Appointment : I have an appointment... - Lung Conditions C...

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Tinkz profile image
11 Replies

I have an appointment with respertory specialist on Monday regarding shortness of breath can anyone tell me what to expect? Thank you

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Tinkz profile image
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11 Replies
Katinka46 profile image

Bit difficult to say without more indications of what your history and symptoms are, and what your GP has referred you for. One of the easiest and most common tests is Spirometry, you have probably already done one at your GP practice. That's the one when you exhale, forcibly into a tube, and the nurse keeps saying "Keep going! Keep going!" Until you want to thump her/him. That is good for detecting obstructive lung disease, and if it is repeated after a dose of Ventolin it may detect asthma. A lot of outpatient chest clinics in hospital will routinely do that as well before you see the consultant. A Pulmonary Function Test is more detailed, takes about an hour, gives more information but you are not likely to have one on Monday unless you are going to a super-specialised clinic in a tertiary centre. There are two types of exercise tests: the 6 minute walk, and the incremental shuttle walk. They are good at giving an indication of your exercise tolerance but are only of use if repeated every few months because it is a test that is patient-led, i.e. the patient stops or slows down when s/he can't go on and also gauges their own breathlessness. It is good for measuring worsening or improvement.

But apart from tests obviously the main part is the discussion with the consultant. Write down all your questions and make sure you don't leave the consulting room without getting what you want. Politely.

Give us some more clues?


Tinkz profile image
Tinkz in reply to Katinka46

Sorry for the lack of info katinka Iv been having shortness of breath for a while, gave up smoking 2 month ago and no better, I feel like when I talk I can't get full sentences out without having to take deep breaths until I take ventolin, and also have a whistle noise when exhaling have had spiro doc said was normal and a CT scan which was normal too but it wasn't the high dose on. ventolin 3 times a day which helps and feel o can breath fine until it wears off.I'm 31 but I know something isn't right I'm sure I have copd as this is constant unlike asthma.

Tinkz profile image
Tinkz in reply to Tinkz

It's a private pulmologist. I'm in NZ so might be dif to U.K.

Katinka46 profile image
Katinka46 in reply to Tinkz

I did wonder if you were not in the UK.

You are very young to have COPD. Early onset Emphysema can be caused by Alpha1-anti-tripsin-deficiency, a blood test can eliminate that.

I shall be thinking of you on Monday and will look out for your post about the appointment.

K x

Shaurene profile image
Shaurene in reply to Tinkz

Ye I am in New Zealand also. But live most of the year in Thailand. The heat andR/H is so high which does not help. I found a nebuliser very helpful. Buy one Ormeron.around $100. Doctor gives me the liquid tubes. I take 4-6 times a day when needed.

Shaurene profile image
Shaurene in reply to Katinka46

I suffer the same. It is down to my emphasima problem. I did that test and they did not let me have the spirometer inhaler as my doc says they only give when lungs are 60% inactive. My test showed 50%.

Nanny1086 profile image
Nanny1086 in reply to Katinka46

Great explanation ,Katinka,

Tinkz profile image

Thanks you K I'm scared stiff, I feel like I struggle more with talking and bending over than I do with walking/activity and I'm so anxious Iv smoked the last 3 days and hate my self for this I feel like I can't function

yasmeena profile image

Depends where you go and who you see. I saw a consultant in the last couple of months and she was so rude and unpleasant my GP is now going to refer me to a different hospital. I had a test while there before seeing the consultant where I had to blow into a machine and then saw the doctor who asked a few questions and that was it. Since then I have had a High Res CT chest scan but I had to wait for the appointment for that, it was not done on the day I sae the doctor.

Shaurene profile image

If you are on Prendosin this is gives you so many problems after long term use.

Sleep problems. Blood sugar problems. Swollen feet and or legs. Leo shortness of breath. Read up on it. They give me this in NZ and Hospital in Thailand. Talk to your Doc to give you low doss, 5mg X 1 tablet x3 times a day first week then 2x 5mg 2nd dose. Then 1 X 5mg X 1 each day then stop. If you have been on long term use ween of over a good pperiod. If you read the after affects of Prendesone it will frighten you. It did me. I will think twice before I let the give me again.

Tinkz profile image

Also should I not take my inhaler med's before the appointment for the breathing test? Sorry if this is a stupid question

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