I am diagnosed with mild emyphsima ye... - Lung Conditions C...

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I am diagnosed with mild emyphsima yesterday I'm only 27 female, I'm really scared. Am I gonna die soon??

jinsummer profile image
33 Replies

Can somebody give me advice

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jinsummer profile image
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33 Replies
stone-UK profile image


Not for the next forty years or more.

Having been diagnosed you will know the condition is incurable.

The first job is to stop smoking if you have not already done so.

Also be aware of any triggers that effect you breathing, household cleaning products, perfumes, hair sprays ect try and avoid.

Smoke and fumes will also have a effect on your condition.

It is just a question of knowing what effects you and takeing precautions.

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply tostone-UK

Hi stone, it really scares me because I have read some article that says 2-5 years life span. Am gonna get weaker year by year?

stone-UK profile image
stone-UK in reply tojinsummer


Stay on site ask as many questions you like, ignore 2/5 years don't google unless you want to scare yourself.

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply tostone-UK

It really scares me =( BTW, thx stone maybe I'm over reacting.

1968 profile image
1968 in reply tojinsummer

Stay away from GOOGLEING COPD emphysema ect, you will probably be given the wrong information, only stay with trusted sites. This site will probably give you most accurate helpful information you will will get, just ask a question and someone will be along with an answer or advice, you can even call and speak to qualified BLF nurse. If you smoke, stop, change of life style with a positive outlook, knowledge is the best tool in living with any form of COPD.

velvet55 profile image

Hello Jinsummer, first of all welcome to the best site you can find for all the help, advice, and support you need from people who are all suffering from various lung illnesses. Secondly..don't panic !! and thirdly you are not about to die. You will get lots of replies to your post from people who have more knowledge than me, so for now I will sign off. I will talk later. Keep your chin up.

velvet xx

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply tovelvet55

The moment I found out I freaked out plus the fast that it can't be cure scares me. Anyway, thank u for the reply. Telling me I won't die really makes me feel good. =)

velvet55 profile image
velvet55 in reply tojinsummer

Hi, no it can't be cured at the moment but time is on your side. Hopefully one day they will find a cure, and you will benefit from it in your lifetime. In the meantime you are a 27 year old female with the world at your feet. Go out and have a bloody great time !! Wish I was 27 again !!

Velvet xx

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply tovelvet55

I will.. Actually I feel fine, I'm not having a hard time breathing. Just a thought of have the illness worries me. Thx velvet =) good thing I get into this site. Nice people are around me.

1968 profile image
1968 in reply tovelvet55

Well said.

Bevvy profile image

As others have said no reason you won't live until 100. If you smoke STOP! And look after yourself with sensible food and exercise.... IF deteriates further you may be given meds. Take them. Ignore rubbish that live 2-5 years from diagnosis. I am 46 and should be long gone if that accurate! Am severe but just been offered and accepted new job....

DO take care around people with chest infections but care not neurosis! I have posted how since using hand gel before I eat I get far fewer flare-ups....

Good to meet you.

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply toBevvy

Hi bevvy, thank you for the reply. I think I really need to stop smoking. This site really made me feel good, I just read a reply from others post saying they are also suffering from the same illness but still strong after 20years. I panic, I'm still young. I want to grow old =(

1968 profile image
1968 in reply tojinsummer

You will grow old, but need to stop smoking, the key to emphysema is progression, smoking will progress damaged lungs.

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply toBevvy

Will this illness weaken me day by day? Or I just have to quit smoking take meds, proper excersice and I will be fine?? My doctor didn't gave me any information she just gave me inhaler.

Bevvy profile image

PLEASE read what people are telling you! I know you are shocked and scared but why do you think you will get weaker day by day when your life span could be as good as anyone else's! Look at replies to you and other postings from people.....

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply toBevvy

I'm just scared :( btw, thx forr the info,

Hi I know you are scared to get such a diagnosis and you are very young to have emphysema. This is important - has your doctor done a blood test in case you have Alpha 1 Deficiency? This is genetic but is very rare but for anyone under around 40ish this should be done. If not go back to your doctor and ask (no demand) it. Even if you do have this there is no reason why you still cannot have a long life.

If you are mild your lung function will be over 80%. To put this in perspective you can survive with a lung function as low as 6%! Lead a healthy lifestyle and look after yourself and you should be able to hold your lung function fairly level, It is a progressive disease but it usually only progresses very slowly. So even if you do lose a bit of lung function here and there you still have plenty to spare.

If you are in the UK you can ring the BLF helpline (no. under the red button) and they will send you out loads of bumph, and there are also trained respiratory nurses to answer any questions.

Again if you are in the UK there should be a Breatheasy group near you. Google this and it will explain what this is and where your nearest one is.

Stay with us here and we will be happy to answer any questions you have and to help and support you all we can. Ok? Now take a Chill Pill and relax. xx

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply to

They havent done any blood test. Chest xray was done, the doctor said I have emphysema. I'm now sure if its mild or moderate but I have no problem breathing so I assumed it is mild. I'm too young to have the illness and that what scares me plus the fact that it can't be cure, I'm actually depress right now =(

Hi Jin you need information so you can understand what is happening. Being armed with some facts and knowledge will take away a lot of the fear. You are getting yourself in a muck sweat so calm down. take a deep breath and do the following now...

