Chest getting tighter and discomfort ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Chest getting tighter and discomfort between shoulder blades and some burning in one of my lungs..doc or consultant end of month.

4 Replies

Have bronchiolitis, on steriods and immune tablets.

4 Replies
mustcarryon profile image

Do you think you should see your gp before the end of the month? you may have an infection, that shouldn't be left. Take care. xx

huggs profile image

Hi pamilia, I agree with mustcarryon, I would go to your GP or walk in centre ( or whatever out of hours service you have in your are), and get this seen to straight away. Your type of symptoms should not be ignored, as it could be a number of things, and its far better to get your chest sounded out and treatment started promptly. You have enough problems without letting things get worse. I am the same as you, don't like going to the doctors and have suffered because of it. I learned my lesson the very hard way, and I would hate for you to make the same mistake. It is always tempting to think, that it will go away , but it is best for you to get checked out, and do not wait until the end of the month. That's two weeks away. Hope you feel better soon and get help today. With your medical history a doctor will not mind seeing you today. That is their job, and they get very well paid for it. Good luck, hugs xx

Thanks for ur replies. Must admit l had to change to a new doc as my last one who l have had for some sixteen years died of a heart attack . He was a one band doc so the surgery has now been closed hence the change. Guess l don't know what to expect from this new one with consists of a group of three docs. I trusted my last doc , have no idea with the new ones. Think l should go, but scared in many ways.

Update...finally got to see one of the new docs, had to not for what's worrying me. Seems dispite my notes being transferred over, the receptionists would not honour the hospital drugs. They said doc had to ok them , thought they could not override consultant. Few well chooses words to doc and sorted. She was not impressed as it seems like me, appointment was not needed, they should of been actioned. One visit, one problem, so maybe l will go back. As yet not happy with them.

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