Obama-lama-ding-dong !: Personally,I... - Asthma Community ...

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Obama-lama-ding-dong !

7 Replies

Personally,I hope Barack wins the presidential election because the thought of ""creationist"" Sarah Palin being that close to the big seat worries me !

7 Replies

I hope to god McCain doesn't get elected. We'll all end up in a nuclear war.

Obama to win!

Well BlueJam... it seems that the USA has come of age and finally grown up.

To see the hope and dreams of so many who have fought so hard (some with their lives), for this day to finally come to fruition has been overwhelming. Lets just hope that he is given the chance to unite.

If the images on the screen are anything to go by ... the young of America may truly turn that country into the land of the free and the just, where people are judged by the strength of their character and not by their race or colour of their skin.


It was fun watching the landslide happen for Obama last night, and for him to get declared winner with States yet to be counted...let's hope that it will really be a change for the better in this troubled world!!


yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Didn't go to bed until 0430, just after McCain conceded. I phoned relations in Maryland and got a good insight into how they perceived it and the health policies. They are well off, in fact retired CIA who was a very senior person who use to report to Cheney.

It seems Sarah Palin thought Africa was a country and not a continent !!

Sarah Palin may run for president in four years time, but will see what God says first. She clearly needs all the advice she can get!


Anybody been watching ""The Daily Show"" on More4 during the American election ??-very funny but with an obvious US bias of course-satire like Rory Bremner used to be good at.