I'd Love To Go Travelling To Far Away... - Lung Conditions C...

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I'd Love To Go Travelling To Far Away Places...

34 Replies

I'd love to travel the old Silk road into China...rattling along in a rickety train...tiny cabins to sleep in...stopping at stations on the way to buy a bowl of fragrant rice from a stall on the platform...drinking tea from the samovar at the end of each carriage and playing cards with silent Chinese travelling to remote villages...

Or to venture down the forbidden back streets of Casablanca...to peer into small shops selling trinkets and finely woven carpets...tiny children pulling at your sleeves and cafes in quiet squares where old men sit under wide umbrellas in the heat of the day...drowsy from the scent of the jasmine and smoking opium...

To go to Siberia and hear wolves howling in the dead of night when the train stops at remote stations...to venture out to stretch your legs and buy thick black coffee from a half frozen vendor...wrapped in layers and wearing boots trimmed with fur.

Have a jug of hot water and a clean towel delivered to your sleeping cabin by a man with a huge moustache and gold teeth...bringing you a bowl of tea in the morning and all you can see from the window is glittering snow...

Changing trains to go on to Mongolia...vast steppes smothered in a multitude of bright spring flowers...tiny robust ponies and prayer flags...tattered by the winds. Small children carried in the saddle bags of the Yaks and drinking their milk while squatting on the carpeted floor of a yurt...watching while the women embroider intricate patterns on felted jackets and young men play dangerous games of their form of polo...eagles and buzzards flying overhead.

On to Peru perhaps...vast mountains and narrow roads over gorges...to learn the art of back strap loom from a lady with a face creased by weather and laughter...watching Alpacas being shorn of their wool and the sweaters and cardigans knitted...destined for shops in London and Berlin. Little people bundled up in replicas of adults clothing...faces with wide happy smiles.

To see Tibet. To see the shrines adorned with hundreds of brightly coloured prayer flags...to visit age old monasteries high in the mountains...carved out of rock faces or built in stone...perched on ledges over-looking deep ravines...silent monks going by with bare brown feet... shaven heads bowed. Simple meals served at long wooden tables...

Slipping down the back alleys of towns in Jamaica...venturing into dimly lit bars...being greeted by Rasta boys...hair in complicated dread locks entwined with pretty beads...their arms around your shoulders as they lead you to the table at the back...a spliff rolled and offered round and potent Rum is brought in small glasses...the bottle left on the table.

The Deep South of America...the bayous and the coon dogs...snakes slithering down into the still waters...alligators and crayfish...remote bars in among the swamps and the French patois' which I love so much...small wooden houses built beside creeks, jetties and old boats tied up firmly ...otherworldly men who live by themselves...selling crayfish to bars and hesitant tourists...full of tales about monster alligators...coon dogs howling in the unquiet nights, full of biting insects and the plop of a snake entering the murky water...

Offer me time away in the Costa de Sol and I'd likely turn you down...be my companion on the Old Silk Road or offer to share a sleeping cabin on the way to Mongolia...that'd be acceptable.

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34 Replies

I'm with you Vashti. Sign me up as your cabin mate and off we go. Hope you don't snore :) I don't snore but I wheeze like an old cat and crackle like a bowl of rice crispies. I don't have any real desire to see Peru - imagine the altitude/breathing problems at Machu Pichu - but the Old Silk Road, Mongolia, Morocco and Siberia makes my blood race and my heart beat a little faster, just thinking about it. Add Damascus and Jordan to that list too.

But the island of Inis Turk off the coast of Mayo is also on my list of wild exotic places to visit. Have you been to any of the islands off the west coast ?

in reply to

We'd have porters to carry our oxygen supplies...lol

I don't snore but I do rattle...and cough...and demand cups of tea in the middle of the night...wouldn't it be wonderful though...

Never been to the islands...our various pets make staying anywhere difficult...I like to go though.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

'rattle and cough and demand cups of tea'......giggling.

I think I'll go to Dartmoor on my own....at least it will be quiet there. lol xxx

in reply to Jolyn

Scaredy cat!...think of the incredible photos you could take!

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

I'm still going to Dartmoor...bahahhahahahhaha. :-D x

in reply to Jolyn

Huh...I don't care one bit!...lol

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

I'm laughing my socks of at you Vashti lol

scorpiolass profile image

Hi Vashti, at times i rattle at night and demand cups of tea but i am told i snore, as well. The silk road sound good but i would really like a spot of island hopping, carribean or perhaps the greek islands . I like the sea, not fussed about sand. Heavon... maybe if we win the lottery sometime. Love Margaret x

in reply to scorpiolass

If it comes out you've won the Lottery Margaret, I shan't forget you know...lol

bikergrove profile image

Sounds wonderful Vashti,i would love to come x

in reply to bikergrove

Wouldn't it be grand...☺

Morning Vashti. How wonderful, I'd love to join you on your travels, I'd happily put up with the rattle and coughs - already got good ear-plugs cos of husband's night-time sounds!! - to be able to visit those magical places. But in reality, I'd just be happy to spend a few days away in this country 😒. Ah well, we can still dream 😊😊😊

Jan xx

in reply to

Just a dream of course...but where's the harm...lol

bulpit profile image

Good morning Vashti, What a bucket list you have to visit all those exotic places,nice to dream about. If you haven't already read THE KASHMIRE SHAWL by ROSIE THOMES I am sure you would love it, Best wishes, Bulpit

in reply to bulpit

I have read it...thought it a very good story indeed.

Dragonmum profile image
Dragonmum in reply to bulpit

Lovely book Bulpit - so evocative.

redted profile image

Oh wow,that story was so real and the people alive,I even felt a little afraid as it is not a journey I would take, are you sure you have not already been there, Lol you have a wonderful mind and but not imaginary as it all seems so real.

in reply to redted

Wish I had travelled much more...never did though...just in my dreams now lol

pollyjj profile image

Hi Vashti I am sure if we closed our eyes and you could read this to us we would feel as if we were already there.

polly xx

in reply to pollyjj

Thank you Polly...that's a lovely comment!

hufferpuffer profile image

Wonderful!I would love to tag along!😀

in reply to hufferpuffer

Of course you could come as well...it would be a real adventure!

Azure_Sky profile image

I would add to that a wish to make the journey at the turn of the Century when there were big Clipper ships left. The Potala Palace at Lhasa is now a World Heritage site.


Before and after the Chinese took over


in reply to Azure_Sky

You can go on the Clippers...I'd prefer the train...we could always meet up!

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to

I do love trains, so of course I would tag along with you and make the tea. I would bring some proper tea though.

helingmic profile image

Vashti, Yes, I'd love to do something like that too, especially teh hight mountains of tibet and visit the lamas and test their medicine!

But If I were on that train, it wouldnot only be the train taht rattles, but my chest too!

One way to get to good old nirvana!. Cheers, Mci

helingmic profile image

VAshti, i could always play the flute to collect money. If we reach India, I could even persuade a snake to dance to the sound of my flute! Mic

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to helingmic

That's a great idea mic!Maybe George would do a dance too. He would guard your hat full of money too!

in reply to Azure_Sky

But the snake might bite him!

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to

No, he would be too busy guarding the money, and he can move like lightning.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

Some dogs are immune to snake bites!

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to Azure_Sky

I love the idea too. When can we start?????? :-)

in reply to helingmic

That sounds like an excellent idea Mic...you have a real sense of adventure!

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

Thank you, my mother instilled this in me, she had a vast interest which she communicated to me by going to all sorts of museums ( musea), classical Indian dances, piano recitals, films, etc.

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