So I was chatting with EmmaF91 and Lysistrata from here last night and we were saying how it would be quite helpful to have something small to keep on us to alert people to your asthma/treatment that works etc.
I know a lot of us either have our own or Emma’s famous template for a&e trips but sometimes it isn’t practical to have something that’s a couple of pages long on you at all times - like the other day I had a very sudden attack on my way to the GP which was completely unexpected so I didn’t have anything of the sort on me.
So last night I tried to put together an asthma “business card” kind of thing. It’s 4 business cards in size (so folds down to the size of 1) and has sections for your clinical history, effective emergency treatment, typical symptoms, normal peak flow, what to do if you’re struggling to maintain in hospital, regular medications, allergies, other conditions and what safe discharge is for you! Mainly using tick boxes etc.
I just thought it might be a good idea because it’s something small I can keep in my purse or phone case at all times, just in case I’m ever caught out with an unexpected attack or my phone runs out of charge (because I’ve got info on there too).
Thanks to EmmaF91 and Lysistrata for giving me a load of feedback on the first version 😉
If anyone wants to have a look to either use it or help me improve it please send me a PM! I’ve done separate ones for “asthma” and “severe asthma”.
Also if you can think of any other things that could be included let me know!