Fluid Intake: Ok perhaps one those... - Asthma Community ...

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Fluid Intake

15 Replies

Ok perhaps one those medical minded bods on here can answer a basic question fo rme!

In this heat what fluid intake (Ie: Litres) should someone have as a minimum requirement?

15 Replies

Wheezer, I was told to try and drink 2.5 litres on top of my 1.5 going in IV a day over the weekend so that makes 4 litres seems like a lot but actuallly is not proving that hard to do, I have already hit the 2.5 litre mark. At home I use 1 ltire bottles and tell the kids to drink at least 2 of those extra a day during the hot weather.


Donna i already drink 2lts per day and was told in hot weather to double it. Or to drink until your urine is pale and watery! But make sure you have some electrolytes added or to have salty food at least once during day to replce everything sweated out.

I've had the same advice as Bronwein - the way to tell if you are dehydrated is if your urine is dark (should be v pale), otherwise you shold be fine - I always drink 2lts water a day and have found I've needed to double when it's hot so as not to dehydrate - trick is always to ahve a bottle of water near you and keep slugging!

KateMoss profile image

I just keep drinking and keep peeing!

I usually fill a pint beer glass - a proper one with a handle on with water or weak squash every coupld of hours so I must be guzzling plenty!



My poor little tiny tummy is now an Oasis in the desert, stretched beyond belief and I swear when I move I hear sloshing noises!

But I always find the extra fluids on board thin the mucous and make coughing up easier....

Recommended amount in normal weather is 2 litre per day (8 glasses) not including caffeinated drinks such as tea & coffee.

The amount you need in hotter weather is very much dependent on the heat, the amount of physical activity you are doing, your body surface area etc.

A good guide is to drink enough so that your pee is clearish rather than a definite green/yellow colour.

I ask as I don't drink water except in tea BUT I do drink alot of sugar free fizzy pop (can't drink ought else stomach won't let me)!

Errmmmmm to be honest I don't notice what colour my pee is (perhaps I should)!

Its just also in the heat I have swollen up VERY badly too with fluid so was trying to see if I was drinking TOO much or Not enough possibly!

I know talking about this may seem odd to some but up until now I hadn't had ANY fluid retention with the betamethasone tabs like the pred and this has me a little concerned that the heat has caused me to swell with water!

Donna i used to only drink fizzy drinks and i got really told off. The fizzy drinks cause crystals in the bladder and kidneys which is why the always say tthe reccommended drink allowance is water as it flushes your system completely.

I simply cannot stomach water at all and cons has seen what my stomach does if I try and drink it!

Projectile vomiting aint what they want when ya drink water!

They don't know why but my stomach just rejects plain water!

Can't even drink it with cordial in it either!

It has to be fizzy as well for me to take all the meds with (or fruit juice PURE)!

When I am in hossie (cause I dont get ANY visitors) they actually supply me with 3 ltrs of fresh orange juice a day along with the diet I have set-up with catering manager!

Ok I looked and it very pale yellow so I am thinking I is drinking enough !!

But still seem very swollen with fluid in the heat !!

Blimey Wheezer - 3 litres of fresh orange juice a day! No wonder you need so many anti-acid tablets!

My stomach would be a mess if I drank anywhere near that amount. Plain water always the safest option for me....


Yep Carrie, all I can say is ouch!! particularly when on oral steroids. I would need half a litre of gaviscon on top of the three litres of juice that to get rid of all the acid.

The thing with fresh juice is after water it apparently is best thing to hydrate you and our hossie only do orange juice !!

I did drink ALOT more than normally do yesterday and the swellin from fluid has gone DOWN alot !!

So can NOT drinking enough cause fluid retention ??

yaf_user681_26410 profile image

If you can't manage ordinary water why don't you try mineral water. Carbonated is better than nothing. You would probably need bout twice as much juice to make up for the 2 litres of water you don't drink. If you don't drink enough you will retain and store most of what you do drink and if the heart can't cope with it it gets stored elsewhere. Also if your asthma is allergy related you could end up getting swollen feet and hands and other joints anyway.

Have thought about getting the fizzy flavoured mineral waters you can buy now (as our pop man delivers them too) but wasn't sure if it would count as water lol

Have increased my input which has helped a bit but still don't think I getting enough fluid but I just can't stomach anymore fluids lol

Even forcing myself to stomach some ""Bitter Lemon"" at night to get the extra quinine ontop of the tabs as the cramps have gotten alot wrose in the heat and I am sure it down to the fluis intake/loss stufff lol

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