Greviences: Hey peeps, I was wondering... - Asthma Community ...

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13 Replies

Hey peeps,

I was wondering if anyone can give me any info they know about puttibg greviences in against there employers?

I've been told i can't put one in until i go back to work yet I feel going back to work just now will make me even iller so won't really work. I don't think i'm going to get everything sorted and don't know if i shoud just give in.

13 Replies

You can put one in anytime you like - even if you're off sick. Don't believe a word of it - as long as you're still employed, you can grieve.

seriously? They told me today (union office) that for them to deal with iti need to be back at work and need to be there as the grevience is under way.

Saying that Union Rep says I don't need to do the new hours but i don't feel i can turn up at my old start time and act like no i'm doing this shift like it or not.

I believe you can put the grievence in but you cannot attend any hearings or meetings with regards to it if you are on the sick.

You say you are looking for a job in an other thread if you wish to leave this job with a clean slate you need if possible to resolve the issues you have with them so you can have a good reference so it is wise to put in your complaint

My partner was summoned to a meeting whilst on the sick with a threat if he did not attend he would be dismissed. He did not attend and was dismissed but reinstated at a hearing when he was finally off the sick, successfully got his job back then resigned but with his reputation in tact


thnks for your message. I've been signed off a few more weeks anyway so i think i should just try and enjoy Xmas and forget about Tesco for a bit. Am off til 3rd now anyway and then can have some fun when they sort all of this - prob with me taking quite a few attacks but i'll try my best. i just wish life was simple

you can put in a grievance whilst you're off sick, and even after you've left too - in fact if you are thinking of going to a tribunal you have to have put in a grievance 1st anyway - not saying you are thinking of that, just saying the legalities.

As regards meetings when you're off sick - you can go to them if you feel up to it, and in fact sometimes it's better to as getting things resolved could reduce stress and hence aid a return to work.

I would write a very detailed grievance letter so that the company know all yoru concerns, and also what you are looking for as a resolution, and then they can arrange a meeting for after christmas to talk to you in more detail about it.


thanks for all your help - i'm waiting on a call from my union rep to decide what to do next - i'm really really annoyed tho - tesco can not give a reference in store (may be a good thing) but will give one from head office but they won't give me the address and am so close to getting a job that they are actually probably ruinoing it for me

...and a quick Google search circumvents any awkwardness:

Tesco Head Office:

Tesco Stores Ltd,

New Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 9SL

Tel: 01992 632222


I just wanted to wish you luck with your grievance.

My ex husband works for the same company as you and he suffers from epilepsy and they treated him dreadfully and he had to go through the grievance procedure. Just stick to your guns and dont let them fob you off and you will be fine.

good luck again


Sorry folks, been away for an operation so only just caught up. Just to be clear:

YES you can submit a grievance while you're off sick

YES you can turn up for hearings/meetings while you're off sick - but if you're not well enough, you can send a rep in your place or provide the information in writing so the process can still go ahead. It doesn't help anyone to have things dragging on for ages - especially if you're unwell.

Spaniel xx

(HR Manager)

Thanks for that Spaniel,

It would seem that Tesco follow completely diferent rules - whether they are allowed or not is another story but they seem to insist that I'm not doing anything til i'm back - i so hate them.


Thanks for your kind words.


Its a specific address just for references that they have but i phoned that number and got it from there - thanks




Thought i'd update you all - Tesco are still adamint I can not place my grevience till i'm back -i wrote a letter but they said they can't deal with it yet ass i'm off sick - i kept a copy so i'l take it with me on my day back.

Quite worried at the moment as my sicknote is up on tuesday for returning to work on wed. Originally I was going to be signed off til mid Jan but decided on two weeks at a time and my doc said to phone if i needed it extended, i phoned thursday and hse'ss off and theres a locum and the receptionist said i'll prob need to wait till my own doc is back - i need to be back at work before then. I asked for an appointment with the locum and was told it wasn't a valid reason for an appointment so i am left with a dilemmma because i don't want to go back as i don't feel ready but its likely i'll need to as i'm technically not covered .... its so stressful!!! arghh!

sorry for complaining!

Does anyone have any advice of what i can do if i can't get in touch with my doc to get my line extended? The stress of not knowing is making me ill in its self.

yaf_user681_25830 profile image

Lauren Jayne, I would go and see your usual doctor this week or next, the sooner the better. He can ""backdate"" a sick line for you to cover you from the 2nd. Just tell your employer on the 2nd that you have a sick line and will be sending it in in due course.

Hope you are feeling less stressed about it all.




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