people used to call me Sylv's Mum - so here I am!!

My real name is Angela - or Angie - or even Ange..............

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