Make an appointment with your doctor and point out that because of your age you should have the Alpha 1 test. It is only a simple blood test which should have been offered to you already. Step 2 - ring the BLF helpline no. and get some info sent out to you. Ok?

We are all too young to have illness no matter what our age is, but you can spend your life in fear or you can be proactive. Your choice... Now you know this makes sense so do it please.

I was diagnosed with mild COPD 5 years ago and haven't progressed at all. Many on here have had it for donkey's years and are still going strong. You have a long and healthy life ahead of you so live it and enjoy it. xx

Ps you are not going to get 'weaker' year by year. The only thing which will happen is that you will have more problems breathing than someone without the illness. But there are lots of good inhalers round which will help enoromously with that so don't worry.

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply to

Hi, I'm from philippines. How old are u now? So u just change ur lifestyle? Do I need to panic?? Sorry Sir I'm just scared.. So I kept on asking questions.. You are so nice

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply tojinsummer

I feel better, I read ur reply for like 3x now and it made me feel good. Good thing there are people like u who are willing to help. Starting today I will live a healthy lifestyle. I guess I'm over reacting.

in reply tojinsummer

Hi thank you :) I think you can email BLF for information. No - you don't need to panic but just be aware that you need to take your lungs seriously and look after them.

Smoking will make the disease progress faster so stopping will certainly help. You need to make sure you have plenty of exercise and try and eat a healthy diet. Other than that just enjoy your life as you have many more years ahead of you yet. x

monkey65 profile image

Hi and welcome to this site. We are friendly, and you will find you are not alone. You are young to get a diagnosis, but it sounds as though you are pretty mild so there is lots you can do to help yourself. Don't consult Dr Google- there seems to be an abundance of scary stuff and very little reassurance out there, but if you have any questions come on here or call the BLF helpline. Don't panic, but do take the diagnosis seriously.

The single most important thing is to stop smoking. There is a Quit Support group here on Health Unlocked if you need help on this. (look on the 'My Communities' tab and then 'Browse communities'.)

Then stop being around people who are smoking.

Try to minimise the chance for a chest infection. Wash your hands, use a hand gel, use First defence nasal spray at the first sign, get regular flu and pneumonia jabs.

Take the medicines you have been given and go to any check ups you are offered.

Try to eat healthily (the usual - fruit and veg etc..) and get some exercise.

And most importantly again - Stop Smoking!

Best Wishes, Monkey.

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply tomonkey65

Hi monkey, thx for the reply. I will quit smoking, I'm really scared.

kimmy59 profile image


You've already been given great advice. I was terrified until I found this forum, stop smoking if you do, try and eat well and exercise and you be fine. Then go and enjoy your life, and stop with the Googling it's nonsense.

Kim xx

rubyred777 profile image

Welcome to the family Jinsummer😊

You have been given excellent advice.

I agree you should get the alpha 1 blood test. Does anyone else in your family have copd? Also what inhaler do you have? You say you are mild. Did you have a spirometry test? You have a long life ahead of you. Try to read some of the older posts. Thats how I learned a lot. Don't let it stress you out 😊 You will

be fine. Ask us anything, no matter how small or silly it might seem. We will help you

Rubyxx 😊 😊

jinsummer profile image
jinsummer in reply torubyred777

The salmeflo inhaler, haven't done any test just a chest xray, I don't think we have a copd history in the family.

velvet55 profile image

Hi Jinsummer, how are you feeling today. I told you that there is lots of great people on this site who can offer you lots of support and advice. We have all gone through the feelings you are having at the moment. you are young and diagnosed as a mild case, so look after yourself and your lungs, quit worrying ( it won't solve anything ) and enjoy a long and happy life, you have decades in front of you.


velvet x

Louisiana profile image

NO!!!!!!! I know it's scary, especially in one so young, but you have a long long life ahead of you. Take advice, keep reading and posting on this group and learn as much as you can about lung diseases. Try and get on a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic - you will learn so so much. Good luck to you and do stop worrying yourself silly about it all.....that won't help you at all. By the way, I have had emphysema for years.......and I am much much older than you, but I am still here!! :) :) :)

FarmerD profile image

Hello Jinsummer,I have very severe emphysema and hope to be up for lung transplant soon but then I am also quite old( 59 ).The most important thing for you to do is STOP smoking,smoking is the thing that definitely will make your condition worse.If your breathing is still ok and you stop smoking now you will probably not need further intervention and leed a normal life.You are young,eat good food and get plenty exercise,ditch the smokes and you could live to be a hundred easy.Good luck.D.

Offcut profile image

I am sorry to say that unless your consultant has confirmed dates with you. Ignore life spans on the web. I know it must of be a great shock to find this out. But there are many on here with the same condition living long and fulfilled lives. I have multi conditions which according to unfounded sites should of meant my demise many years ago.

Even the DWP do not define Life expectancy in a way you would expect. If you have a terminal illness which they think has a 6 month expectancy they will accept and initiate things quicker. But every 3 years will review it? That is 6 times longer than their first statement?

Please try to have a glass half full attitude it will help you loads.

Be Well

onamission profile image

I was diagnosed 11 years ago with COPD I gave up smoking and for the next 3 years my level stayed the same however on the 4th year I got the flu that turned in to a chest infection and its this that sets us back.

Try to give up smoking, take up swimming or a sport you like and try and eat good healthy food. we are always hear try and get your GP to send you on a PR course.

jinsummer profile image


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